Lightroom plugin cr2hdr v3.0 DEV (WIP)

Started by kichetof, March 18, 2014, 05:04:33 PM

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Walter Schulz

Processed DNG is stacked with CR2. Unstack or learn to handle stacks. 


So some crabby member told me to "Learn the LR Basics" -- Which, was what I was trying to do. But to save him and any other "PROS" around here who are to fussy and important to help  -- WHERE DO I LEARN "THE BASICS"????????????
If you can't fix it with a hammer -- Ya got an electrical problem.

Walter Schulz

I'm that crabby member and you learn LR basics using LR online help, tutorials, forums (all provided by Adobe on Adobe's web site) and 3rd party tutorials via youtube and other channels including your preferred supplier for printed media (aka books). This is ML area ...

Walter Schulz


Hi kichetof -- I'm just getting into dual_iso and found your Lightroom plugin. Wow, this makes it so easy. On my last photo outing I shot several bracket sets in order to use the fairly new Lightroom HDR feature and those turned out fine but the dual_iso shots looked just as good. Of course dual_iso works much better with moving subjects and your plugin made the dual iso workflow even easier and quicker than HDR. Thanks so much.

I do have a question and Walter Schulz, if you see this post first I searched for an answer--really I did.

My usual Lightroom workflow is to convert to DNG on import. However, using the v3.0 BETA3 plugin all of the metadata doesn't copy over to the new *-dualiso.DNG file. Most importantly, the Exposure, Focal Length, ISO Speed Rating, Model and Lens fields. The Exposure is changed to 1.0 sec at f/1.0 and the Model changed to Canikon. What makes this a problem is that I can't copy and paste these fields from the "original" dng file into the *-dualiso.DNG file. In addition, the Capture Time and Capture Date are gone on the *-dualiso.DNG file.

I thought that maybe I had a problem with exiftools on my MacBook Pro (OS-X Yosemite 10.10.4) but when I tried it on a CR2 file those problem metadata fields copied over to the DNG file created by the plugin just fine. Then I thought that it was probably a problem with cr2hdr but when I tried one of the dng files that was converted from a CR2 original in Lightroom using just cr2hdr, the metadata translated over to the new DNG file just fine. So there is probably something strange going on with the plugin when converting from a dng file.

By the way, I like to sort by Capture Time in Lightroom and with my preferred workflow of Copy to DNG on import, both the "original" Lightroom dng and the *-dualiso.DNG pop to the top of the sort. I guess that means that Lightroom sees it as having an earlier creation date even though the only thing that should have changed on the "original" Lightroom dng is to flag it as Rejected.

I guess that for now it is best to copy the CR2 files on import instead of copying to DNG on import even though I really want to end up with everything in DNG format.

Walter Schulz

Confirmed and error exists on Win 8.1, too.
Converting DNG from commandline will preserve EXIF. Converting DNG with plug-in will fill fields with default settings.

EDIT: Played a bit with Process Monitor and don't understand what is happening here. This is the commandline for DNG:
"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /c "start /D "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom\Modules\cr2hdr.lrplugin\bin" /B /WAIT /BELOWNORMAL cr2hdr.exe --amaze-edge --cs2x2 --no-bad-pix --fullres --alias-map --stripe-fix --wb=graymax "C:\Users\Asus\Pictures\2015\2015-07-12\IMG_1906-dualiso.dng" > "C:\Users\Asus\Pictures\2015\2015-07-12\IMG_1906-dualiso.TXT""

? Soure file is "IMG_1906-dualiso.dng" which does not exist before export? Who the hell generates this file and why?
EDITEDIT: Ok, I think I understand now why this file has to be generated. Cr2hdr doesn't seem to have an output argument but will generate DNG and therefore overwriting source file if it is DNG.
I replaced cr2hdr.exe to see what is happening before cr2hdr.exe is executed and generated file is just fine, EXIF and all.
Then enabled original cr2hdr.exe again and dropped code above in commandline interface.
Undefined subroutine Image::ExifTool::ValidTagName called at C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom\Modules\cr2hdr.lrplugin\bin/lib/Image/ line 3648
And this shows up in TXT:
C:\Users\Asus\Pictures\2015\2015-07-12\IMG_1906-dualiso.DNG: copying EXIF from C:\Users\Asus\Pictures\2015\2015-07-12\IMG_1906-dualiso.dn6
**WARNING** exiftool couldn't update DNG tag data

And EXIF is messed up.

Minor bug: If option "Keep original DNG file after conversion" is not used file will be deleted in file system only. Pic is visible inside LR still and has to be removed manually.

david az

for Anyone who has a problem with a plug-in
 Of the Lightroom cr2hdr v3.0 beta not working
the Solution is

1)  on the pc delete the folder lightroom Previews.lrdata

2) in lightroom
After this When you start the  plug-in cr2hdr In save  it Will  ask to select a folder to save files
select folder Location
3) save

And everything works perfectly  8)
canon 5d mark 2
canon ef 50mm f/1.4 usm /canon ef 85mm f/1.8 usm
canon speedlite 600ex-rt

Walter Schulz

@dfort (et al):
Error and solution found.

Kichetof integrated Exiftool libraries v9.93 but 9.98 is needed.

Download exiftool library 9.98 and replace contents.
Source is found here
Rename bin\lib in plug-in folder and copy extracted lib folder from source above.

Only tested with DNG. Please test it through and report back.


@Walter Schulz and @david az

I followed your instructions but am still having the same problems when converting Lightroom dng files to dualiso.DNG with the plugin.

It looks like you're on Windows and I'm on Mac so just to make sure we're seeing the same issue, here is what is happening with the files:

On the left is a file that was processed with the plugin in Lightroom and on the right is a dng file before processing. Something that got me curious was what happens to the "original" dng file? Ah ha--so it seems that the dng file is actually modified and the information from the original file is now inside of the new dualiso.DNG. Sort of like a "virtual copy" ? I don't know, I'm new to all this so I might be making some false assumptions. It is also interesting to see that an unprocessed dng is 19.9 MB and the processed file is 37.5 MB.

The important thing to note is that the metadata from the original file no longer available in the dualiso.DNG in Lightroom including (I'm guessing) the Capture Time because after processing with the plugin the shots sort to the top of the list in the Lightroom Library window. However, the metadata is buried in there somewhere:

Below - the converted image (note that the metadata is gone):

Below - the "original" dng that is now marked as Rejected but is still living inside of the converted dng (original metadata is still there):

This issue is only present when the original cr2 files are imported into Lightroom using the "Copy to DNG" option. If the files from the card are not converted everything works fine. Here's the proof:

The cr2 file is retained and the dng that was created with the plugin has all of the metadata and is about the same size as the file that was converted from a dng "original".

I decided a while ago to standardize on DNG files because of several reasons including a significantly smaller file size. In fact DNG files can be compressed further using the lossy codec without losing much (if any) image quality. Anyway, I'm starting to get off topic.

Just to make sure I'm following Walter Schulz's instructions properly on my Mac exiftool is located in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Modules/cr2hdr.lrplugin/bin. I replaced the exiftool and the contents of the lib directory in the plugin with the ones from Image-ExifTool-9.98. Just for good measure I also installed exiftool in my system so that it is also available in /usr/bin.

Walter Schulz

About file sizes: cr2hdr generates uncompressed DNG. Lightroom will convert it to lossless compressed DNG when manipulating metadata.

And you did much more than suggested making it very difficult to find out where the problem might be.
david az jumped in - I suppose - following former discussions about context menu troubles with plug-in but this is not our problem here.

Please take a look into your plug-in folder cr2hdr.lrplugin/bin/lib/image/ Find line $version and tell which version is found.

File *-dualiso.dng is not a virtual copy but a real one. LR plug-in will copy original *.DNG to *-dualiso.DNG before cr2hdr jumps in and processes *-dualiso.dng from "RAW" dual ISO to "merged HDR" (= without interlaced lines). This is because cr2hdr has no argument to change output file name and will replace source file with output file (aka overwriting it).
In LR both files (unchanged source and processed file) will be treated as image stack virtually hiding their physical representation. Unstack them and select directory where both files are located.
Create a new dual ISO file, import it as DNG and convert it with plug-in. I suppose you will find a file named *-dualiso.txt inside the directory where LR copied your DNG. Look for last lines. I suppose you will find some error message there. File will be absent if conversion worked without error.

EDIT: Use export option "Export ..." not "Dual ISO converter (cr2hdr)". First option will let you access plug-in's GUI and you can change options/arguments. One of those items is "Mark original as rejected" ...


Quote from: Walter Schulz on July 12, 2015, 09:41:56 PM
About file sizes: cr2hdr generates uncompressed DNG. Lightroom will convert it to lossless compressed DNG when manipulating metadata.

Ok, I get it but the file size of the cr2hdr generated DNG files are much larger than the original cr2 files which I believe are also uncompressed so there is probably something else going on in order to save all of that dynamic range. In any case, I'm not a developer so let's approach this as a user trying to get the plugin working with the original camera raw files converted into DNG files on import into Lightroom which is something that Adobe seems to be encouraging us to do.

Quote from: Walter Schulz on July 12, 2015, 09:41:56 PM
david az jumped in - I suppose - following former discussions about context menu troubles with plug-in but this is not our problem here.

I figured as much though it probably didn't hurt to clear out the old previews and let Lightroom rebuild them.

Quote from: Walter Schulz on July 12, 2015, 09:41:56 PM
Please take a look into your plug-in folder cr2hdr.lrplugin/bin/lib/image/ Find line $version and tell which version is found.

$VERSION = '9.98';

Quote from: Walter Schulz on July 12, 2015, 09:41:56 PM
Create a new dual ISO file, import it as DNG and convert it with plug-in. I suppose you will find a file named *-dualiso.txt inside the directory where LR copied your DNG. Look for last lines. I suppose you will find some error message there. File will be absent if conversion worked without error.

Yes, you are right. The *-dualiso.TXT file from a DNG "original" shows that the camera was a Canon EOS 5D Mark III which it was not, it was shot with an EOS-M and there is a warning that exiftool couldn't update DNG tag data. Here is a TXT sidecar file that was made from a DNG file:

cr2hdr: a post processing tool for Dual ISO images

Last update: 310e39f on 2014-02-27 05:17:41 UTC by 1p:
Fix ISOs in dual ISO

Active options:
--amaze-edge    : use a temporary demosaic step (AMaZE) followed by edge-directed interpolation (default)
--cs2x2         : apply 2x2 chroma smoothing in noisy and aliased areas (default)
--no-bad-pix    : disable bad pixel fixing (try it if you shoot stars)

Input file      : /Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/Puerto_Rico_silver_cam-2082.dng
Camera          : Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Full size       : 5280 x 3528
Active area     : 5208 x 3476
White level     : 13082
Black borders   : 72 left, 52 top
Black level     : 1987
ISO pattern     : dBBd RGGB
Noise levels    : 8.23 15.58 15.67 7.84 (14-bit)
ISO difference  : 3.10 EV (860)
Black delta     : 3.44
Dynamic range   : 10.47 (+) 9.47 => 12.57 EV (in theory)
AMaZE interpolation ...
Amaze took 3.00 s
Edge-directed interpolation...
Semi-overexposed: 16.03%
Deep shadows    : 43.87%
Horizontal stripe fix...
Full-res reconstruction...
ISO overlap     : 4.4 EV (approx)
Half-res blending...
Chroma smoothing...
Building alias map...
Filtering alias map...
Smoothing alias map...
Final blending...
Noise level     : 6.40 (16-bit), ideally 6.30
Dynamic range   : 12.76 EV (cooked)
Black adjust    : -1
Output file     : /Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/Puerto_Rico_silver_cam-2082.DNG
**WARNING** exiftool couldn't update DNG tag data

And for comparison, here is a *-dualiso.TXT file that was generated from a cr2 file:

    1 image files updated
cr2hdr: a post processing tool for Dual ISO images

Last update: 310e39f on 2014-02-27 05:17:41 UTC by 1p:
Fix ISOs in dual ISO

Active options:
--amaze-edge    : use a temporary demosaic step (AMaZE) followed by edge-directed interpolation (default)
--cs2x2         : apply 2x2 chroma smoothing in noisy and aliased areas (default)
--no-bad-pix    : disable bad pixel fixing (try it if you shoot stars)

Input file      : /Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/IMG_9603.CR2
Camera          : Canon EOS M
Full size       : 5280 x 3528
Active area     : 5208 x 3476
White level     : 13081
Black borders   : 72 left, 52 top
Black level     : 1992
ISO pattern     : dBBd RGGB
Noise levels    : 8.40 25.06 25.52 7.91 (14-bit)
ISO difference  : 4.06 EV (1671)
Black delta     : -0.23
Dynamic range   : 10.45 (+) 8.76 => 12.83 EV (in theory)
AMaZE interpolation ...
Amaze took 3.39 s
Edge-directed interpolation...
Semi-overexposed: 47.48%
Deep shadows    : 19.52%
Horizontal stripe fix...
Full-res reconstruction...
ISO overlap     : 3.4 EV (approx)
Half-res blending...
Chroma smoothing...
Building alias map...
Filtering alias map...
Smoothing alias map...
Final blending...
Noise level     : 5.28 (16-bit), ideally 5.26
Dynamic range   : 13.04 EV (cooked)
Black adjust    : 3
Output file     : /Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/IMG_9603.DNG

Quote from: Walter Schulz on July 12, 2015, 09:41:56 PM
EDIT: Use export option "Export ..." not "Dual ISO converter (cr2hdr)". First option will let you access plug-in's GUI and you can change options/arguments. One of those items is "Mark original as rejected" ...

I'm climbing the learning curve. Here's a screenshot of the plug-in's GUI.

And here are the default values:

I'm not sure what you are asking me to do but I'm assuming you want me to change "Mark original as rejected" (it is actually "Set the original photo's flag to rejected") so I did that but I'm still getting the same issue with the metadata not copying over to the converted DNG.

Thanks @Walter Schulz for all your help. I really appreciate it. Hope this can be resolved. There must be other users out there that are experiencing this issue.


Looks like your using an older build of cr2hdr. Last one is from around 2015. Should also be replaced.

Walter Schulz

Yes, that's outdated. Update with
Old cr2hdr is gone and new cr2hdr was formerly known as cr2hdr-20bit.
If you see a cr2hdr-20bit arguments tab after update you might use tip provided by david az to get rid of old version.
Report back, please.

BTW: CR2 out-of-the-cam is always compressed (lossless).


It seems strange that I've got the wrong versions of these files in my system. I downloaded the plug-in from the link that is posted on this topic:

I'm guessing that the plug-in ignores the system wide cr2hdr, exiftool, etc. files and instead uses the ones that are packaged inside of cr2hdr.lrplugin. In order to get to them on the Mac through the Finder a user needs to either use the Terminal or Control click and Show Package Contents. (This may be obvious to developers but not to users that might be trying to follow this conversation.)

So cr2hdr that lives in is:
Last update: 310e39f on 2014-02-27 05:17:41 UTC by 1p:
Fix ISOs in dual ISO

While the cr2hdr in (kichetof-lr_cr2hdr-42be6b9232cd) is:
Last update: 0c08758 on 2015-05-09 19:25:05 UTC by a1ex:
cr2hdr: Makefile commands to create a zip package for Windows

Here are the tests that I ran this morning:

  • Copied just cr2hdr from the version that Walter Schulz and Danne pointed me to. Result - no change.
  • Used david az's suggestion to update plug-in. Result - no change.
  • Copied all of the files except for exiftool from that version because the exiftool in that version is still the older 9.93 and we already updated to 9.98. Result - cr2hdr-20bit arguments tab is gone but metadata issue still present.
  • Regressed to exiftool version 9.93. Result - metadata issue still present.
  • Changed to version which seems to be the latest in Result - cr2hdr-20bit arguments tab returned and same metadata issues as (back to where we started from)
Note that all of the TXT sidecar files from these tests ended with:
**WARNING** exiftool couldn't update DNG tag data

I'd like to get this working but don't want to wear out my welcome. I hope that these posts are proving useful for developers. For people using Lightroom on Mac my suggestion would be not to Copy to DNG on import to Lightroom when shooting dual_iso until this issue is resolved.

@Walter Schulz (and everyone else who jumped in) - thanks for your patience on this. Do you have access to a Mac so that you can duplicate the issue? What would you suggest I try next?

I noticed that in MLExportServiceProvider.lua there is a line that might turn on logging for debugging? (Or does this just turn on/of the sidecar TXT file?) :
-- var for log
mlLog = LrLogger('MLDualISO')
mlLog:enable("print") -- replace print with logfile to log into a file in ~/Documents on Mac OS, or My Documents on Windows
--mlLog:disable() -- uncomment it to disable log (only on release version)

I don't have much experience with coding and know ziltch about LUA scripting but I'm willing to try. I guess that the proper way to proceed would probably be to create a fork on bitbucket, make pull requests, etc. I have done that before for some minor changes in the ML unified branch but have no idea where to start on this plug-in. In addition, maybe the repository hasn't been updated in a while? The latest versions on the download page ( still have the old exiftool version 9.93 and cr2hdr hasn't been updated to the cr2hdr-20bit version.

Walter Schulz

Quote from: dfort on July 13, 2015, 08:34:26 PM

Outdated. Kichetof has to perform some householding duties ...

Quote from: dfort on July 13, 2015, 08:34:26 PM
I'm guessing that the plug-in ignores the system wide cr2hdr, exiftool, etc. files and instead uses the ones that are packaged inside of cr2hdr.lrplugin.

Works as designed. Plug-ins messing up with system files doesn't sound like the best approach.

Quote from: dfort on July 13, 2015, 08:34:26 PM
In order to get to them on the Mac through the Finder a user needs to either use the Terminal or Control click and Show Package Contents. (This may be obvious to developers but not to users that might be trying to follow this conversation.)

"Beta" rings a bell? But you're right. Unneeded hickups here.

QuoteDescription of steps taken

As long you are using an old cr2hdr you will have troubles with Exif, I suppose. Use kitchetof's latest downloads, check and if it is 9.9.3 I suppose it won't work. My exiftool.exe (Windows) is 9.9.5 and I replaced plug-in's bin\lib files with version 9.9.8. Now it works.

Again: Forget kichetof's bitbucket "Download" ( because he doesn't use this repository for development but a local one and he hasn't synced it in ages.

I might be able to lay my hands on OS X but can't promise.


Did a fast try on a dual iso dng file to DNG and it seemed to work without errors on lightroom 4. Seemed to copy the metadata. I disabled the classic cr2hdr, only select cr2hdr20bit. Also I think this contains the next latest cr2hdr20bit from a1ex but you can change to the latest. Don,t know what version of exiftool.
Here it is, try it out


@Danne - Thanks for sharing. I tried it, switching over to cr2hdr-20bit and still have the same metadata issue using the latest Lightroom CC. I also checked out exiftool in the plug-in you're using as instructed by Walter Schulz and:
$VERSION = '9.93';

@Walter Schulz - Thanks for all the detailed explanation. I do know about "Beta" software. Several years ago I did some testing for Apple on their then new Final Cut Pro. It was both exciting and frustrating and I got to hang out with engineers so I have an appreciation of just how difficult software development is.

I'm not sure if this is an issue that only affects Mac or maybe Lightroom CC. Then again there is the possibility that I'm doing something wrong. It would be great if there is anyone out there running Lightroom CC on a Mac that could try this out and verify the issue. I'll try sending PM's to kichetof and DeafEyeJedi to see if they can check it out.

Walter Schulz

Now replace bin\lib with the one included in exiftool 9.9.8. and retry.


Quote from: Walter Schulz on July 14, 2015, 05:16:11 AM
Now replace bin\lib with the one included in exiftool 9.9.8. and retry.

I just did that - same results. Then I also replaced the exiftool executable file, again same results. I even tried copying the binary from /usr/bin into the plug-in with the same results. The TXT file always ends with:

**WARNING** exiftool couldn't update DNG tag data

Walter Schulz

Not that good. Warning doesn't tell that much. On Windows I used Process Monitor to trace all actions and found the string containing call to cr2hdr.exe (+ arguments and stuff) transferred to command line interface (= terminal in OS X slang). Copied string and ran it in commandline and there was an error message about
Don't know OS X and how to trace there.


@Dfort. Could you upload a sample dual iso dng which doesn,t copies the metadata for me to test?


Thanks. I, ll try it out tonight or tomorrow. Not by my computer at the moment.


Thanks @Walter Schulz I followed the steps you took on Windows. It was a rather long process but I got it figured out. Long story short, the plug-in is looking for exiftool in the PATH -- /usr/bin in this case. I assumed that it was using the exiftool located inside the plug-in itself, shouldn't this be the case?

If you go to the first post of this topic there is this note about installing the plug-in on a Mac:
Mac requirements:

Install dcraw and exiftool, you can use this package from a_d_.

The installer apparently puts  version 9.34 of exiftool in /usr/bin.

So now that the story is getting longer, here are the steps I took to figure this out. (Walter Schulz, you can save some time and just skip to the bottom of this post.)

Quote from: Walter Schulz on July 14, 2015, 07:43:57 AM
Not that good. Warning doesn't tell that much. On Windows I used Process Monitor to trace all actions and found the string containing call to cr2hdr.exe (+ arguments and stuff) transferred to command line interface (= terminal in OS X slang). Copied string and ran it in commandline and there was an error message about
Don't know OS X and how to trace there.

On Mac there is the Console app. Here's the output when running the plug-in on a dual_iso dng:
7/14/15 7:13:24.001 AM Adobe Lightroom[9933]: MLDualISO DEBUG I'm called before exportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos
7/14/15 7:13:25.716 AM Adobe Lightroom[9933]: MLDualISO DEBUG Path: /Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/Puerto_Rico_silver_cam-2098-dualiso.dng
7/14/15 7:13:25.716 AM Adobe Lightroom[9933]: MLDualISO DEBUG Path DNG: /Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/Puerto_Rico_silver_cam-2098-dualiso.DNG
7/14/15 7:13:25.716 AM Adobe Lightroom[9933]: MLDualISO DEBUG Path TXT: /Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/Puerto_Rico_silver_cam-2098-dualiso.TXT
7/14/15 7:13:25.716 AM Adobe Lightroom[9933]: MLDualISO DEBUG first: /Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/Puerto_Rico_silver_cam-2098-dualiso
7/14/15 7:13:25.717 AM Adobe Lightroom[9933]: MLDualISO DEBUG arguments :  --amaze-edge --cs2x2 --no-bad-pix --fullres --alias-map --stripe-fix --wb=graymax
7/14/15 7:13:25.717 AM Adobe Lightroom[9933]: MLDualISO DEBUG command : exec "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Modules/cr2hdr.lrplugin/bin/cr2hdr20bit" --amaze-edge --cs2x2 --no-bad-pix --fullres --alias-map --stripe-fix --wb=graymax "/Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/Puerto_Rico_silver_cam-2098-dualiso.dng" > "/Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/Puerto_Rico_silver_cam-2098-dualiso.TXT"
7/14/15 7:13:32.817 AM lsregister[11305]: LaunchServices: Begin database seeding
7/14/15 7:13:32.817 AM lsregister[11305]: LaunchServices: Completed database seeding
7/14/15 7:13:42.939 AM Adobe Lightroom[9933]: MLDualISO DEBUG success: 1 - nodual: 0 - dual: 0 - format: 0 - fail: 0 - errorMsg: 0

Ok--I can see the string containing call to cr2hdr20bit. It already processed that file so I'll pick another unprocessed dual_iso dng and run it in the Terminal:
Rosie-Forts-Computer:~ rosiefort$ exec "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Modules/cr2hdr.lrplugin/bin/cr2hdr20bit" --amaze-edge --cs2x2 --no-bad-pix --fullres --alias-map --stripe-fix --wb=graymax "/Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/Puerto_Rico_silver_cam-2105.dng" > "/Volumes/Silver/Pictures/LightroomMasters/2015/2015-07/2015-07-06/Puerto_Rico_silver_cam-2105-dualiso.TXT"
Undefined subroutine Image::ExifTool::IsDirectory called at /usr/bin/lib/Image/ line 3290
Undefined subroutine Image::ExifTool::Exists called at /usr/bin/lib/Image/ line 3290

[Process completed]

Ok--running from the command line it looks for in /usr/bin/lib/Image/ but I suppose that the plug-in uses the one located inside of the plug-in package. So, what have I got in /usr/bin/lib/Image ?
$VERSION = '9.34';
This doesn't make sense because I went through the installation instructions when I downloaded Image-ExifTool-9.98.
perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install

Here's what is happening:
Rosie-Forts-Computer:Image-ExifTool-9.98 rosiefort$ sudo make install
Appending installation info to /opt/local/lib/perl5/5.16.3/darwin-thread-multi-2level/perllocal.pod
Rosie-Forts-Computer:Image-ExifTool-9.98 rosiefort$ which exiftool

It seems that 9.98 is installed in /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.3/Image and 9.34 is installed in /usr/bin/lib/Image. Assuming that the ExifTool installer put it in the right place I deleted the 9.34 version in /usr/bin that I believe was put there when I ran the installer from a_d_'s OSX_cr2hdr as instructed in the installation instructions for this plug-in. However, that caused a "command not found" error so I copied version 9.98 of exiftool and its lib into /usr/bin and it worked from the command line. To my surprise it also worked when used with the plug-in in Lightroom.

So the plug-in is now working with dual_iso DNG files on this Mac but I think that maybe there are a few points that the developers might consider.

  • a_d_'s package should be updated with exiftool version 9.98 or
  • Better yet, the plug-in should be updated with exiftool version 9.98 and it should be using the exiftool that is installed inside of the plug-in instead of looking for exiftool in the system path.

Walter Schulz

Consider updating to latest plug-in version (which includes updated cr2hdr).