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Messages - Lanre

Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
March 07, 2014, 06:07:36 PM
Ok, good to know. I used raw rec last time, maybe I'll stick to that. Thanks again :)
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
March 07, 2014, 05:59:40 PM
Ok, thanks for the quick answer. I'll test the latest ML Nightly. Would you suggest using MLV or RAW rec? As I said, I'll record audio separately.
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
March 07, 2014, 05:40:50 PM
Hi folks!
Could someone tell me, which is the latest reliable built for continuous raw recording? (I don't need sound or crop mode)
I was supposed to get my Blackmagic 4k before a video gig on monday but it didn't deliver in time (surprise) so I'll have to do the gig with my 7D. I used the TL raw on september with good success but haven't really followed the thread since that. I'd appreciate it a lot if someone who has been following this thread and trying the latest builds could inform me Thanks a lot!
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
November 10, 2013, 10:51:26 PM
Thanks so much, guys! Merging the .R00 and .RAW files in Terminal did the trick and saved my footage!!
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
November 10, 2013, 11:53:49 AM
dmk, thanks. Without any knowledge of scripting I typed that to terminal and it started calculating.. Let's see, what happens..
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
November 10, 2013, 12:34:55 AM
No, it doesn't play back with the mlv_play on. I did not have the mlv_rec loaded when recording.. could that be the issue? I was a bit confused when the mlv_rec and raw_rec modules were both loaded since there was two setting pages for raw_video and so I took off the mlv_rec..
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
November 09, 2013, 10:23:13 PM
RAWmagic actually now converted the .R00 -suffix, but the resulting dng_s looked like this (see the attachment). All the shorter clips look just fine..

M09-1821_00011 by andymou, on Flickr

.. Any idea, what might be the problem??
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
November 09, 2013, 09:20:01 PM

I have tested the RAW recording function with my 7D with good success but today I recorded first time longer clips, like over 3 minutes. I'm unable to convert the bigger clips to DNG-files (I tried both RawMagic and Raw2dng). On the CFcard the longer clips also have one or two .R00 -files with the same file name. I have read these threads and remember someone mentioning a file size limit.. Could you please help me and tell if there is a way to convert those bigger files to Dng sequences. Thanks!

(I used the latest 8Nov built)