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Messages - chger

Another thing that came to my mind:

The following keyboard-shortcut would be useful: Alt + I (since I is already in use for Clip-Info) for setting the In-Point right at cursor / playhead-position within the "timeline". Same with Alt + O for the Out-point.
Quote from: masc on February 28, 2018, 05:23:33 PM
Yes, I also thought about adding that. In the tables you posted: are the options so limited for this codec?! For all existing codecs the input plays no role... so that makes it really difficult, which option is chosable for which clip... in a batch it would not be usable at all :(

I see, DNxHD is very limited, but I think DNxHR is more flexible. I will do some testing with ffmpeg handling non-standard resolutions and framerates and report back.
I assume from what I read so far that with DNxHR you can just assign a profile (dnxhr_444, dnxhr_hqx, dnxhr_hq, dnxhr_sq, dnxhr_lb) without providing any further options (e.g. framerate, resolution). That is atleast for converting file a to file b.


I've been using and testing a while now under Windows x64. So far I did not encounter any problems or bugs, but have two feature requests though.

* Integration of DNxHD as an export codec:

I'd prefer using DNxHD or DNxHR as a codec in a .mov-Container (though .mxf would be recognised by Avid MC, Adobe PR has its problems with it.). An example list of command line options and settings for DNX-coding in ffmpeg can be found here: or Idealy one option would include a 10bit-output.

A direct command line input in the GUI by the user would be an alternative and provide total freedom of codec choice!

* Integration of custom LUTs

As of now I can select from a variety of LUTs (e.g. S-Log 3), but using custom LUTs (thinking of the LUT calc over here: would be awesome.

Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on February 28, 2018, 01:53:53 PM
2-Negative controls especially for "Light Strength", it will help a lot for restoring highlights in dual iso footage after shifting the exposure up 4 stops.


Cheers and THANK YOU!!!! for your amazing work on the App!

With best regards,

Raw Video Postprocessing / Re: MLVProducer: [v3200]
December 02, 2017, 11:32:07 PM
I noticed the same behavior with Davinci. Filmlight Baselight does the readout correctly, as does Adobes Camera Raw. cDNGs converted with v3200.

Quote from: lordwilli on December 02, 2017, 06:26:11 PM
Can you explain why the white balance become 6500 when i export it as CDNG and open it on Davinci Resolve?

i can't fix it! Help!
Raw Video Postprocessing / Re: MLVProducer: [v3200]
November 12, 2017, 02:27:55 PM
Hello AWPStar,

first of all: thank you for this brilliant piece of software!
I tried out a couple of tools but yours is by far the most extensive one and been silently using it for quite some time.

While it works very well for me, I do have a feature request.
I'm using an online/offline workflow exporting the MLV to a DNxHD for offline editing and a cDNG-sequence for onlining later in color-grading.
The DNxHD MLVProducer renders using the "DNxHD 1080p" option is (please correct me if I'm wrong) DNxHD185X.
I then do a recompression of those files down to a DNxHD36 to make them smaller and easier to work with (roughly about one fifth of the size of 185X).
I have to take this step because I have to use external drives for the offline. So this in mind my feature request would be:

1) Implementation of commandline options for ffmpeg specifying exactly which codec and bitrate one wants to use.

or taking it a step further

2) Implementation of a ffmpeg GUI (is that even possible?).

or I guess the most simple solution of all

3) Implementation of output format options DNxHD36 and DNxHD120 (knowing both are 8 bit)

Thank you for considering :-)

Best regards,