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Messages - critix

The discussion can be continued on the topic dedicated to the 1300D device.
There are already discussions about other problems, not about the device detection error that has been fixed.
Thank you.
The video mode on this device does not work, it has many bugs. I haven't worked on the video part yet.
Try now.
General Help Q&A / Re: Canon T6 - ML Model Detection Error
September 30, 2023, 03:53:26 PM
Firmware signature is ok.
Quote from: LWL-Photographie on September 30, 2023, 03:36:15 PM
But your programm also says :"firmware signature=0x3d8461b5"
I thought I have the version 1.1.0
General Help Q&A / Re: Canon T6 - ML Model Detection Error
September 30, 2023, 02:03:23 PM
Can you try this build?
It's just Hello World. And put a picture of the screen when Hello World appears.
Thank you
General Help Q&A / Re: Canon T6 - ML Model Detection Error
September 30, 2023, 12:06:24 PM
Video not working now...
General Help Q&A / Re: Canon T6 - ML Model Detection Error
September 30, 2023, 06:20:51 AM
Try this version. If the screen is black after starting the device (this version does not display the error detector message), I will give you an autoexec.bin to check
General Help Q&A / Re: Canon T6 - ML Model Detection Error
September 29, 2023, 04:30:12 PM
ML work only with 1.1.0 version, not with 1.1.1
Quote from: names_are_hard on September 05, 2023, 07:03:08 AM
Did the bootloader move?
Yes, bootloader move.
From fw-signature.h:
Quote#define SIG_1300D_110 0x3d8461b5 // from FE0C0000 (atypical)
For the rest of the devices, the signature is from FF010000 (ROMBASEADDR = 0xFF010000 from ex: 1100D/Makefile.platform.default)
On 1300D it is at FE0C0000 (ROMBASEADDR = 0xFE0C0000  from 1300D/Makefile.platform.default)
On 2000D: ROMBASEADDR = 0xFE0C0000, so it must be like on 1300D
I have added a new version for 1300D which solves the error display problem if the firmware version is not the correct one. The rest of the devices displayed an error message, but this device is more atypical.

I think the same should be done for the 2000D and 4000D (I haven't checked, but since they are similar devices, I think it would be the same)
Video mode not
Unfortunately, I don't understand what you mean.
I put a new version of ML for 1300D, which solves the problem of accessing ML in video mode.
The adtg and raw_diag modules also work (I haven't tested it much ... but so far I can see it's okay).

The ML source is at
Yes, you are right. That's how I was supposed to express myself.
Quote from: The Penguin on December 27, 2021, 02:57:58 PM
First, I can confirm that the magic lantern menu does not open in video mode.
I've solved this problem in the meantime. I'm going to release it.
For downgrade, please follow:
On the 1300D, ML does not use the trash button to enter the menu, but the AV button, because the 1300D does not have a trash button.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Eos 2000D
January 07, 2022, 09:17:05 AM
Not yet...I'm working on this
Camera-specific Development / Re: Eos 2000D
January 06, 2022, 05:09:58 PM
I found the values for stubs.S and consts.h for 2000D (comparing the values with 1300D and other devices):
In raw.c, dynamic_ranges has the following values:
#ifdef CONFIG_2000D
static int dynamic_ranges[] = {1095, 1104, 1075, 1027, 953, 874, 785};
Camera-specific Development / Re: Eos 2000D
December 31, 2021, 09:05:56 AM
Yes, 2000D is very similar to 1300D ...
I started looking for stubs values and constants ...
Camera-specific Development / Re: ML on EOS-M2
November 24, 2021, 02:12:31 PM
I remade the ML for the EOS M2:
The links below were no longer functional.
Quote from: critix on May 20, 2020, 08:04:28 AM
Starting with the changes made by Danne to:, I added support for EOSM2.
It's not finished yet ... there are some adjustments to be made, but it's functional.... I hope ;D

Last edit:
I changed some values in mlv-lite, and rebuilt ML.
I solved the problem reported by @petabyte:
Quote- In liveview, trash button opens ML, and menus "glitch" every 3 seconds