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Messages - walter_schulz

AFAIK there is no approved method for benchmarking LR performance making it virtually impossible to verify any such claim made by Adobe. Some sort of GPU support is there for some time (OpenGL 3.3, single GPU only (if I'm right)) but again: I think you will be unable to find a lot of usable (=reproducable) tests about it.
If you properly used portable display test with a bootable card (= remove battery, insert card, insert battery, close battery compartment door. If there is a battery grip attached: Remove it first) there is only a minor chance for some mechanical error involved. Check battery compartment door switch.
If there is no display message/LED activity ... well, bad luck.
Resolution > 1080p requires "crop mode". Press loupe/magnify (5x) button in video mode.
Well, Dual-ISO video not available in nightly builds for 5D2 (which he owns), 50D and 7D. Don't know status about this feature in Reddeercity's builds.
File system used: exFAT or FAT32?
Mechanical USB-Port failure? Contact a phone repair shop or any other soldering wizard speaking "SMD". Given some steady hands and some experience resoldering/replacing faulty mounting jack should be no problem.
Not supported within Digic 4 cams and no one working on it.
Quote from: kuchka94 on August 17, 2019, 11:10:43 AM
sorry, can't understand meaning of ACR and NLE with my english)))

Adobe Camera Raw: Raw converter used by Adobe. Embedded in Lightroom, too.
Non-Linear Editing system
Sandisk Extreme Pro 95 MB/s or same type with higher/lower storage capacity.

Cards with faster designation (150, 170 MB/s) are a tad slower and UHS-II cards have to work in UHS-I mode when used in EOS M.
Already done:

Top of page -> Downloads -> Download (dropdown menu) -> Experiments -> Lookup lua_fix build for your cam and copy it to your card.
Then access Prefs tab -> Powersave in Liveview -> 30-minutes timer Disable
Again: Have you already tested to reset ML to defaults and retried?
Again: In which Canon mode are you? 720p50/60, 1080p24/25/30?

Does it happen starting without ML, too?
What is "above" to you? Faster or slower? Does it happen in movie (which Canon movie mode selected?) or/and still mode?
Have you already tested to reset ML to defaults and retried?

Please! Keep in mind offering a way to reproduce your error step by step! With info as given above it is just guesswork.
There is no ML for M50 and don't hold your breath.
I'm not sure what you expect.

Burst mode for EOS M is 4.3 images per second. I suppose you are shooting RAW. Because of compression RAW sizes differ between (about) 22 and 33 MByte. There is no chance you can use burst continuously. Basic math IMO.
Any word about the fix affecting the key currently used by ML devs?

EDIT: And why aren't other D5 cams like 650D, 100D, M/M2, 700D *not* vulnerable (according to Canon)?
This is a hyphen: - If you have a hyphen in your plug-in's path ... don't.
Thou shalt not use hyphens in folder names.
Ancient build versions not supported.
Scripting Corner / Re: Lua Scripting (
December 07, 2017, 01:54:35 PM
Module tab
To enable higher resolutions with nightly you have to enter crop mode by pressing loupe button once. 4k recording is not yet included in NBs because it's experimental.
General Help Q&A / Re: 50mm strangeness
October 09, 2017, 05:02:22 PM
Maybe because this lens does not report focus distance?
General Chat / Re: How to record longer
September 05, 2017, 11:12:39 AM
Use a fast card. Yours is good for about 70 MB/s inwrite mode. Or use lower resoloution and/or frame rate.
Format card using card reader. After that format card in cam. Use Canon firmware 1.0.2 for downgrade.
Plesse give detailed info about your Eye-Fi card.
Top of page -> Downloads ->Downloads (Drop-downmenu) -Experiments