Macboot not working with OSX mavericks?

Started by TAB, July 24, 2014, 01:56:50 AM

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I was just updating my SD cards to the latest nightly build for my 700D. A week or two ago, I updated my system from OSX snow leopard to mavericks. I just updated the java sdk, but for some reason Macboot refuses to prepare the memory cards.

With debug on, it says:

Suitable cards present: 1
scripts=false chdkboot=false chdk32boot=false dslrboot=true
Command 'diskutil unmountDisk disk9' = 'Unmount of all volumes on disk9 was successful'
   return code was 0
making DLSR-bootable - format=2
making FAT32 DSLR-bootable
Command 'printf "EOS_DEVELOP" | dd bs=1 count=11 seek=0x47 conv=notrunc of=/dev/disk9s1' = '!Error

dd: /dev/disk9s1: Permission denied'
   return code was 1
Command 'diskutil mountDisk disk9' = 'Volume(s) mounted successfully'
   return code was 0

Am I screwed?


I've added updated installation instructions to the 700D OP.

No need to worry about macboot, just follow the ML install instructions which will set the bootflag on the card also.