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Messages - haomuch

Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
July 28, 2013, 04:32:02 PM
Quote from: waters on July 28, 2013, 10:50:32 AM
With the AF lens,I can touch the screen and move the red focus box. at this time the ML magic zoom is so useful.
When i use the adopter with the M42 MF len on my eos m , I can't find the litte focus box on screen.I think CANON locks the red focus box when the body can't find the Af lens.
Now, Ml magic zoom can only focus the center of screen.

when we use the MF Lens, Can the ml develop group unlock the CANON program and let the focus box out  ?

Thanks  a lot

You can actually use a focus box with manual focus lenses without AF information in ML
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
July 26, 2013, 07:17:16 PM
This thread has been muted for more than a week and finally see some buzz today. Any news for the 2.0 firmware?
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
July 22, 2013, 06:26:49 PM
Quote from: feureau on July 22, 2013, 05:53:46 PM
Oh, I completely get that part. If I leave the LCD on while wearing thin garments, it would get detect touch events. But if the EOS-M is asleep, it wouldn't wake up just because the LCD senses a touch.

Also, do you have the sensitivity set to sensitive or default?

Yes I set it to default. But still very sensitive. Especially with the 22mm lenses because it's too light and thus the camera hangs to the stomach.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
July 22, 2013, 03:59:45 PM
Quote from: feureau on July 22, 2013, 03:58:25 PM
That is a ... weird behavior. I hang my EOS-M around my neck too, but mine doesn't wake up when the LCD gets touched...

It's may because I only wear one T shirt
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
July 22, 2013, 02:57:15 PM
@1% Could you consider adding disable touch screen wake up function in the next ML version? I often hang the EOS M on my neck and it is always waked up because my stomach touched the LCD.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
July 18, 2013, 09:25:25 AM
Quote from: Canon eos m on July 18, 2013, 06:11:24 AM
I haven't been active on this spot for very long since I have been traveling. The first thing I did on my return was to update the firmware to 2.0.2 since I wanted to feel the difference in AF capabilities in real time. I am disappointed to say the least. The lens does latch on faster but still struggles in low contrast situations - pulling focus but not struggling to find the sweet spot. If this is all the Canon staff was able to come up with in so many months - not sure where the entire mirror less adventure is heading.

Plus, I now don't have ML for this version. 1% will eventually come up with the right stuff. The one thing I really miss not having is the focus peaking advantage. My manual focus Minolta Rokkor 50mm f1.2 just is not good just no good without the peaking facility.

So, I am taking a few days off the EoS M and gogin back to my 5DMIII for now. A bit of disappointing news here too. I ordered the most expensive Komputerbay CF card money can buy only to find that the cheaper option is better. The 128GB card cannot handle 1920p video. Max 130 frames with 1 -2 dropped frames.

I think there is still a way to go with the RAW on DSLR's thing and The EoS M is not even an SLR.

I just don't understand why canon can't provide the peaking focus and auto focus area magnifier in their firmware. Olympus is pushing great firmware upgradings again and again with all the necessary functions. What is canon doing?
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
July 13, 2013, 05:05:17 PM
Is that possible that we can disable the basic information display of ML over the stock UI while still keeps the peek focus or other functions display? I prefer the stock UI much more when it comes to showing the settings.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
July 12, 2013, 10:17:42 PM
Is it possible to support eyefi card in the next version? I don't understand why it's not supported since the eyefi card just work within its own internal control parts and only needs the camera provide the battery.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
June 30, 2013, 01:03:37 PM
If you have not upgraded to the 2.0.2 version firmware, you can just flash the ml again the turn of the boot flag.

I am also eagerly waiting for the 2.0.2 version ml that could support eyefi card.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
June 29, 2013, 07:19:17 PM
Quote from: feureau on June 29, 2013, 10:19:47 AM
Low level format the card.

Thanks for the reply but I mean the bootflag in the camera. It can't be restored by formatting the card.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
June 29, 2013, 10:00:07 AM
Quote from: 1% on June 28, 2013, 06:02:59 PM
I think you can bootflag most of the eyefi cards. They work on 600D, why not here?

Maybe it's because of my eye-fi card is produced by other manufacturer. And also because I have upgraded to the 2.0.2 firmware, the old ML on the card won't work anyway. Currently I can't boot the camera with the eye-fi card's wifi function turned on. So basically I am just wondering a method to restore the bootflag and wait for the future 2.0.2 ML port that works with eye-fi.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
June 28, 2013, 05:54:48 PM
Hi guys I just updated to the 2.0.2 firmware yesterday an the AF speed now is really fast! Therefore I have lost the ML functions, which is a pitty. However I then realized that I can't use the eye-fi card that I bought days ago on the camera anymore since the bootflag have been changed. And I also can't do a uninstall by apply the ML firmware upgrade. Could anyone tell me what to do now? Thanks very much!
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
June 24, 2013, 08:02:54 PM
Thanks for that explanation, very clear now
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
June 24, 2013, 07:34:00 PM
Quote from: mixer2 on June 24, 2013, 07:23:55 PM

you find nearly all versions at
just the version from 22. june (which is imho best so far) isn't there... but you can find that at:

Thanks for that links very much. But as I found out they are like patches instead of a whole fireware file. Could you tell me how can I use them?
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
June 24, 2013, 07:05:18 PM
Quote from: feureau on June 22, 2013, 04:45:04 PM
BTW, the crash log from the creative filter crash:

ASSERT: IsSuiteSignature( hSuite )
at ./PackMemory/PackMem.c:577, task InnerDevelopMgr
lv:0 mode:2

Magic Lantern version : v2.3.NEXT.2013Jun15.EOSM106
Mercurial changeset   : 57cd362ac2f5 (unified) tip
Built on 2013-06-15 17:17:36 by user@D610.
Free Memory  : 247K + 2024K

OMG! Where can I download the June 15 version? Please tell me the address.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
June 23, 2013, 12:13:57 AM
Quote from: mixer2 on June 22, 2013, 10:09:55 PM
oh, nice... i tested the latest version and now it's possible to write 36-37mb/s in videomode (without multishot nr), too.
any progress on the dot removal?

if there are linux users, we may discuss the used workflows. what i do is Raw2Dng via wine => convert dng to exr via darktable cli => unsqueeze exr with imagemagick mogrify => open exr in darktable for postprocessing => export to jpeg => import to video software.
i wrote a simple bash script for the first 3 steps to get unsqueezed exr frames from raw with a single command.

Do you mean the latest ML alpha firmware for EOS M? I only find one in the OP~
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
June 23, 2013, 12:12:39 AM
Hi I am using the ML firmware for my EOS M with the FD 50mm f1.4 len. It's really a great tool for manual focusing. But I am wondering whether I can disable the addition information display on the shooting mode and just show the peak focusing? I think the stock display of Canon is already enough and the ML display will cover those Canon display and settings.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for EOS M
June 22, 2013, 03:32:02 PM
Hi it's very exciting to see the ml firmware for eos m. Just wondering if we can add screen off function in the next update for the 2.0 version firmware. The eos m currently doesn't provide evf but I would like to use a ovf for my 22mm and 50 mm lens. Therefore a screen off function would be very useful. Maybe we can make it by long pressing the info button.