Exporting 10 bit from Resolve looks washed out

Started by mrd777, March 04, 2014, 03:28:14 AM

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Hi everyone,

I have the 5d MK2 and have CinemaDNG in post with the raw recording. In Resolve, I export in 10 bit and it looks washed out. If I export in 8 bit, it looks fine.

Any idea what I should do? Sorry if this is a beginner question.

Mr D


In which program are you viewing the 10bit files that look washed out?

Some video types look washed out in VLC for example, but when you open them in a NLE they look fine. I think this has to do with the playback software not reading the blackpoint etc correctly.


It is connected to color space of the file, file format and a player.

8 bit files are general sRGB so they always look 'normal'.


Which format are you exporting to? Check in the Export tab (Advanced one if using Resolve 11) which settings are you using. There's a parameter Video/Data level, below codec and resolution and framerate. You're probably using Automatic, you want to use Scaled Range (or with some codecs Data rate - instead of Video rate. I think it's the Data one but I always mess those two up, it's one of them for sure). Hope it helps.
5D Mark III