Problems with dual ISO

Started by painya, June 02, 2014, 08:07:52 AM

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Hey, it seems that this plug in isn't recognizing my shadow recover ISO. I believe it was 800 in this image.

I also have an image that is just at ISO 100 and the same shot. It matches the processed one almost perfectly.
Edit: Running v2.1
Here's the image in original form
Good footage doesn't make a story any better.

Walter Schulz

Can you provide a link to the Dual ISO file (= Out of cam)?


Good footage doesn't make a story any better.

Walter Schulz

I asked for the file out-of-the-cam, not a processed one.


All i did was change the WB. I will upload one and post it after reading metadata from file.
Good footage doesn't make a story any better.

Walter Schulz

If this was the only change you did: Check your computer for viruses and trojans.


Good footage doesn't make a story any better.

Walter Schulz


Ok, I pulled this directly off of the SD card. Hopefully this is it. Thank you for your help
Edit: Is changing the format to Tiff?
Good footage doesn't make a story any better.


Good footage doesn't make a story any better.

Walter Schulz

Quote from: painya on June 02, 2014, 08:07:52 AM
Here's the image in original form

No, it is not. Your JPEG is 0762, linked file is 0763.

Let us start over: What is your problem in which file?


When I tried to convert the Dual ISO file the shadows were lost. Would you like me to upload 0762?
Good footage doesn't make a story any better.


Here is what my problem is. I lose the shadow recovery.
Good footage doesn't make a story any better.

Walter Schulz

That's not a LR plug-in error. This plug-in is a wrapper for cr2hdr and cr2hdr is discussed here!


Looks OK to me in ufraw, with both cr2hdr versions (16 and 20 bit). However, the DR of the scene looks too high to me (I couldn't really get a natural-looking result) and the sky was a little overexposed.

My settings for the HDR script:

overall_bias = 0                                    # exposure compensation, in EV
highlight_level = 20000                             # decrease for stronger highlight recovery
midtone_level = 20000                               # median exposure
shadow_level = 50000                                # increase for stronger shadow recovery
ev_step = 1                                         # EV step size for bracketed exposures (larger values may cause halos, smaller values are very slow)
fullsize = True                                     # develop full size (turn off for higher speed)
ufraw_options = "--temperature=6000 --green=1 " \
                "--restore=lch --saturation=1.5 "   # customize ufraw parameters (tip: you can also open a file in ufraw, tweak settings in the GUI and save an ID file)
expo_blender = "enfuse --gray-projector=value"      # customize enfuse parameters (tip: tweak --exposure-sigma to adjust contrast and highlight recovery behavior)


I just used the non-plug in Cr2Hdr found and I still am not achieving your results A1ex. I see you used your automatic colorgrading script as well, but did you use a different Cr2Hdr than I did?
Good footage doesn't make a story any better.


Quite clearly this is my issue and I am doing something wrong. Here I have a screen capture video (highly compressed, but you get the idea) Showing exactly what I do. Any issues you see (PS. it may seem different, but I dropped the image from the SD card, to the folder onto Cr2HDR.)
Thanks again guys
Sorry about the crappy quality
Good footage doesn't make a story any better.


Look at my screenshot again, and make note of the exposure adjustments.


Quote from: Audionut on June 03, 2014, 08:27:28 AM
Look at my screenshot again, and make note of the exposure adjustments.
Ah, I see. Thank you for resolving this!
Good footage doesn't make a story any better.