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Messages - Malex

Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
March 19, 2013, 12:44:25 AM
Quote from: a1ex on March 19, 2013, 12:24:11 AM
Did you try to use it a while without ML?

I was having the errors with the 24-105mm on my 550D also, (which had ML installed)
Then I reinstalled Canon firmware in the 6D and still had the errors! Then I took it to a canon repair place and the guy
put my 24-105 on a 500D (without ML) and the lens was working fine, I couldn't get the errors on it.
And my old lens worked fine with the 6D (at least no errors), so it was weird, so the repair guy told to return it.

My question : after having ML installed, then Canon firmware installed back, are there some ML foot print still in the camera?
Does the SD cards I got sucks?
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
March 19, 2013, 12:16:22 AM
Hi, I just want to inform you that I had to return my 6D+24-105mm because of the errors I was having (Err01 - Err70)

Also one night when I used it intensely to shoot a small concert, it was horrible because the 6D would randomly turn off by itself while recording, or it would freeze, I had to remove the battery to turn it off. I once played with the bitrate menu but recording would stop so I gave up and put back normal settings.
I was using a Sandisk 95MB/s.

I don't know why it did this, I assume I received a broken camera... So I reinstalled Canon firmware and sent it back. I'll get a new one in 3 weeks... :(
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
March 08, 2013, 08:20:00 AM
Quote from: fotojohni on March 08, 2013, 07:49:53 AM
Also, I have a bug, my magic zoom flikers when using on 720p
I think it's not a bug, it's the same on all Canon @ 720p 60p
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
March 07, 2013, 04:21:39 PM
Quote from: 1% on March 07, 2013, 03:43:27 PM
Post the log from the error 70 too. There should be an assert and/or log file.

this is from error 01

this error 70

do you understand that language...? is it ML related ?
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
March 07, 2013, 03:41:21 PM
Quote from: 1% on March 07, 2013, 03:34:14 PM
New lens, used lens?

Brand new lens, it came as a kit lens with the 6D, I'll call the shop and see what they tell me.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
March 07, 2013, 11:28:31 AM
Quote from: gravitatemediagroup on March 05, 2013, 07:32:32 PM
when you get it, shoot in some low light with various ISO and see if you get some crazy vertical lines in your footage.

I received my 6D yesterday, I don't have crazy vertical lines, without or with ML,

ML is working fine for me, except that one flicker now and then, and the waveforme set as small is smaller than on the 550D.
I didn't play much with bitrate yet.

I'm having a big issue though but not related to ML or the 6D, the 24-105mm Canon that I received with the 6D isn't working properly!
I get Err 01 from time to time, and if I try to turn OFF IS (stabilizer) I hear some noise inside the lens, like if something is stuck!

If the 6D is OFF and set on movie mode and IS is OFF , when I turn back ON the 6D it crash directly! Err 70! WHYYYYYYYY

it's my 1st L serie lens, and it's doesn't work well! :(
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
March 06, 2013, 12:12:37 AM
Quote from: gravitatemediagroup on March 05, 2013, 07:32:32 PM
when you get it, shoot in some low light with various ISO and see if you get some crazy vertical lines in your footage.
Ok I'll do that, without ML, and with ML.

Quote from: 1% on March 05, 2013, 04:56:59 PM
64gb Patriot EP card I used on 600D then 6D fell apart from too many insertions.
Ha Ok, I understand now, your Sdcard broke, not your 6D.

@teo770 and @sparedog : Yup, I checked many reviews before I finally decided to get one (not only reviews of 6D, I checked 5Dm3, Gh3, Blackmagic, Sony VG900 and A99) and 6D won my choice for different reasons, and you guys are confirming it's a great camera, so yeah I'm not worrying.
Its big flaw for me and many people is still no 1080@60p! It's a shame! But well, we can't have it all...
If I really need to do slowmotion, I'll get a GoPro 3 BlackEdition or rent a Fs700.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
March 05, 2013, 10:55:11 AM
Quote from: 1% on March 05, 2013, 12:37:35 AM
I've been using slow non-uhs card since the 6D ep card fell apart and it still records video...

What do you mean "6D ep card fell apart and it still records video..." ?  Sounds like your 6D broke but still works a little, it's scary...
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
March 05, 2013, 10:50:42 AM
Quote from: gravitatemediagroup on March 05, 2013, 06:12:25 AM
then I guess I got a bad camera

I just baught a 6D I'm still waiting for it to arrive, even though I didn't receive it yet I'm glad to get my 1st full frame camera, I got it mainly because of great low light performance, and because I knew I could install ML.

I read that you are not happy with it, and I'd like to understand why ? (I hope everybody is not feeling like you...)
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
February 28, 2013, 05:56:39 PM
Thank you for your answer, that is good news for all the stuff already working! Now I'll just wait for my new toy to arrive!
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
February 28, 2013, 03:06:13 PM
Hi, I just baught the 6D+24/105 lens online, can't wait it get it, I'll be donating for ML dev and I'll install the alpha/beta ML on it, I'll report bugs too.
I have ML on my old T2i, and I can't use it without ML, so I'll be doing the same with the 6D.

I'm just wondering if you have an idea of how long it will take you guys to have the 1st official release of ML for 6D out ? is there a page where you annonce it ? will it be in weeks ? months ? days...? :D

In the actual version, are those features working ?
-peaking (I read it flickers)
-magic zoom
-HDR video
-white balance Auto adjust Kelvin
-movie restart
-Bit Rate (I read it's hardest to understand, it's not as simple as on my t2i with just the CBR factor ?)

I'll get the sandisk extreme 95mb too, it's the best card out there isn't it ?
Share Your Videos / Re: How to share your videos
February 22, 2013, 10:57:44 AM
Hi, I don't know if I put the link of my video like this, maybe I didn't, so I'd like to know if you delete post if we don't post it like you say above ? because I lost a post in Share Your Videos... I posted it here few days ago, and it's gone now, the vimeo link was working.
How is it possible ?  :(
Share Your Videos / Fun Toys Stop-Motion
February 15, 2013, 01:53:55 PM
Hi all, here is my first stop motion video that I did after I received my first dolly for my T2i. I edited with Premiere and made some special effects with After Effects and Softimage.

Intervallometer + peaking + wavefrom + White balance was useful for that little project, thanx Magic Lantern!
It was fun to do but not easy to shoot!!

I made this video for fun, what's going on in it doesn't make sense, I just took out some toys out of a box, put them on my couch and improvised something up with a them.

Leave your critics and comments if you got some :)
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
February 15, 2013, 01:30:42 PM
Well said!

Quote from: teo770 on February 15, 2013, 09:46:51 AM
Estimate date of 1st alpha #1...
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
January 15, 2013, 12:35:37 PM
Quote from: 1% on January 08, 2013, 09:05:47 PM
New Bit Rate Menu.

Hi, I'm planning to get a 5DM3 or 6D.
I see on that picture of the new bit rate menu that CBR can now go up to 12 ? is it the maximum ?

With ML 2.3 that I use in my 550D, CBR goes up to 3, and most of the time just stop recording when there is too much complicated stuff going on in the screen, I understood it has do with the buffer of the camera. (my card is a sandisk extreme 30mb/s).

How do the 5DM3 or a 6D compare to that, since they can use faster SD / CF cards ? Do they have a bigger buffer ?
How much bit rate is 12 on the ML menu ?

General Chat / Re: Canon 5d Mk2 , 6D 0r 7D.
December 19, 2012, 06:32:05 PM
Glad to know it was helpful, did you decide what you'll get next ?
Archived porting threads / Re: Magic Lantern for 6D
December 16, 2012, 05:35:12 PM
Great news, as I want to own one!
Keep up the good job!  ;)
General Chat / Re: Canon 5d Mk2 , 6D 0r 7D.
December 16, 2012, 05:30:36 PM
Hi, I am in the same position as you, I want to upgrade from my 550D to a full frame, I looked at many possiblity, i even made a spreadsheet with pros and cons for many cameras, from latest nikon to sony a99, new gH3, blackmagic, fs700, 5Dm3, 6D

All this time making a spreadsheet just to realize that I'm stuck with canon lenses, so no nikon or a99 for me, I don't want to bother with an adaptater either, so no FS700 or GH3 (both came out good in scoring in my spreadsheet but GH3 isn't a fullframe and not great at low light (if we compare it to a 6D/5Dm3) and the FS700 is just way to expensive so no slow motion for me)

So finally I want to stick with canon, and magic lantern, so I have to decide between the 6D and 5Dm3, (1D-X is too expensive also and Magic lantern might not come out on it anytime soon since so few people have it)
I don't include the 5Dm2 because it's doesn't match up on low light performance, and this is very important for me, I want to reduce as much as possible my use of noise reduction filter.

My biggest disappointement with the Canon is that we can't shoot at 1080p at 60fps! The Gh3 and a99 can!

I think I'll go with the 6D, I watched many reviews, and its quality is great and some reviews even show that 6D is better at low light than the 5Dm3, and the points that bother most people don't bother me :
- Not so good AF (i don't care I use it for video)
- slow photo fps: 4.5fps  (i don't care I use it for video)
- No headphone jack ( i use a H4n with a cable that allow me to record its good sound in the 550D and at the same time connect use headphone)
- Only one card slot (it's really not a big deal!!)
- moiree (well.. Too bad, but it can't be as bad as the 550D)
- smaller screen (kinda bad, but I have an external LCD)

I'll wait before bying it, I'm not on a hurry, I'm wishing Canon release a camera with autofocus video like the a99 and the Gh3, and the most important for me would be 1080p at 60fps (or more,we can dream...)

I wrote a lot about my opinions, I don't kow if that can help you, I hope it does.