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Messages - akry

A GUI thing: the settings are not fitting into the export dialog window. It is not horizontal resizable in LR on Windows.
@Walter Schulz, it's absolutely normal. Any plugin using custom metadata will issue this warning, it's a part of legal LR behavior. All changes are made via LR API and no harm to catalog is possible. The warning actually means than you will need this plugin to view the Dual ISO metadata.

If Adobe will change schema (which it probably already did few times) all custom metadata will be preserved. There are many plugins using custom metadata. My «Camera Temperature», lots of Jeffrey Friedl's great plugins such as «jf Facebook», «jf Megapixel Sort», John's «Big Note».
1. Maybe text sidecar file(s) if it is not possible to write metadata directly. I can postprocess it later with LR plugin.
2. Sorry, couldn't find it. I'll check again.
3. Two jpegs as previews with two ISO settings. I realize it would be impossible to implement.
@a1ex After a five days of real-life testing and rapture I got a few ideas of further improvement.

  • Add dual iso settings data directly in cr2 meta. Why: after shooting thousand of photos I can't remeber which settings I used and can't learn which is the best. And it will be easier to batch-postprocess photos if I sort them by "second ISO". Maybe just add few keywords ("subject" exif field), no need for custom tags.
  • Sequence "No Dual ISO shot / Dual ISO shot ". Why: I not always sure if Dual ISO is good for the scene or not. And on dynamic events I have no time to open settings and enable/disale dual iso for each shot. Is it too hard to implement by your judgement?
  • Sequence "Dual ISO RAW / Small Jpeg Low Iso / High Iso". Why: nowadays I have to convert cr2 on my desktop before I know I made it ok. But often I'm in travel weeks from any PC, and it's a huge chance I mess with settings and understand it when too late. But by looking at (yes, even unaligned) jpeg previews I will got an idea what's going on in a place.
@kichetof, I've made few patches.

1. MLDialog.lua. Added code for keywords and color labels in MLDialogs.settings()
2. MLExportServiceProvider.lua. Added "keywords" to exportServiceProvider.exportPresetFields
3. MLProcess.lua. New function MLProcess.split() and new code in MLProcess.process()
4. MLProcess.lua. I think local gt = WIN_ENV and " > " or " > " is unneeded — local gt = " > " is enough. It works on my PC.

Seemed, cr2hdr already adds "Dual-ISO" keyword by itself.
Share Your Photos / Re: Thread photos dual iso
April 29, 2014, 11:08:54 PM
Dual ISO is awesome for street photography!

Canon 6D  ISO 200/3200, 1/500, f/4.0, no tripod, no flash.

@kichetof, refactoring in progress :)

Three issues so far.
1. I think it is a good idea to leave a color label, not caption (or maybe keep both) — I like visual when working with grid. I suggest a) assign color label; b) add keyword (not caption, coz it bad for shots management workflow).
2. MLProcess[55]: local gt = WIN_ENV and " ^> " or " > " — not working unless I change " ^>" to " >" (I use Windows 7).
3. Still can't save new settings in Export dialog, no "Update with new settings" menu item.

@kichetof I don't! LR API is kinda esoteric. :)
BTW I can't find a way to save previous settings so Magic Lantern:cr2hdr is always using defaults. However «Export with Previous» works.
@kichetof Glad it helps!

I've made two more minor additions. First, the color label. 'DualIso' or any custom color name won't work — only standard 'red', 'yellow' etc. So no point in text field, I've changed it to popup.

f:edit_field {
  value = bind 'label',
  width = 100,

replaced with

f:popup_menu {
title = LOC "$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASLabel=Color label for Dual ISO file :",
items = {
  { title = "none", value = '' },
          { title = "Red", value = 'red' },
          { title = "Yellow", value = 'yellow' },
          { title = "Green", value = 'green' },
          { title = "Blue", value = 'blue' },
          { title = "Purple", value = 'purple' },
value = LrView.bind( "label" ),
size = 'small'

Of course we have to change { key = 'label', default = "DualISO" } to { key = 'label', default = "" } upstream.

Second thing, I got complains about the final summary dialog. Dunno why but I thought this problem is easy to solve: just added checkbox «Show summary after conversion» (with a proper bind value) and enclosed summary dialog in "if exportSettings.showSummary then LrDialogs.presentModalDialog..."
@kichetof, just don't blame me for the rough code :)
The patch starts with "akry metadata patch" comment in
1. Info.lua: added metadata provider and tagset
2. MLExportServiceProvider.lua: inserted metadata code in function exportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos

patchMetadataDefinitionFile.lua and patchMetadataTagset.lua should be copied to the plugin directory.

BTW, is it possible to add metadata in camera?
IMHO the main reason to add LR metadata is batch-processing. You choose all photos with all shadows deeper than say 90% and add one kind of NR settings. Then choose shadows from 70 to 89% and add another NR. Looking at my workflow it could be hundreds of dual ISO shots from one trip, and the metadata sorting could save hours of work.
I think it's much easier to add custom metadata to LR catalog at first, and it will suit the most one's needs.

I made a rough patch to cr2hdr plugin, just to test the concept. Added custom metadata tagset "Dual ISO", added a few tags and just parsed the output of cr2hdr.exe. And then used photo:setPropertyForPlugin (_PLUGIN, 'ISOdifference', iso_str_s).

It's possible to add user-defined tags as described here
But I see no application for this in my LR workflow.
Great job!

Idea: save source and processing data in image metadata. Something like

It could help batch post-processing.