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Messages - mvejerslev

There's supposed to be exif in there. Can't develop in Camera raw without.
It needs camera model for profiles, but also it needs the rest of the info, really. Stuff like ISO speed for denoising etc etc. I really need my exif back :-(

PS: I've gone through the whole exiftool thing before, and I dont want to relearn all that...
Feel free to contribute to this topic @ Photoshop feature request site:

>Adobe's plugin doesn't flicker anymore in CC btw

Is this confirmed? If so, no point in above feature request.
I have no good footage displaying this flickering so far. But for those that do: Does it make a difference if you are careful not to clip either end of the histogram?

Also, I've created an entry at the Photoshop feature request site here: - feel free to contribute.
Raw Video / No EXIF!!
July 09, 2013, 03:02:56 PM
I'm having the recurring problem of no, or incomplete EXIF data in my DNGs. It holds no camera information, no ISO information, no lens information, no setting information etc. This is the build from 7-7, used with latest Raw2DNG.

What am I doing wrong? What can I do to prevent this in the future? Everything shot without EXIF information is absolutely worthless, since the Raw developer needs it to do its magic...
Do you have any EXIF data in the DNG files? Running the 7-7 build, I do not get any EXIF data in my files, Camera Raw / Lightroom needs exif to recognize camera model, ISO speed etc.
Not getting any EXIF data on 7-7 build with Raw2DNG Batchelor ver 2.3... Goes for both x5 and normal RAW video. Anyone?
Sound is not recorded with forced FPS.
Raw Video / Re: HDR from a single RAW VIDEO!
July 04, 2013, 05:44:39 AM
Note the '' I put around 'HDR' I know what 32-bit imaging is. Did you know that Camera Raw can actually process 32-bit files now? Pretty amazing. I've been a beta tester on Photoshop and Camera Raw from CS3 to CS6, so I know a few tricks. But only from standing on the shoulders of giants.

I wrote a tutorial and an action for doing the exposure expansion in Photoshop some years ago (before I abandoned the blog):
Raw Video / Re: HDR from a single RAW VIDEO!
July 03, 2013, 07:12:50 PM
I included a 'hdr' test in my test footage here:

I simply developed two version of each DNG and then 'fused' the two in Photomatix. There are other options for a quick fuse like this.
Quotemaintained the 240 dpi for the image (most important part)!
& i far as i know Photoshop is the only one that can do this without loosing pixel density.

Ths is not the first time you mention this reddeercity, but the fact remains, resolution info is probably the LEAST important in regards to files destined for monitors. Resolution info is only relevant to print. A video or photo will always display at a monitors given resolution. The only important thing regarding size on a display device is the dimensions of the file (x,y), and the ppi of the monitor. In other words resolution info is completely ignored for all other purposes than sending to a printer.
QuoteHow about 1720 x 968

Considered higher than 1880x800.. I can shoot a minute or a bit more in 1720 x 968, but its above the threshold for continuous so far.
QuoteYour using this on the 5dmkII right? are you able to record 1720 x 968 or 1880 x 854 continuously with this card without dropped frames? This could be a cheaper solution, I have the lexar 1000x and is looking to buy a 2nd one.

Ted, I bought a Sandisk Extreme Pro 90MB/s card, and it will do 1880x800 continously but above that it stops before 4GB.
(not my video, and certainly not shot with Magic Lantern!).
>I wish there was a CF card rental service in Copenhagen.

Shouldnt be too hard. Just go ask in a rent shop.
Africashot, you mean something else than the 'Change Log' on the front page of the forum?
I find it hard to quantify these results. When I first tried to go to Custom mode, I got 400 more frames, but when repeating the test, now I get 200 more in M mode than in custom mode. Setting the on/off switch to middle setting is the same. I dont think any of this actually makes a difference. At least to me. What matters more is the write block size (which varies randomly?) and card formatting.
Very useful chart. We need more of these :-) Thanks.
I havent seen exposure flicker since a very early build of raw_rec. Could it  perhaps be a camera setting doing this? Perhaps something like auto-lighting optimizer or similar in the canon menus?
Raw Video / Re: Raw video on 5DMK2
June 03, 2013, 05:46:56 PM
I use a sandisk extreme pro 90MB/s 32GB card. It does 1880x800, but not much above that. The 90MB/s is just marketing speak. It writes about 60MB/s.
Ok, used exiftool GUI to copy the exif data over from some sound files, so the files are saved. Now for some more testing as to the whole reason for the missing exif.

Incidentally, should anyone do the same as me, remember to set the ISO speed correctly for your files - Camera Raw needs info like this for its denoise profiling.
General Help Q&A / Re: 5D MkII - Not enough memory
June 01, 2013, 10:39:13 PM
Alex, to be fair, the little yellow text actually states 'not enough memory' in the debug menu. Its only natural to think that there should be more available.
QuoteYou tried the files a.d. just linked to?

You mean the mac version? I'm on a P.C. but I tried every version of Raw2DNG I have, also known functioning ones and I still get no exif (verified with the excellent exiftool). Thanks for the codes for exiftool - I was looking for that. So if I wanted to batch process a library of dng's, copying exif from one good dng to a bunch of bad ones, what would the syntax be? Thanks again.
Well I have a days worth of shooting, and no matter what raw2dng version I use (I'm on a PC), they come out with no exif data.. Perhaps something went wrong in the recording, although I have no idea what I did different.