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Messages - TTGator

Everyone sounds so excited about this "LUT" stuff. Could someone give a brief synopsis/tutorial on it?
I have 1.2.2 installed on Mac and have a question about skipping to the next .RAW file in the directory. The first page states:

Jump to next/previous RAW or MLV files in same directory as current file using O/P keys.

It also says later that I/O control input/output points, and that seems to be accurate. Is there really a way to jump between files in the same directory to view them? Because that would be awesome :)

EDIT: Oh I see that it's J/K as stated in the full list of keys. Kept missing it somehow. I think the Feature list needs to be corrected though ;)
Hey could Ultimatemale or someone help me out with the post-processing workflow here? I captured some 60fps at 1920x504 and need to figure out how to stretch it. I used MLViewer to convert to .mov. Is there a simple way using FCPX (preferably) to go from 1920x504 to 1920x818?

EDIT: Figured it out... Under Transform, I can Scale the Y axis independently. Easy! But it's a percentage... so do I choose 162%?
And I can also Modify->Retime->Custom Speed->Automatic (makes it 40%) to have it conform to 24fps.
Does Dual ISO build for 5D3.123? Maybe I have a build environment problem?

Building module dual_iso...
[ README   ]   module_strings.h
[ CC       ]   dual_iso.o
[ MODULE   ]
[ STRIP    ]
[ EXPORTS  ]   dual_iso.sym
0000136c dual_iso_calc_dr_improvement
000013c4 dual_iso_set_enabled
000013e4 dual_iso_is_enabled
000013f4 dual_iso_is_active
00001414 dual_iso_get_dr_improvement
00001594 dual_iso_get_recovery_iso
000015b4 dual_iso_set_recovery_iso
[ DEPENDS  ]   dual_iso.dep
Will load on:
    1100D, 500D, 50D, 550D, 5D2, 5D3.123, 600D, 60D, 650D, 6D, 700D, 7D, EOSM
Not checked (compile ML for these cameras first):
[ gcc      ]   cr2hdr
clang: error: unknown argument: '-mno-ms-bitfields' [-Wunused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future]
clang: note: this will be a hard error (cannot be downgraded to a warning) in the future
make[3]: *** [cr2hdr] Error 1

WARNING: module dual_iso failed to build, deleting

[ RM ]  dual_iso.o dual_iso.sym dual_iso.dep module_strings.h *.o *.d *.dep *.sym hgstamp
[ RM ]  cr2hdr cr2hdr.exe

EDIT: Nevermind, found the answer.  Maybe we can just remove that option from the Makefile permanently?
Quote from: achangsta on August 05, 2014, 09:26:59 AM
I'll check this as soon as I can. Thanks for the hard work! From your tweaking, is there any way to select where the Magic Lantern overlays are displayed? For Example:

ML Overlays on: Camera

This would be amazing!

Yeah, I thought about that as well. Would be nice to be able to have it on both, but I thought it would need to be configurable because when people are using the monitor, they USUALLY won't be looking at the camera. If it were on the camera all the time it would be wasting a lot of battery when it's not wanted. So maybe I can try to understand the code that I built and see if there's a way to do that.
Quote from: komeet on August 02, 2014, 07:55:44 PM
Could you share your version?  :)

Give this link a try...

And of course, at your own risk yadda yadda
Quote from: komeet on August 02, 2014, 01:20:54 PM
not sure about any other cameras but how does your build behave? does it show the ML overlays on the camera while the external monitor is connected and hdmi output is set to mirroring?

Yeah, actually that's exactly what it does.  :P  Had to go back and check.

No-mirroring only shows external monitor with overlays and the camera display is not used.
Quote from: komeet on August 01, 2014, 06:09:40 PM
Yeah but it would be nice to have a version where al the ML overlays are shown at the internal monitor while the external one has a clean output.

Ah good point. Do any cameras have this working currently with ML?
Quote from: dubzeebass on August 01, 2014, 06:53:59 AM
Can you share? Being able to output ML overlays to hdmi would be rad.

I was trying to say (apparently not well) that it's already there! Just set "HDMI frame rate" to 24p and "HDMI output + LCD" to No mirroring.

I edited my original post that you quoted to try to make the difference between the two modes clearer.
Ok, I got my build installed and tested the HDMI Mirroring change. It works!

I learned a few things while doing this. What *I* actually wanted fixed already works in the current nightly build. I think some others may be confused about it as well.

What was broken:
Setting "HDMI output + LCD" to "Mirroring" doesn't output anything to the external monitor in the nightly build. The change I tested fixes this. (This mode is supposed to be used for external recording where clean HDMI with NO OVERLAYS will be displayed on an external monitor)

What is not broken that I thought was broken:
Setting "HDMI output + LCD" to "No mirroring" showed a bunch of orange banding on the external monitor when global draw is on. I actually thought that was what this change fixed, but it already works! You just have to go to the Canon menu and change the setting "HDMI frame rate" from AUTO to "24p". (This is the mode WITH overlays. It is already working in the current nightly builds when you change the settings as I just described)
In case I can't figure this out before someone can answer it for me...

After building ML, is there an easy way to package everything to put on the card to run it? If not, what files do I need to use from the build I did? I'm assuming the following three files at a minimum? Are there any more? Do I just use all the rest of the files from the nightly build?

(I checked out the 5D3-123 branch, made the code changes that a1ex noted as being under review for the external monitor, and compiled)


Also, do I need to reinstall the FW on the camera through the menu or anything? There's probably a simple link someone will end up pointing me to that covers "after you build it, this is how you deploy it", but I haven't found it yet

It looks like changing to the correct platform directory and running 'make zip' is the step I was looking for.
Ok, I just built the 5D3.123 branch :)

Now to figure out what I did and how to make it useful!
Quote from: achangsta on July 30, 2014, 05:07:00 PM
@a1ex: Has the ML overlay support when mirroring on an external monitor been addressed in the nightly build yet? Last I heard was from a couple of weeks ago (Post 675 on page 27).

I am getting the same orange horizontal lines as the image shown here:

I'm pretty sure it has not since I just installed the latest build (as of a couple days ago) and orange banding is still there. Maybe I should use this as an opportunity to actually attempt to learn this whole build system.
Quote from: unfilmde on July 23, 2014, 07:30:56 PM
I highly recommend putting ML on a separate SD card and capture to a CF card. It has worked and been very stable for me this way. And you don't have to worry about reformatting the CF card and loosing ML.

Does it matter what size or class the SD card is? I remember reading on this forum at one point that it was NOT suggested to use an SD card because the write speed was throttled to the slowest speed card in the camera (between the SD and CF cards inserted). Is that no longer true? (Or maybe it was never true?)
Has marekk submitted a patch for the build he made (discussed in post 556.. 566... one of those)? Trying to decide if I should take that build or if it's worth waiting a short period for it to show up in the nightly :)
Quote from: TompDog on January 26, 2014, 11:42:14 PM at this point I've solved the problem by installing the TL 2.0 build "[600D] 16GB" from 5-5-13, which is at the bottom here...

It stopped recording at 29:59 as expected..... i took it up to my old windows 7 pc, ran the eosmoviefixer, now it seems perfect.

SO.... at this point I would really like to know if there is a way within that build that I can record audio....  In the following conversation 1% and another poster appear to reference being able to record audio by tweaking some settings in one of the builds, but i can't figure out which build exactly and exactly which settings they are referring to turning "on" and "off."

When I get this all figured out I'm going to create a thread that clearly walks people through the correct steps and locations of files to download, as there is a real lack of any condensed & straightforward information on doing this....I've had to pull it together from all over the place from threads spanning the last 2 years....

anyway...thanks to any that can help...and especially 1% & g3gg0...

Please let me know when you do! :)
Can this be done? I have some 16-bit TIFFs that I was able to make a .mov out of with QT 7, but I hear that Compressor works better. I was going to compare them, but I can't figure out how to get Compressor to accept the file. I can either select the folder they are in (in which case it only takes the first .tif file and makes a movie of it) or I can drag all of the .tif file into it (in which case it sets it up to create a movie for EACH .tif file!).

I feel like I must be missing something really simple!