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Messages - WhiteMagic

Today I encountered "Error: This ain't a lv_rec RAW file" when trying to use raw2dng on a set of RAW video files that came from a single recording on my Canon 7D that exceeded the 4GB limit. I actually had a series of files named like this:


raw2dng.exe showed me the same error cited above when I tried to execute it on all the files except last (.R02) because (as per the logic here: ) the other files did not have the appropriate hex values at the foot of the files.

Instead of messing around with HxD and editing HEX (not something I think I should have to do on my files), I used HxD's "Extras > File Tools > Concatenate..." feature to concatenate all these files together in order. (I'm sure there is a way to do this on the command line in Windows but it's not something I know how to do off the top of my head.)

After the concatenation, I was able to generate a large series of DNGs as I would expect if my clip had not gone over the 4GB file size limit.

I have searched through this thread and I have not been able to pinpoint any reason why raw2dng doesn't fix this issue by itself. If raw2dng reaches the end of a RAW file and sees it doesn't have the proper footer, why not check to see if maybe there is a .R00 file in the same directory and then .R01 and so on as necessary until the end is reached?
External recording with HDMI is the not same quality as RAW.
Raw Video / Re: Atomos + RAW DNG
January 02, 2015, 11:06:36 PM
And the colors were probably already sub-sampled.