Works in 5D2!

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Show posts MenuQuote from: sashk0 on April 11, 2014, 11:16:29 AMYes, it is outdated :p
Dear author, I've just tried it on my 5Dmk2 with magiclantern-Nightly.2014Apr02.5D2212 and it failed to load. I guess it's a bit out of date. do you have update for newer versions?
Quote from: kazeone on September 24, 2013, 09:06:04 AM
Hey dhilung, sorry unrelated to the module but I was wondering what did you use for panning the video during the timelapse?
Quote from: ab19 on September 22, 2013, 01:20:30 PM
Hey! I'm new to the forum, but a long time ML user.
I downloaded this module, and it works great for timelapses (thank you so much!)
No shutter actuation, and RAW frames. It's just brilliant.
However, I was looking to do a timelapse in the night, and have stars move about. I noted that the FPS can't be changed and I was not able to capture the night sky with stars visible. I tried using FPS override but that brought me no luck, either.
So I was wondering -- would it be possible to decrease the shutter speed (ie go around 1-5 seconds per frame) when using this module? Or is there any other method I could follow to have a night timelapse (without shutter actuation/with RAW frames)?
Quote from: g3gg0 on July 03, 2013, 12:45:50 PM
not sure, but maybe due to the single container file?
Quote from: g3gg0 on July 01, 2013, 01:05:22 PM@g3gg0 that sounds exciting!
i found the line skipping parameter already. its ADTG register 0x800C.
but when changing it, the screen seems to "overprint" multiple times.
looks like the bottom scanlines are printed over the top as the image gets larger in vertical dimension.
didnt find the register that handles line count / end address.
Quote from: gerk.raisen on July 01, 2013, 01:46:02 PM
Could you post a diff file of your modification?
Better if is it against last commits.
Thank you.
> //for timelapse
> static int fskip_choices_x[] = {0,0.1,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0,4.0,8.0,15.0,30.0,1.0*60, 2.0*60,5.0*60,10.0*60,30.0*60};
> #define FSKIP_CHOICES_X CHOICES("OFF","1/10 sec","1/2 sec","1 sec","1.5 sec","2 sec","3 sec","4 sec","8 sec","15 sec","30 sec","1 min","2 min","5 min","10 min", "30 min")
> //no config yet
> static int fskip_index_x=0;
> static int fcounter=0; /* frame counter for timelapse mode */
> static int fskip_count=0; /* frames to skip in timelapse mode. Calculate in fskip_update.*/
> static MENU_UPDATE_FUNC(fskip_update)
> {
> float fps = fps_get_current_x1000() / 1000.0;
> fskip_count = (int)(fps*fskip_choices_x[fskip_index_x]);
> }
> /* frame skipping for timelapse mode */
> if (fskip_count>=1)
> {
> if (fcounter>=fskip_count)
> {
> fcounter=0;
> }else
> {
> fcounter++;
> return 0; //skip this frame
> }
> }
> .name = "Frame interval",
> .priv = &fskip_index_x,
> .max = COUNT(fskip_choices_x) - 1,
> .update = fskip_update,
> .help = "Skip frames for timelapse.",
> .choices = FSKIP_CHOICES_X,
> },
> {
Quote from: a1ex on June 13, 2013, 04:14:52 PMYes, that also gives similar results, and I support having one implementation for one feature. However, as of now, I still see at least two advantages while using frame skipping 1) better fps precision at low frame intervals (<2s) 2) easier file management (a single file per timelapse session). Not to mention that all the current and future raw video related features, such as live cropping, can be enjoyed in a timelapse session.
Why not just enable the intervalometer and silent pics? You get DNGs straight from the camera.
Quote from: SuperSix on June 13, 2013, 12:06:48 PMI have not tested, but I think it should work just fine in 5D3.
Is it also available on the 5DIII ?
Quote from: vipmask on May 25, 2013, 01:44:44 PM
Shooting from a helicopter "aerocrane"
8620 frames
1920х1024 25fps! - scaling to 1920х1080
ML 18-05 "rw_over_test"
Quote from: ted ramasola on May 24, 2013, 09:49:33 AM
Now for those curious if rolling shutter in Raw video is different as in h264.
Quote from: Blahpix on August 13, 2012, 02:16:14 PM
And how does this work on mac?
Quote from: Arsdezi on July 14, 2012, 03:14:29 AM
Very good job!
But the color is strong saturated and does not look natural, like a cheap camera
Quote from: pemstudio on July 13, 2012, 10:28:55 PM
Tak latamy w tandemie. Inaczej materia? by?by mniej stabilny.
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