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Topics - aaalexi

General Help Q&A / Help:5DII Crop Mode problems!
April 01, 2019, 07:37:51 AM
I'm a totally rookie in ML,
just picked up my old 5DII and learn how to use the ML,
everything looks great,but still have some questions, the LiveView,the screen was croped(MLV turn on ,2.35:1),looks good,but when press the Set botton to start a video,the screen just changed back to the full view,so I can't sure what objects in the frame range......
Snapshots: and

2.Can't find the "Crop Mode" selection in the MOVIE tab,the ML Version is Latest Build (2018-07-02 22:17) (watched some tutorial videos on youtube,looks like all 5DII ML menu has the Crop Mode but without mine,LOL)

Help me Please!!!