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Messages - 5DanielMIII

Quote from: Ciprian_Sauca on November 21, 2014, 09:28:20 PM

I have an issue with the Audio Menu on the ML, It's sows me only 2 sub-menu items, Speaker Volume and Beep Test Tones..Do I need to do something special to have all the Audio Menu showing?

Did it work for you before? Have you searched the forum?
If you did, good!  ;D

-Did you start/load the audio/sound module from the MagicLantern menu?
-Did you restart the camera after doing this?

Because this has been asked a gazzillion times, and often been a very easy fix...  :'(
Quote from: tonybeccar on November 12, 2014, 05:22:10 AM
Is anyone acheiving smooth proper playback? What computer specs would you recommend?

I have an Retina MacBook Pro 15inch, late 2013, ssd, 16gb Ram and i7 quad 2,3ghz.
Playback is preeeety good, realtime, and I can view my MLV files straight of my Lexar 1066X 64gb memory card, thru my Lexar USB 3 CF reader.

That is my setup when filming in the field and I need to review my shots right away for focus, framing/positioning etc.  :)
I guess
On the very bottom of that homepage there is a bitcoin donation tab.

And I am not 10000% sure about @baldand, but a lot of people have paypal etc, anyone can donate thru that.
But the "Money theme" has been discussed a lot here on the forums, and the main idea is that we all help out developing and test new updates=D
Donating hours is good too =)

Can´t remember if it says somewhere in this thread about $$$, but, maybe @baldand will let us know if there is a way to donate..

And yes I agree, this tool is amazing!!
Quote from: DeafEyeJedi on November 11, 2014, 08:51:32 AM

Heck I would pay $$ if it were for sale on the app store...

One day you'll do just that!

No problem, everyone can donate $$$ TODAY! To @baldand & the MLcrew ;-) No app store needed..
Quote from: Thomas Worth on September 17, 2014, 04:50:38 PM

All I tried to do with RAWMagic was give the community a tool many of its users were asking for. Nobody else seemed interested in meeting these users' needs.

Quote from: Thomas Worth on September 17, 2014, 04:50:38 PM
So it is your own community that requested a paid piece of software!

Quote from: Thomas Worth on September 17, 2014, 04:50:38 PM
the negativity and name-calling is really not something I want RAWMagic users exposed to.

Stop it, STOP it STOP IT!!!
So many words, so many reasons and so many seasons! ( a little poem for you all right there, 100% free and without a license)
The following lines may not always be formulated in a very serious manner, but the content is.

Anyways, @Thomas Worth you really should stop hiding behind other people like you are some kind of software-robot, without the ability to control yourself and your actions.

You kind of keep saying that :

"I had to do something because nobody else made a move towards making a program for MLV/RAW files,  the world forced me into this..those evil magic lantern many people overwhelmed me with a MLV/RAW program request, I never had any options..I can not choose for my self..I am just a human that obey greedy little ML users that knows better than me, they have money, so ..right?
Blame them, not me, I am a robot doing all the things I get told!!!
Com on dev´s, look at your children (I am referring to a lot of Magic Lantern users acting as children sometimes, including my self;-) We can not NOT obey them, they may became sad and wimp."

Ok, so if I have crossed the line, been to silly, or if I have misunderstood all the discussions going on, feel free to tell me and I will apologize.
We all make choices in life as sexy humans , and it is frustrating talking to someone who thinks others should be responsible for all the stuff we do.
I can always choose not to do something! (my Norwegian superpower)

Thanks for ML and all the work/projects/clients and adventures it has given me!
It has been so much fun, and still is :)

yeah, just felt like writing this today

Thanks for helping the community with this! GREAT! =)
I tried the script and I had some issues with importing folders with some dng`s missing frames.

I got an error and no import happened, just a warning about the missing frames.
This was MLV`s converted with raw2cdng.

Then I tried importing again with dng`s made with Mirawviewer, no problem.

I know there are some missing frames because when I recorded the MLV i got skipped frames.
Just a little strange that one import did not work..

I will test a little more.
Anyways, thanks! =)

Thanks for improving my life with fun stuff called Magic Lantern!!  :)

I have been testing the latest 2014-08-07 00:01:30 +0200 5D.123 build with dual iso.
I can not prosess any .dng files on PC.

Win 7 pro 64bit
5D Mark III

-I first converted the MLV files with Raw2Cdng, Mystic and Mirawviewer in Win 7 PC.
-I then tried converting all the different files with an "old" cr2hdr.exe I found on my pc, I downloaded it August 9th 2013.
-I then downloaded  cr2hdr from the link provided in this thread/forum on page 1, tried both the regular one and the 20bit.exe

*20bit.exe converts my dng`s into something cracy.
It produces really messed up files, where the dual iso lines are still present and the colors are loco and pink-ish.

The regular c2hdr converts only 1 dng and then crashes, everytime.
The finished file is just as crazy as the ones that 20bit.exe makes.

Then tried with barracudaGUI, still crazy files coming out..

after all this I tried with another MLV that was recorded with build, 5D.113 2014-07-08 01:11:45 +0200
Made dng`s with Mirawviewer and then dropped them all onto the 20bit.exe.....
Peeerfect with both old and new cr2hdr.exe`s.

That leaves me with not being able to convert dual iso made with the build I am on today, 5D.123 AND WINDOWS
I tried the same dng`s that with a Mac, and that worked without trouble.
Am I missing something?

from mlv.dump
It`s not always about the money!
Supporting is good, and yes they should all be billioners (cause they are that gooood)

But sometimes it is actually nice that we all can do something for each other =) We all know and have different skills in life, and if we made a little effort, we could together make Magic Lantern really MAGIC :D  Not just swing by and grab whatever we can for our own profit..
I guess if everyone said THANKS MagicLantern dudes every time they replied to something, every time we had a silly question, or even better, we stopped asking silly questions, that would be nice for everyone involved..less unrelated/non develop posting.

But again, millions of "thank you`s would also be a lot of posting :P

If you have not noticed it in between the many lines of codes and questions, the Devs keep developing and take a lot of TIME out of their private LIVES, FAMILIES and so on, to give us the fun stuff, and sometimes the same answers all over again and again, and they try doing that with a SMILE!

Com`on humans, let`s make love to magic lantern, appreciate them, thank them and help them help all of us ;D
Would we, make such an effort for everyone else, strangers online..

Thanks developers! All of you  :D

Thanks for a great app!

I have been converting something like a 100 MLV`s over the past 2 days and not one single crash.
Worked perfectly for me.

I am on a MacbookBook Pro Retina Late 2013, OSX 10.9.4
5D Mark III
I tried several builds from June, all OK.
1920x1080 OK
25fps OK
Sound enabled OK
Stripe OK
Playback OK, it was a little buggy once playing back from the memory card.
I restarted the program and closed all my 100 other programs in the background and transferred the files to my SSD and playback was smooth again.

That was just once, I can normally playback the mlv`s from my Lexar 64gb 160mb/s card and my Lexar USB 3 reader without problems.

Hi @stevescout

That sounds good!  :D
I have tried to make mlv files with older builds, but still same error when using the script.
I have tried to convert mlv with Mirawviewer and Mystic, but still same error.
I have tried to put less dng folders in the source folder to see if that affects import, same error.

But when I click the actual dng folder as the source, the script imports.
So if I import one folder at a time it works ;)

Anyways, thanks for looking into it!!
I did get to try this script before it acted up on me, and it was such a joy to import Magic Lantern files!
So fast  8)

And I could sure need it as I am in the middle of the jungle in Papua New Guinea, shooting massive amounts of MLV`s.
I am editing on a boat floating in the river outside the village, and I have a tight schedule.
The script would be a lifesaver if working.

Thanks for giving it another go, looking forward to make good use of it!

Quote from: Danne on July 08, 2014, 12:06:07 PM
Hi Stevescout and thanks for this effort. I,m trying to get this script to work on my macbook pro 13 inch mavericks 10.3 I,m on AFX CS6. Don,t know if I do this right but I,m getting the null is not an object message. I,ll provide som pictures, maybe anyone can see whats is going on.

I had this script working for a few days and all of a sudden it stopped. I get the same message as you.
Maybe it has something to do with the newer builds? Because as I said it did work a few  days back, and I used Mirawviewer then too for converting mlv files.
I have not tried to use an older build to see if this is the actual case.

I did try to download the script again, to "reset it" just in case I messed up some settings..but still the same problem.
Anyone got a clue?

Quote from: dpjpandone on July 06, 2014, 02:44:58 AM
you can do wonderful and amazing things with the camera RIGHT NOW, TODAY! and it will only get better in the future, so don't let the monitor resolution prevent you from getting inspired and being creative with the tools you have at your disposal.


Quote from: SteveScout on July 02, 2014, 02:27:55 PM
Hi, 5DDaniel!

Yes, absolutely, it does everything you´re asking for.

"Generate Compositions" is ticked automatically, so it will create a comp for every item you import. AND add it to the render queue with the output module(s) you selected on the bottom.
And you can set (comp AND footage) framerate, sizes and even any transform options (scaling etc.) for all image sequences within the comps. All pretty self-explanatory once you go through all selectable fields.
The Cinelog dialogue has nothing to do with that script, it is embedded in the ACR dialogue, if you set Cinelog as standard (explained in their well written doc file) then every DNG sequence automatically opens in CINELOG and you can basically hit okay for every shot and then check the comps later all after each other and make changes if necessary.

Happy batch encoding!

Hi @SteveScout ,

I got it working  :)
Can I save a preset of my setup?
So when I run the script, some info is already filled in?
Because I always shoot in 25p 1920x1080

Hi @SteveScout

This "script-world" is all new to me, but thanks for sharing!
I´ll kindly ask you, how to use this? Please!  :)
I got the text-file and placed into the AE script folder, I can start the script and it imports whatever I have in that folder I select.

Can I also set it to make comps?
Size of comps?
Include/add the cinelog?

So after all this, I can do whatever changes I want and render?

If possible, that is amazing!
If no, I still save time when importing so thanks again!  :)

Quote from: pettermannen on June 29, 2014, 09:47:22 PM
I use 5d Mark III, and build 20th of april, firmware 113,MLV Mystic 0.5 beta, I have the same problem as Daniel Above. When I try to convert  MLV files all folders are empty. I created a folder for my destination called "test". After hitting convert the software says complete. I have recorded on Lexar 128gb. And in exfat. Thankful for help. I have mavericks 10.9.3.

Hi @pettermannen ,
*I found that when I try to save my export into a very deep folder structure, sometimes it makes blank folders.
So when that happens I export them straight to the desktop.
*I have also had blank folders when the actual MLV files are buried to deep into folders too.
*And sometimes it just does not work  :)

-MIRawviewer is an excellent tool, try that one! That is what I use for all my MLV files now.
It is great having the option to see/playback all the MLV`s first, hear the sound, set in out points and then add them to render que for export!  :D

(or "son of batch" is another one)

Quote from: Danne on May 13, 2014, 03:33:56 PM
check reply #483

confirmed my only issue in life!
Thanks  ;)
Hi @baldand

I love this program and it has saved me so much time before editing.
So thanks!  :)

I just wanted to mention that on my MacBook Pro 10.9.2 when I hit W in 1.1.5 everything freeeeezes / hangs and I have to force close it.
So I can not choose where to save my export.

Anything I am missing here or I am doing wrong!?

Quote from: psantia on May 08, 2014, 10:09:23 AM
Hi .sorry but I did not find a link to download mlv mystic for mac os x?

does anybody know?! thanks

You sure you read all of the first post on the first page guiding you to the page where you can download this delicious program? ;)
I just checked, it is there, really! After clicking the link in the first post on the first page here in this thread, I was taken to another page and I scrolled a little and I found the option to download for Windows or Mac.
Quote from: GTempler on April 21, 2014, 11:01:31 PM
Hey Daniel. Which OS are you running Mystic from?


I am running OSX maverick 10.9.2

Hi @g3gg0

Do not know if this should be reported here as well.
I posted it to the MLV mystic thread..

But I can not convert any of my MLV files from this build;
Date: 2014-04-20 07:11:47 +0800

Program MLV Mystic says "Conversion  Complete" but all the new DNG-folders are empty.
MIrawviewer too makes empty folders when trying to export straight from the player.

I am on a 5D Mark III .113


I can not convert any of my MLV files from the build;
Date: 2014-04-20 07:11:47 +0800

Program says Complete but all the folders are empty.

5D Mark III .113


Thanks for all the hard and great work!
It it delicious  ;D

Latest built reports invalid header when trying to playback MLV file in camera.
I can only see the first frame after it renders through, and it is a noisy image, sometimes pink noise, other times black & white colors!

I did not try to import that file on my Mac to convert it, so it might be a in camera problem, or this could be as @MGerard wrote:
Quote from: MGerard on April 17, 2014, 01:51:49 PM
While the latest nightly build seems to work fine (no error msgs or console anymore), the mlv files can't be decoded via MLVMystic (just decoded one dng with weird colors), decoding to dng sequence with mlv dump worked, dng seq numbering is wrong (starts at frame_000000 / 01 / 02 then continues with 1180).

So I always get that invalid header message when trying to preview in camera, so I went back to a later build that works for now  :)

5D Mark III
Build 5D.113
Built on: 2014-04-18 07:11:43 +0800

Quote from: RenatoPhoto on September 02, 2013, 10:52:59 PM
Follow the thread:

Magic Lantern (RAW) Video format v2.0

Do you find this better/ more usefull than the regular raw?
Have you tested enough to find differences? (If there are any concerning quality..)
Quote from: RenatoPhoto on September 02, 2013, 08:57:08 PM
No skipped frames because I set Skip Frames = Off.  Therefore when it skips a frame the recording stop.

I am using Magic Lantern (RAW) Video format v2.0 which records to SD and CF cards up to 120 MB/sec on Lexar pro 1000x

2K -->  2048x1152 at 23.97 continuous recording  Also possible with Alex .raw format at continuous recording with no bad frames.
2K --> 2048x1152 at 29.97 40 seconds recording

With a little more optimization it might be possible to go continuous recording at 2K at 29.97 fps!

Thanks for sharing =)
Is there written somewhere how to try the new the MLV v2.0?

Is it possible to change content of the regular raw folder with the new module?
Raw Video / Re: corrupt raw file on card full
September 02, 2013, 06:51:43 PM
Quote from: gybra on August 31, 2013, 03:26:01 AM
Thats not your file messing up. Its the converting process and I had the same problem today.

If your on a PC:

1. use rawanizer to converge all the files together
2. Go to where rawanizer select the converged file (Where you designated them, click the file to make sure you are on the correct one. It should say how many GB's it is and should be over 3.99 GB ** remember to pay attention to the file name)
3. then put the converged raw files into raw2Cdng NOT raw2dng... It might work with raw2dng once converged but i havent tried it I just like raw2Cdng better.

This is the way I fixed this problem
I can send you the programs if you want just message me ur email. Its not your card or files its your conversion process. Hope this helps! Cheers!

Thanks for the info =)
I have been trying different options, and I found out that using the join file program and then the Batchelor 3.0 all dng's are fine =)