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Messages - jimmyD30

Quote from: Gorilla on May 24, 2013, 09:07:57 AM
I'm not too knowledgable on this stuff, but I think that would defeat much of the purpose of shooting in RAW. You might still get extra sharpness and such, but the real advantage of RAW is the extra bits. Right?

I believe the real advantage of RAW is increased post production capabilities. Of course the higher bit count would be more desirable, but RAW compared to compressed at any bit count gives greater control in post.
Quote from: mattgirvan on May 17, 2013, 01:37:06 PM
Nevermind, just had to turn off the Canon interface.  :D When I take stills in movie mode, horizontal bars appear in the photos though.

Yeah, I noticed that also, but wasn't sure if it was expected behavior or not???

Once again, THANK YOU DEV TEAM!!!
Well, although 'cu-nt' was a little over the top, I'm glad you allowed the post and didn't ban him. I'm a big proponent of free speech and all too often come across moderators who take themselves and their forums a little too seriously.

I'm mean, what a boring world this would be if we all thought alike and didn't allow other to freely express themselves, plus I needed a good laugh!
Quote from: nanomad on April 03, 2013, 08:19:39 PM

Only a side note if you want to start working on ml we can probably arrange a live q/a session over irc with some other devs (I'm volunteering). Let me know if you are interested so I can discuss this with the other guys ;D

Just curious, has a software camera simulator been developed? Like an iPhone sim in Xcode for apps, if not do you think it would be feasible to create one for testing? This might be something I can do with some guidance from the lead developers.
Quote from: g3gg0 on April 03, 2013, 03:54:04 PM

do you know C, do you know/understand asm, do you know embedded systems and what kind of programming do you do?

Hey g3gg0, I know java, c, c++, and objective-c. I do not know asm or embedded systems very well, but I'm willing to learn (on my own) and learn new things very quickly, so let me know if you think I can be helpful.
g3gg0, thanks for the info and all your and others hard work.

RE: d) you are welcome to help.

I am programmer for 25 yrs with some time on my hands, how can I help?
Me too, can't wait for the 650D port, please post PayPal link to donate for this version, thank you!