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Messages - fatpig

install gopro cineform studio and copy raw2gpcf.exe to program files/cineform/tools . then give that location to batchelor. should work.

As to the error, I am curious what the problem is.
try to mess around with the file locations, make them as basic as possible, for batchelor as well as for the files you are converting and the target folders. for example put everything in c:\test

see if the error persists.
does this ACR sharpness add to the moire?
I noticed that using Resolve and BMD Film look, much of the bad moire was almost invisible.
check out cineform 422 conversion. it is as fast as you can read your card.
You get a cineform avi- that is very flat.
I implemented batch conversion in my BATCHelor.

I use it all the time for on-set preview and also for dailies.
how do you go about changing parameters of the RAW RED file inside vegas? do they have a special interface for it? Does it eliminate the need to use another app than vegas?
why not open a thread about it or post something here so I can see what really makes the difference for you. I am curious. :) post a comparison for everyone to see. :)
1% mentioned zip compression. Is there a possibility for lossless compression like in Adobes DNG Converter? Remains directly editable.
Yes of course, if you want to get that photographic look, ACR is the best option out there for sure. :)

@1%: maybe you can link me those newer versions you found, then I will include them in the next release. :)
my compression is simply adobe's lossy and lossless DNG compression through their own DNG Converter, you have to install it first, of course.

I think Resolve is used in many serious productions for a reason.
I think it delivers outstanding results. And the speed increase is a nice side effect.
Add a 3D LUT and good to go... :)
thanks for implementing this so fast! :) great! :)
fixed another bug just now, cineform files had wrong blacklevel set.
still version 2.3 though, same link. ;)
What do we do with pink videos from 5x crop mode?
Is there any way to make these look normal again? :)

EDIT: it was a problem with RAW2GPCF, so never mind. :)
hey chmee, how about making an output folder option until commandline is finished?

I would love to just set my CF card as source and output to my project folder.
You are probably right, as for DCRaw and cjpeg, this were the only builds I was able to find.
As for Raw2dng - okay I get it.
I am still hoping to switch to raw2cdng entirely because the ACR Workflow is not really suitable for any serious work, wouldn't you agree?
I did not keep up with updating those.
Is there a good reason to update?
I never had any problems. :)

I dont want to provoke problems through syntax change in new versions, if there is no benefit I know of :)
hey guys, i just realized I left a really annoying popup window in the code which prevents your cineform conversions from running all the way through.

Please download the 2.3 Beta again, I fixed it!
General Chat / Re: Any new updates yet?
June 28, 2013, 01:15:19 AM
as of now just use batchelor to make a cineform proxy plus a dng sequence, or make cinemadng manually.
can you post the exact filenames of your input files (or one, at least) and what you typed in the rename box?
I will try to reconstruct the issue.

maybe send me a PM with comparison pictures as to what exactly you think is better in ACR results than resolve?
hello again.

thanks for your input, it is still in beta phase.
It did not occur to me that people might rename their .RAW Files.

I might have to implement a checking routine-
just out of curiosity-

how did you name the files?
great todo-list! Exactly what I hoped for. :)

As for the drag n drop,
when commandline is implemented, people can use different GUIs like RAWanizer and BATCHelor.

I am looking forward to input and output path parameters and compression.
I can imagine that we would use our CF card as input on set and just save the (compressed?) DNGs to the laptops HDD as output, saving time and space. :)
I think ACR gives more of a photo-esque look, maybe it is a little more perfect.
I can not complain about sharpness in resolve, maybe try ticking "force highest resolution debayering" and "highest resolution scaling"
(or something similar, dont remember the exact names) in delivery tab.
if your lenses are not as good, maybe try some sharpening in post.

I used the 5DII with some Zeiss primes- and the sharpness and look, especially when using a FujiFilm 3D LUT in resolve is stunning.
I will have a trailer online soon. :)

Cineform can be used for real RAW with 1/6th file size if you have the paid version, but this is not implemented in BATCHelor yet.

i dont get what you are saying.

I want to replace raw2dng with raw2cdng in the future inside my app.
rawmagic is not involved.
hi, well you can use the cinemaDNGs in ACR aswell, that is why I propose to let RAW2DNG go.

I also use the free version of cineform and resolve.
I think both are great to use.
Any problems with version 2.3?
Feature Requests / Re: 5 sec WAV Audio in RAW
June 25, 2013, 10:40:46 PM
any heads up on this? :)
As soon as RAW2CDNG implements command line, I will do another rewrite.

I think cineform proxies with CinemaDNGs is the way to go.
Does anyone see the need to keep RAW2DNG or compressed DNGs option?
is the roundtrip something that can be solved in future versions of raw2cdng or do we have to follow these steps every time from now on?
(at work, cant watch right now)