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Messages - edingacic

Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 5D Mark II / 5D2
December 02, 2014, 04:23:45 PM
@reddeercity what build are you using on your mk2 :) is everything form AD build you mentioned as being the fastest ported to main ML build.  Thanks
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
October 08, 2013, 04:07:59 AM
So what is the conckusion on VAF and rec in raw does it work or it is too soft
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
September 17, 2013, 04:25:52 AM
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
September 15, 2013, 01:18:40 PM
is there a tool for osx like RAWanizer to make proxy for faster review and selection of footage before processing with ACR or DaVinci.  I use RAWMagic testing 7d DNGs last build has a lot of pink frames but that is due to I guess my slow 400x card i cont. mode I think its fine.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Re: 7D Test builds with Raw Support
September 06, 2013, 01:33:02 AM
Can someone please include info on what is new in each build changes so we can follow it better thanks for great work guys!
Quote from: arrinkiiii on August 11, 2013, 09:25:03 PM
lol  ...secret level take you to 6k  ::)

Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
August 11, 2013, 08:55:52 PM
As far as I understand no
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
August 11, 2013, 03:52:13 PM
Quote from: arrinkiiii on August 11, 2013, 02:35:21 PM
Indeed, it's code.

now that Pelican is gone till october anyone up to the task to finish this great raw rec module?
Quote from: Pelican on August 11, 2013, 01:04:24 PM
I've made some small change on raw_rec and put it my fork here:

I don't know if it is do something or not,  it's need more testing.
I'm packing now and go to Brazil until October so I cannot continue the work on it.

Best chance to make the 7D raw_rec usable ask g3gg0 to finish it.

can u compile that new rawrec so we can test the changes. Thanks for your contribution and have a nice stay in Brazil till October.  We hope g3gg0 finishes this :)
Quote from: codypowers on August 04, 2013, 10:47:14 PM
How is the patch installed?  Sorry if this has been explained, but I was unable to find the instructions.  Thanks so much.

I tried using the version from the CD that came with my 7d, on a computer that has never has EOS utility before otherwise, and when I select "Camera Settings/Remote Shooting" it still stops and gives me the "Out of Memory" Error...

I bet you are on MAC?
Quote from: feureau on August 04, 2013, 03:26:26 PM
August 4 build:

Thanks works great I used to have this scripts folder not found now it is fixed. 
Quote from: Pelican on August 04, 2013, 07:33:28 PM
I've made a new patch file which works with the same 1.1.0 fw but creates a 2.0.3 fw update so you can skip the EU part...
Use the same way as the previous patch.

what do you mean by skip the EU part?
Quote from: Pelican on August 03, 2013, 11:53:45 PM
1. You don't need to delete anything if the program works as planned.
2. Yeah, there are thousands of solutions but I've chosen this... 
Have you tested it?

I see others tested it and worked.

Working now :) EOScard does not crash anymore.  Do we need to put new nightly builds in there or it is done for us with EOSCard from the download server
Quote from: Pelican on August 03, 2013, 03:25:44 PM
1.35 use the same zip that once downloaded (you will miss the newer versions or have to delete the zip manually from your tem folder)
1.36 checks the date of the downloaded zip and download it again if necessary.
The bug is in the conversion routine (date to string) probably cause the different locale settings

When I get back home I will try the new version so what is the correct procedure now if we only work with 1.35 to get latest built?  Can we replace the new files manually on CF card?
YEAHHHHHH WORKING ISSUE WAS THE EOScard now with EOSCard 1.35 everything is working....
Quote from: themichael on August 03, 2013, 03:34:28 AM
Tried this on two different computers, XP-32 laptop and Win 7-64 desktop. Both have the same results, connection lost no ML.

Grasping at straws - could it be the date of manufacture? Found this list and mine was made in Sept 2011 -

Date       First 2 digits of serial #
Sep 09   01
Oct 09   02
Nov 09   03
Dec 09   04
Jan 10   05
Feb 10   06
Mar 10   07
Apr 10   08
May 10   09
Jun 10   10
Jul 10   11
Aug 10   12
Sep 10   13
Oct 10   14
Nov 10   15
Dec 10   16
Jan 11   17
Feb 11   18
Mar 11   19
Apr 11   20
May 11   21
Jun 11   22
Jul 11   23
Aug 11   24
Sep 11   25
Oct 11   26
Nov 11   27
Dec 11   28
Jan 12   29
etc   etc

my is 05  lost connection problem
Quote from: arrinkiiii on August 03, 2013, 03:09:42 AM
It will accept with half charge. But try to install the EOSUtility from the CD and then run the EOSUtility from the link of britom( the old version of EOSUtility.

I even did that but I will do it again ... it recognizes 7d just fine everything works like expected until the last OK button is hit before the update after selection .fir from hard drive.  Then it says that the connection is lost.... i even try different usb cables LOL hehehe ....

Quote from: Haruki on August 03, 2013, 03:07:50 AM
exactly. so what could be the problem? drivers? i have all eos stuff installed...maybe some driver needs to be an old one?

maybe  I think its that or I need to fully charge the bat.  I am not sure man EOS Utility even on Mac is acting strange in old version with new updates.... i guess its the drivers or something.

Tell me if nothing helps so i will upload the full cd from where i got the eosutility.

If u can upload the full cd maybe that is the issue but I am not sure..... I am fully charging my battery maybe it does not accept half full?
Quote from: Haruki on August 03, 2013, 02:49:21 AM
tried everything. no succsess.
i have to flash the patched firmware file from my harddrive and not from the cf-card where i copied it to, right?

I guess so thats what I am doing you can not select from CF card I have tried that to see if I am doing it wrong.  I guess we never get to the process of booting the .fir firmware because our EOSUtility gets disconnected at the process of initialization...... then the camera goes into recycle without anything being done to the CF fir file
Quote from: britom on August 03, 2013, 02:54:17 AM
Exactly man, you have 2 copies of the firmware.fir file, one in the card, the other one on your hard drive. So the firmware "downgrade" process is with your cf card inside the camera, with the fir file in it.

Dont worry because it wont downgrade to 1.2.3 :)

I select from the hard drive the patched one thats right from CF cant be selected anyhow... the problem is lost connection i guess or battery not fully charged _

does your EOS utility says LOST CONNECTION IN RED _
Quote from: britom on August 03, 2013, 02:33:30 AM
I'll try to help, my instructions worked on my pc with windows 8 x64 and some people tried in windows 7 without problems so please make sure:

Camera dial is set M mode
Battery is charged
You have the proper drivers (install the cd that came with your camera and then use the eosutility from my post)
Copied the firmware.fir to the card before flashing it from eosutility

Things to try if it still dont work:

***Go to Device Manager by pressing WindowsKey+R and typing devmgmt.msc
Expand the Portable Devices tree and Disable all of them except Canon EOS 7d by right-click - Disable***
Reset your camera to factory settings
Run eosutility in windows 7/vista/xp mode, or as Administrator
Format the CF before trying everything, from the camera

Tell me if nothing helps so i will upload the full cd from where i got the eosutility.

Can you please answer the following question.

When you select the firmware.fir after in the EOSUtility and hit OK another windows comes up saying something about hitting SET and not touching any buttons right? 

At that moment in the top of EOSUtility in RED Letters it says Lost connection.

7D goes into Initializing firmware update then in goes black and turns back on 

On the card I am left with capital letters now FIRMARE.FIR and 3 more files. 

When I delete those or format the card and place ML folder with autoexec in the root and boot 7d nothing happens.

I think it never gets flagged

I have done everything in M mode out of Live View , reset 7d to factory settings, ran EOS utility in different compatibility modes from XP to vista to whatnot in Admin mode.

I guess its the drivers then or I am stupid! :)