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Messages - Legushka

32bit dng --> tiff 16bit in windows?
cr2hdr + bracketing of 3(2,3,4...n) photos
simultaneously stapled dualiso and N pictures with different exposures
-->Output one dng file

possible to do this?
after the first series of photos. program dies
win7. 64
a1ex, spasibo!
after cr2 -> DNG lost the white balance settings in the DNG
Quote from: a1ex on October 30, 2013, 09:51:23 PM
I'm experimenting with some noise reduction, with an algorithm along these lines...

uses windowsXP 32
does not work

jpeg (-x) + jpeg (0) + jpeg (+ x) -> hdr, where x-expo
cr2 (iso100/1600) -> dng

whether it is possible to do so in cr2hdr: cr2 (iso100/1600) -> jpeg (-x) +{ jpeg (0) +} jpeg (+ x)?
make a separate thread for cr2hdr in
that it was possible to see the changes by version-)
Thank you very much for the work done.
"Cr2hdr.exe /?" or "Cr2hdr.exe / help" option does not work.
want to know all the parameters ( Cr2hdr.exe /... ) with which you can run cr2hdr.
Quote from: papkee on October 28, 2013, 04:04:30 PM
Even dragging one .dng doesn't work. The program flashes for a second before closing, and the file is unchanged. Could it be something with the way windows 8 interacts with command line programs? I read somewhere that sometimes Windows puts "" around the file path.
for windows: install total comander, open folder witch  cr2hdr, press ctrl+enter on cr2hd.exe, press crrl+enter on Raw image, press enter.
canon 60 not supported
this train?
Feature Requests / Re: QR geotagging
December 12, 2012, 02:12:44 PM
I like it.
must be taught to read settings EXIF camera with QR codes and immediately put them on the camera-)
Feature Requests / DVR (auto recorder)
August 03, 2012, 02:24:58 PM
search did not find, so a new theme-Wishlist
cyclic video recording in multiple files at the end of the cycle overwriting old files

when you click "shoot" saves the current movie and before him in a separate directory with protection from removal


  • how many files in a loop;
    recording a single file;
seen as a walk on the bench)
Quote from: kevinottawa on July 04, 2012, 09:32:46 AM
I used the video mode. Magic lantern FPS Override at 5fps.. shutter set to 360 degrees
1.8 55mm lens open all the way, I forget the iso, I think it was 800 or 1600.... Didn't want or need to go too high... as is, I think I may be a tad too bright.

Compressed the video down for vimeo upload, 24.0 fps playback speed.
You have very nice work)
Thank you very much for the information.
Share Your Videos / Re: Bulb ramping demos
July 04, 2012, 09:15:57 AM
Beautifully :)
Can both "Focus ramping" and "First try of ML bulb ramping:" run?

thank you.
kevinottawa, share what settings you used in the camera, the video or photo taymlaps (followed by gluing pictures)?

sorry for the fractured English.
thank you