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Messages - xvince1

Hi, does anybody knows on what ML release the black mask in LW in Raw mode disapeared ? I use the last of 02/2014 and I don't see it anymore in option.

& Again : thank's to ML team  :)
For vimeo link, don't put the "s" after https:// (I've read somewhere that "s" mean secure for vimeo)
Quote from: reddeercity on September 14, 2013, 11:31:15 PM
I'm Glad you got things working! :)
On my 5D2 when i record in Crop mode I keep the frame size to
2048x930 23.976p 2.20:1 
i get full card record on my 32GB lexar1000x = 8,500 to 9,000 frames
64GB Lexar 1000x card 42 Gb = 14,238 frames @ 76.2 MB/s
Here is a sample of this Capture.
Plus this video was edited & process on the Native cdng's in FCPX no proxy

Wonderfull cut, and cool musik too !!!  :)
Quote from: ted ramasola on September 01, 2013, 10:50:08 AM
Tested on 5D mkII, mkIII and 7D.

The cards was tested to be compatible with magic lantern and canon firmware unlike the 1050x.

Benchmarks show similar results as 32 or 64 gig 1000x. The cameras seem to be the limiting factor.

When formatted as 256 gig via your computer or straight from the box, the cards will initially be seen as such by the camera.

However, when you format the card in-camera, it will reduce its capacity to 128gig.

Tested the 5dmkII for capacity test indicates it cannot record past 128gig on the card. (we recorded 116gig)

For now only 2 card readers are confirmed and tested to be compatible, the lexar and transcend card readers.
Other brands will only show the CF card as 132 gig only.

So, for 5D2, we have to wait for a 128GB 1200X with a compatible firmware ...  :-\
Hi Ted,

Sorry for this late reply, I was in vacation with no internet. It's OK, I understand what you say about the speed. Yes I think I have a second generation 128GB 1000x with same performances as yours...  :)
Hello Ted,

I'm happy if I could have helped the community in anyway and thank's for your stats.

As I can compare with my 1000x, I think my second one (the only one I got now, as I send the 1050x back) is slightly speeder than yours. I shoot allmost continuously at 1880x854 (2.20:1). I will wait for an affordable release of a 256GB from KB, if we have the confirmation that it can work on 5D2 (I just can't put 700$ in one CF for the moment). Maybe some new 5d2 1050x version...

In fact, I thank again KB for their support (I stayed in touch with them for news). That's  just unbelievable what's going on with ML and RAW on CANON's DSLR, and I think KB prices made a great part to this...

Cheers, xvince1 
Hello Ted,

I've made some other test with others CF, I have one 64GB 600X KB and an old Kingston 4GB. Every time I got the same master boot strap . To check this, I use this software :

Active@ Partition Manager : : Right click on the volume and "partition table"

Maybe you can check the CF you have ?

Here's some screenshots :

128GB 1050x :

128GB 1000x :

128GB 600x :

64GB 600x :

OLD 4GB kingston :

In fact, I don't know how you do it, but for alignement, I use the tools recommanded by KB : SDFormatter, but it format in exFAT, so I keep the volume alignement made in SDformatter & format with another tools "EaseUS Partition Master 9.2.2".

For cluster size : I have try every sort of cluster size but the best is 64K for performance and smaller cluster wont make any difference with the 1050x...

cheers  :D

Tragic Lantern / Re: Raw video on 50d and 40d
August 16, 2013, 10:44:37 PM
Quote from: Supermac on August 16, 2013, 10:32:58 PM
I can vouch for that, very solid indeed. Makes my 550D seem like a cheap toy.

That looks really cool... Just incredible thing to have RAW and video with it. In March or April, I was thinking about 60D for the rotative screen, but the 50D is cheaper and use CF... What a huge gap now in the canon line (CF vs SD)  :) 
Tragic Lantern / Re: Raw video on 50d and 40d
August 16, 2013, 10:26:45 PM
Quote from: Supermac on August 16, 2013, 10:15:52 PM
Hi there,

I think the only alternative would be a 5d really. I'm shooting 1584 x 1058 Continously with no problems on 1000x CF Cards. Also can shoot 2000 x 1080 in 3x crop mode.

Hi supermac, 

thank's . It's not for a real alternative, just to have a RAW DSLR always with me. In fact the 50D looks very well manufactured and ergonomics like the 5D2. And I could use all my stuff with it...
Tragic Lantern / Re: Raw video on 50d and 40d
August 16, 2013, 09:21:24 PM
Quote from: lomka on August 16, 2013, 09:07:46 PM
what is th max write speed at this moment?

I'm thinking bying myself an old 50D as a spare for y 5D2 and I wanted to know if there is something better in super35 sensor for RAW. (I've found one 50D for 380E)  and of course if the max resolution (1584x1058) can be achieve easyly ? What I've seen on EOSHD and on VIMEO with the 50D looks really impressive....  :)
Hi Ted,

I'm in touch with KB support, and they say o me you're testing some 128GB 1000x cards like mine. I made some tests on my side with some tools to seek some differences between my 3x128GB CF to understand what's different with the 1050x and I have found this :

(A copy from my mail to KB tech support) :


I've made some tests with the 3x128GB cards I have and I found this with "Active@ Partition Manager" in partition table :

The Master Bootstrap (MBS) is different with the 1050x :

  600x : MBS : 000000000000000000000 etc etc - enable ML
1000x : MBS : 000000000000000000000  etc etc - enable ML
1050x : MBS : 33C08ED0BC007C8EC08ED etc etc - DO NOT enable ML

From what I've find on google, the MBS enable the UDMA controller but I'm definitively not a specialist.

If it could help... maybe something to change MBS directly from windows / OSX

Best regards, JDG

Cheers  :)
Quote from: ted ramasola on August 10, 2013, 01:43:21 AM
Hello xvince1,

Thanks for chiming in. Together with KB techsupport, we are stumped how some users, like you, got the 128gigs to work on the mkII. KB tech sent me Canon's reply on their inquiry re 128 cards and the canon reply said its not supported for firmware. But can be used for stills and mov video.

We didn't mention magic lantern of course, but since canon's firmware is similar to ML fir file, if the camera can see the canon fir then ML would be seen as well.

Where did you get your camera, in US or europe? The other users that got it to work were from europe so i was speculating that perhaps their mkII was made differently?

Also, how did you use the CF cards, was ML already running in your camera via another smaller capacity card and you merely made the 128 bootable via eoscard? or did you start install from scratch and loaded the fir file to bootflag the camera via the 128?

Any help from you would be helpful.

Hi Ted,

- Yes, I'm from Europe, French to be precise, I bought my 5D2 via

- I follow the tuto to install ML via a small 4Gb CF first (they said that capacity superior to 32Gb won't work) and then install a 64Gb 600x KB and every other CF I gad after : one 128gb 600x (used part from / 2 brand new 128Gb 1000x KB from too and the last 1050x wich doesn't work

- I tried to use eoscard to correct alignment on the 600x (64 & 128Gb) but I don't succeed. Every time I've tried, I had to reformat the card in the 5D2. I've tried "Active@ Partition Manager" a tool under windows to manage partition and system files (cluster size...) but the same, nothing seem to work. The only thing that had worked was to format the CF in the 5D2 and to copy ML directories directly from PC... And then proceed with the firmware update in canon menu (the same process to install ML on new cards)

Sorry for may bad english...  :P
Hi Ted

Just to say I just get today my 1050x 128Gb and get same message as you on 5D2. What I don't understand is that I have 3x128Gb from KB : one 600x which work fine with ML even with RAW at only 1280 and 2x 1000X (first version I think because the bitrate where around 60-65Mb/s) wich works fine too with ML (I got one died last week but it had worked fine to record RAW.

Now I record RAW on the last 128Gb 1000X KB i have, and it works very fine on my 5D2 (1880x854 continuously). I just contact KB support and come to you to have news about the 1050X series. I want to know if I have to send it back and take 2x64Gb or to wait for something new with 5D2.

I'm very surprised to be so lonely to use 2x 128Gb 1000x (and one 600x) KB CF with 5D2 without troubles with ML and RAW recording ???

May I help ?  :)
June 10, 2013, 02:07:55 PM
Sorry about that, I forgot the findfocus. It was just another RAW test and with this shiny afternoon, it was very difficult to obtain accurate focus... I may remove some focus sequences. I'd like it like that thought... but I understand your point.  :)
June 10, 2013, 11:56:24 AM
Sorry for the poor quality of the first viewer. Just update my Vimeo account settings.   :P

Download the original files for optimal quality   :)

Some footage made this Saturday afternoon in "Château Gaillard" near Les Andelys in France.

I know, it's shaking a lot... Sorry

(Les Andelys 08.06.2013)


-5DMK2 / 50 1.4 USM / 70-300 IS USM
-128Gb Komputerbay 1000x
-FW Magic Lantern (30.05.2013 buildnightly Release)
-Magic Bullet Looks / technicolor color assist
-RAW footage 1720x732 (2.35:1) 1920 Upscaled in After Effect


Credits :

- Thank's to the people playing this medieval market reconstitution on the Castel of King Richard the LionHeart, on this shiny saturday...

- Massive thank's to Magic Lantern dev team
Hi there,

just for testing my workflow. (update a 1000x Komputerbay since)

Again & again & again & again... MASSIVE THANK'S TO ML Dev TEAM  ;)
There's something I don't understand, I try my Komputerbay 600x (just formated in the 5Dmk2) on cristal diskmark on an CF reader USB3, and I got 61MB/s with 4000MB test files but 0.5 MB/s with 512k files. When I try benchmarking in ML menu, I maxed 25-30MB/s

My question : Is there difference or inconsistency between caching RAM / controller on the 5D hardware as I see many people with mk2 maxing at 60/70 MB/s with some KB, or is it only the CF ?

really Sorry for this noobesque questions  :'(
Quote from: skrull on May 18, 2013, 05:04:27 AM
Hey a1ex and g3gg0, there's something that maybe you're missing. All flash cards (SD/CF/SSD/etc) have a fixed erase block size.

If there's no partition and the card is just formatted with filesystem then it is ok. But for those who have a partition table on them, the partition must be aligned with EBS to have optimal performance (See articles on partition alignment for SSD)

All partitions of the cards I've tested were misaligned out-of-the-box. Besides Dane-elec and Sandisk I couldn't recall the other brands. I couldn't recall the numbers but I did see performance improvements.

Instead of trying to find EBS for all cards, I suggest aligning the partition at 1MB, so it should fit almost (if not all) EBS.

An utility to check alignment:
(Or using MS System Information - msinfo32.exe)

Instructions for Windows XP here:
Linux users should set fdisk to show entry/units to sectors and create a partition with starting sector 2048.
Of course you can use any partition manager to move/resize the beginning of the partition.



Sorry for this noob Question, but I do not understand how you can create an align partition that can be usable in the camera, as every time the 5D read the new partition (with a good alignement), it detect that partition wasn't create in the DSLR, so I'm obliged to format the CF inside and the alignement goes out... I'v try many time, using the freeware "active partition manager" and I very don't understand what's wrong ...

I'm very disapointed as I have 2 Komputerbay x600 wich max up at 30Mb/s with bad alignement. Hoped to gain some biterate with alignement...  :'(
Raw Video / Re: Raw video on 5DMK2
May 25, 2013, 10:20:06 AM
Quote from: Yomommassis on May 24, 2013, 04:44:27 PM
With my mark 2 I can't manage a 3.0x bitrate speed even with my Komputer Bay 1000x, and if I'm not mistaken it was my card that topped the benchmark chart

Windows cannot format FAT32 past 32GB natively, for this I used a program called FAT32Formatter.exe, but regardless I never noticed any speed increases with any chunk allocations or partition alignment/offset

Maybe I'm wrong about cluster size, but I've done some test (formating in windows utility in exFAT) on my 128Gb 600x with cristaldiskmark, and with max cluster size, I got a wall perf around 20-30Mo/s, everything got better (60/70Mo/s) since I format the card with default cluster size (don't know the real size)... but I'm not sure . Maybe I forget something. But I have some creepy performance on the internal ML bench (20-30mo/S), and I do not really understand how to do correct allignement on the CF (the allignement is not good on the 2 Komputerbay)... As I follow the tutorial, but there are some point I don't understand (when creating partition, the utility say there's no free space to create a partition...)

But I'm very interessed by your stat regarding bitrate with a good x1000 CF (as I've said, I maxed 2.3x out with the x600)

Sorry for this noob aparté  :-[
Raw Video / Re: Raw video on 5DMK2
May 23, 2013, 11:25:16 AM
Don't know if it will fit on the right thread...

As I have seen the test between RAW/H264 and GH2 hack on 150Mbit/s, I was wondering if a good CF can handle the 3x bitrate on the "normal" ML firmware instead of RAW. Personnaly, I use 2.3x bitrate with a komputerbay 64Gb 600x wich is a bloody shit (benching only à write 22 mb/s). So maybe with a good CF, the 3x codec bitrate can be a real good alternative for the Mk2

Waiting for a real good 128Gb or 256GB CF to buy.

So any comment about write speed and format system files on CF (Perso, I have seen some huge difference between cluster size on the komputerbay, but as I can't format on FAT32 in windows (don't know why, I can only NTFS or exFAT, and sadly, the mk2 do not recognize the card in exFAT)
Quote from: Peter Linov on May 16, 2013, 12:34:30 PM
Yes, I have no problem with the 400x at 1920х720.
I use a flash card Transcend 64Gb
Here's another video on my street:

If you are interested in an uncompressed download here:

RAW dynamics are very impressive... No differences between RAW / H264 shooting parameters, I presume ?
Hi to everyone there, and off course, a massive thank's to the ML team... for what's coming, and for what's allready done since the first ML releases...

I Just register to clarify some things :

- So if I've well understand : if the CF is in exFAT formated, we can record files beyond 4Gb ? is that correct ?
- To everyone here, if it can be more precise : actual benchs on CF rates RAW are using audio or not ?
- with H264, I got breaks up around 2.3x (without audio) on a 600x komputerbay CF, is it coming from digic or buffer overwhelming since the debt are much lower than RAW ?
- The picture styles (cinestyle / landscape etc etc) are still used on RAW footage or not ?

As a noob, I'm waiting for a stable release to test on my mk2... So happy to read this threads... THANK'S AGAIN !!!  ;)