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Messages - Thomi

I never knew about JPCORE, thanks for the hard work, I will try to add something here and there!
Thank you for sharing, I always wondered which kind of specific noise this, maybe some day I will like it too!
Share Your Videos / Re: 5.7K music video
October 29, 2020, 08:46:28 PM
Nice work, I like the warm colors, they really fit the atmosphere and lyrics!
Okay I get dependencies and I get why this is difficult to implement, so I won't bother anyone of you ever again with that stuff. But since I'm trying to get it working and produce some 3D LUTs as ODTs for example from AP0 or AP1 to Rec.709, sRGB or DCI-P3 I want to ask if I should post these LUTs in here just in case they are of use to other people who don't want to rely on other software than MLVApp.
Oh but when in the image processing are LUTs processed in MLVApp?
Looking further into this topic I came across OpenColorIO, now I know that it was said in prospect of implementing OCIO here that almost none of the dependencies are needed. I personally know near to nothing about dependencies or programming, but something was said about them here in a presentation on OCIO v2:

Maybe that would make it easier to implement it, once again I don't know anything and I don't want to be pushy, I just want to provide information.
Also in terms of figuring out how OCIO works, there has been a revamp of the documentation in addition to v2, it can be found here:

I hope this is somewhat useful, have a nice day!
Quote from: masc on October 17, 2020, 11:39:48 AMBut while correcting, you worked with a larger color range...

Thank you for pointing me into the right direction, the benefit of working in a larger color space is widely discussed all over the internet and I think I know now a bit more than before. The only thing I am unable to find is a conversion LUT from ACES AP0 to Rec.709, so the colors are not off in the end, but I'm sure a little bit more research will do the trick!
Looks very good, well done!
Yea I would like to know if you feel the colors are off or if there is something I can do better because I'm very new to this stuff. Just if it looks alright in your opinion.
Hey I recently started shooting more and more video on my EOS M and I would like to hear what you think of this clip in particular. There is a little bit of noise in the water but I quite like it tbh. Oh and I would appreciate it if someone with a DCI-P3 display could tell me how the video looks right now, as I'm stuck with Rec.709 atm:

Hardware and Accessories / Re: Powerbank
October 20, 2020, 07:53:15 PM
This is a really convenient way to power your camera, I will look into that! Thank you!
With some hope I will be there, and with some more hope with my Axiom Beta with the latest Magic Lantern Build.
All jokes aside, Spain would be pretty manageable, although the air in Iceland would be so much better and clearer, but I would be down if everything works out!
Quote from: Thomi on October 13, 2020, 09:47:08 PM
@masc: I can get behind that, thanks for looking into it!

Another question: In Processing Gamut, should I always use ACES? I found it to give me more room to push Exposure without getting that much artifacts when compared to Rec.709, is that simply because ACES seems to need to be pushed more in relation to Exposure to get the same results as in Rec.709 or is there a real benefit of using ACES?

Omg I'm so sorry, I was talking about Exposure, but I did mean Saturation.
@masc: I can get behind that, thanks for looking into it!

Another question: In Processing Gamut, should I always use ACES? I found it to give me more room to push Exposure without getting that much artifacts when compared to Rec.709, is that simply because ACES seems to need to be pushed more in relation to Exposure to get the same results as in Rec.709 or is there a real benefit of using ACES?
Hey I was wondering if you could implement something like a dual bayer function into MLVApp. There seems to be the option in programs like RAWTherapee because Amaze doesn't always provide the best values in all areas of a picture.
If you have the time and you would see the benefit in doing so I would really appreciate this!
Okay you won, haha :D

Thankyou for fixing the bug, looking forward for the next version :)
Yea sure I can, there you have it, and yes I used the TPDM-Option :D

I would like to see if you can do it better than me :D
Well yea it did well with Drag&Drop, and there is also something I can show you as a product, but I messed up pretty much, at least I think so. Have to figure out all the Options and a better solution :D

But I had the Function "Remove focus dots" on, but they are still there :/
It looks really impressive, very well done :D
I just discovered your programm and thought about giving it a try, because I got really frustrated with all the other ones. So I opened the latest version, but when I try to open a MLV, it just does nothing, did I something wrong?

I also would like to mention that in order to see the "Output" Parameter on the left side, I have to close the "Filters" Option, and even there I only can see in Fullscreenmode the "Local Contrast" and "Gamma Red".
So is there a possibility to add a slider or scale the programm to a resolution of 1366x768 pixels because this is the highest resolution of my laptop.

Thank you for your work, the programm looks nice anyway :D
I'd really like to see a Bluray Version of this, looking forward :D