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Messages - clapalm

Wow - thanks so much for posting the article on how to over ride the greyed out firmware upgrade function of the EOS Utility.  Followed those instructions, dialed back the firmware to 1.2.3, reloaded ML to my SD card and I now am back in business.  A thousand thanks.
I am not sure how someone was able to revert back to 1.2.3 from 1.3.3 using the EOS Utility.  I am on a Mac running 10.10.1 and an older Mac running 9.2.1 and using various versions of EOS Utility I get the same results - I can see the firmware version within the settings tab, but it is greyed out and I can't access it.  I would appreciate anyone who has a answer on how to dial the firmware back to reply.

I posted this questions in another ML forum - reposting it here to hopefully get an answer sooner:

Just received my 5D Mark III back from Canon for an HDMI port repair and discovered that they updated my firmware to 1.3.3!  For the past year I have been shooting RAW with the ML hack exclusively with this camera.  Am I screwed?  Is there any way to install an older firmware once the newer one has been installed?   Does not appear that a ML build for 1.3.3 is happening any time soon.  Please help. Thanks
Not sure if this is the correct forum for this questions or not, but here it is -
Just received my 5D Mark III back from Canon for an HDMI port repair and discovered that they updated my firmware to 1.3.3!  For the past year I have been shooting RAW with the ML hack exclusively with this camera.  Am I screwed?  Is there any way to install an older firmware once the newer one has been installed?   Does not appear that a ML build for 1.3.3 is happening any time soon.  Please help. Thanks
Thru a friend I discovered how to join files on a Mac using Terminal.  Here is the link to the article:

It worked! Was able to join my .RAW, .R00 and R01 file together into a single file that raw2dng was able to create .dng files with! Happy Day.
Quote from: Gigi_Five on July 30, 2013, 01:10:54 AM
The problem is:
CF is fat32 so file longer than 4GB does not have enough addressing space so ML splits the file and writes info of entire recording to last file. This is what you have to do, you must join those two files on some other file system i.e. (NTFS). The command is simple:

for example if you have "M29-1817.RAW" and "M29-1817.R00", then the command is (in command prompt):
copy /b M29-1817.RAW + M29-1817.R00 M29-JOINED.RAW

this is for windows, there must be some similar command on mac for joining files.

it worked for me..


I'm having the same problem and I am using a Mac.  Can anyone please suggest the Mac solution for joining the .RAW and .R00 files?
