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Messages - endoman99

Anybody getting this message when trying to process the RAW Files to DNG in raw2dng application on Mac OSX 10.8.4 "Error: This ain't a lab_rec RAW file" Then "Is: *.dng: No such file or director Nothing converted"
Interestingly enough, some of the RAW files say that and others are normal and work fine! Just wanted to share this with everyone. 
General Chat / Re: Magic lantern: buy a 5D2 or 5D3?
November 04, 2012, 04:37:12 PM
I agree with A1ex. There's a big difference between the two. I upgraded from MK ii to MK iii and the video quality is far superior in the latter. Also, the ISO performance is night and day! Obviously, the choice has to do with your shooting style but if you deal with a natural light and require low light performance, then there's no question that MK III is far superior to MK II. If you just shoot video in daylight or with assisted lighting, then there may not be as huge a difference between the two. Obviously, ML is fully developed in MK 2 and that's what I miss the most in it; but low light and image quality are still best for me in MK III. That's just my humble opinion.  :)
General Chat / Re: What camera are you running ML on?
November 04, 2012, 04:18:31 PM
I don't know why there are replies here since folks already submitted their votes; but since I see 5Dmk iii under represented in the comments (but not the poll) I want to come in an say that 5D MK III and EOS M are my vote. ESO M, provided it has a reasonable image, would be an excellent option to hack. It would be excellent for most kind of photography video. Other cameras like the NEX-5 and NEX-7 have proven so on the Sony side. If we can increase the MB/s on that camera it would be a very useful video tool on the road due to its size. That's my two cents! :)