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Messages - Ikare

Quote from: Audionut on July 15, 2014, 03:28:31 PM
Care to upload the CR2?  100/1600 and 100/2500.

Quote from: a1ex on July 15, 2014, 03:39:15 PM
2500/100 is more like 2500/80, since the intermediate gains are the ones of the base ISO. Dual ISO only operates on the full-stop amplifiers.

Shadow noise should be equal in 1250 and 1600. In 2500 is lower, because it's based on 3200.

Ok, I had not kept my tests yesterday, but I had increased only shadows on Camera Raw to see the difference (it was a mistake, see below)

Today I made ​​a new test with these values​​: 800/100, 640/100 (more like 640/80 as stated a1ex) and 400/100

Here are the results (they are 100% crop of a dark area):

800iso :

high res :

640iso :

high res :

400iso :

high res :

We can see that the three images do not have equivalent exposure if exposure increases equally, despite compliance photographic units (I had not seen the difference yesterday).

(a1ex & Audionut, merci pour vos réponses, et surtout un grand merci pour votre travail)
Quote from: Audionut on July 15, 2014, 01:31:11 PM

thanks, I try to understand the information on the Topic, even if it is difficult to translate the information in my native language.
But I can not understand why I got a better result with that in 1250 and 2500 to 1600 ...
Hello everyone,

Since yesterday, I test DualISO mode on my DSLR.

In the menu, it is now possible to choose values ​​as: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, ...

However, multiples of 160 ISO get better result to retrieve the dark tones, why not add: 160, 320, 640, 1250 ...?

To get there, I tested the functionality upside down, and I set the camera to ISO 2500, then DualISO on -5EV
Recovery of Shadows was better (less chromatic noise) than with the device in 100iso and DualISO 1600.
With 1250iso and DualISO -4EV and the results were also better.

What do you think?
