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Messages - SteveScout

Raw Video / Re: Vertical Stripes
February 21, 2016, 06:13:27 PM
More light, higher ISOs (don´t exceed 1600 if possible), open the stop more, overexpose a bit.  MLrawviewer has a "debanding" function that eliminates this "fixed pattern" noise a bit, but it will never completely go away. In dark areas or underexposed parts of the images you´ll always see it a bit if viewed too bright (or in log mode before grading).
Modules Development / Re: MLV Lite
February 21, 2016, 06:11:27 PM
Thanks a lot for creating this modfication!! Runs smooth and without any problems for me. 5DMK III on 1.1.3, 25fps @FullHD,  filled a 64GB Komputerbay CG Card which would normally behave a bit bitchy and unstable in longer takes. Converted with MLVconverter from "Tonybeccar", even the long takes (3minutes and longer, up to 20 Gigabytes) were converted without any errors.

Will surely test more (30fps and stuff), but if it always behaves like today I´ll take it for a regular production and to see how well MLV"lite" does! ;)

Hi, guys!

I´ve switched to 1.4.3 and this new file browser is very nice. Although when I hit "E" to export a file, it gives me that file dialogue to choose the export directory, but there is no way to set it. I hit enter, klick the mouse ... and it just gets me deeper in subdirectories, but no way to tell the app "That´s the folder, use it!". Am i stupid?


Hi, guys!

Sorry I haven´t been part of the conversation lately .. was away Shooting. mothaibaphoto, These are great notes, did not know about the Hyphens and the Sound issue. Since it´s just a script that uses the AFX Scripting engine we can´t go that deep into program functions (to correct Errors etc.) as we could if it was programmed from the ground up as a standalone app. But if we know These little quirks we should all be happy with it. Still use it as my #1 workflow.
This happens normally only when you have a missing frame in your sequence. Then After Effects can´t recognize the folder as one image sequence and presents you every DNG individually within ACR. Check the folder for the overall number of file and the last filename (don´t forget to count the "0") and then check if it matches!
Yes,it does. All manual, partly manual or full auto. And even different Aspekt ratios for video.  Tested the HD Mode yesterday as well- mushy as Canon DSLR H.264, so 4K is the only really quality usable Video Mode on the Cam.
If you´re thinking about getting the brand new pocket-able LX-100 from Panasonic for all occasions where you can´t (or don´t want to) carry a big DSLR - and if you´re not sure if those scenes will intercut nicely with your regular raw footage: Take a look, I´ve tested it!

Enjoy reading and watching the videos!
That´s a build in feature - because once a sequence misses a frame ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) will stop importing at that frame and from then on does NOT recognize the sequence anymore - so you are basically importing every frame as a single frame afterwards, which is painful. So the script rathers tells you to manually check the file sequence (doubling a missing frame by just copying and renaming for example) before you run into the situation where you basically have to stop importing because of skipped frames when recording was done.
Really? Since I´m on 14.1 I have problems with the autogeneration of comps, but at least the import works. Unfortunately my programmer left our company, and I´m very bad at scripting, so we need the help of others to keep this script updated.
Thanks for the contribution, guys! The file is updated, so everyony downloading it will have the latest line (From Frank7D) in.
Well .. technically we can´t say or prove that the use of ML fried the card. But when it happened to me early this summer I thought "well, I´m using DSLRs since the first 5D II came out and such a thing never happened to me, but NOW that I shoot ML raw the card gets more than a hickup" - this either was ML OR (and that´s more likely) it´s just the weak card I used, we know that Komputerbay CF cards are not the most reliable ones out there .. but very affordable.
Shot half of a feature in ML raw, and this only happened to ONE single card, fortunately only with test footage. It was a Komputerbay 64GB card, they sent me a small program that checks the card and returns an error code. The result was "card fried, throw it away", there was no chance to get it back and no one knows what happened. If this is a professional shoot it´ll be definitely worth contacting a professional data rescue facility, because the costs will be small compared to reshooting something .. but CF cards are not as reliable as SSDs or HDDs, so the chance of a completely damaged one is unfortunately pretty high if all reads and programs deny acessing the card.  What brand was it?
MLV 1.1.3 is very stable now. Just shot one hour of footage over three days and only one single take had a problem, stopping during the take. Everything else was flawless.
Take a look at the AFX scipt here .. it imports the WAVs automatically:
@FrankD: Good question. On my machine it´s always the output module as standard that I created last, so definitely never the FLV one. The standard one (fixed setting) can surely be implemented, but for the moment I can´t get hold of "my" programmer anymore, so this is something you´d have to figure out by going through the script.
Yep, this is a behaviour the script can´t correctly deal with as the AFX import routine together with ACR does not allow to "skip" missing frames - a missing frame for AFX tells Adobe Camera Raw  "this is a new sequence". And that´s the only feedback that AFX sends back to the script routines.

That´s why we implemented the warning (earlier versions I was trying out along the way to this one would not even have those, THAT was painful!) so you can manually go into these folders and just duplicate the missing frames. If someone with tons of AFX scripting knowledge knows a workaround we´re more than happy to modify and add those routines, but so far that´s the only chance to import sequences together with ACR.

Hey, everyone!

Try to download the newest version, just updated the link:

Now there´s a feature to create comps and output modules from already imported material, i.e. if the script failed to generate it automatically you can do it manually now.


P.S.: thanks, Eric, for the bug report!!
I´ve seen this behaviour on my machine before as well and I can´t reproduce it. Don´t know if it´s filestructure, names etc. - sometimes it just doesn´t create the comps.

One workaround for the moment would be the use of the Batchprocessor -

It takes already imported files and creates the comps and output modules, just check if the output filenames are made properly, sometimes, it seems the script counts numbers up etc., so the output file does not match the MLV file name.
Hi, everyone!

The new version of the script is ready! Please try it out, hopefully every error you encounteres is adressed now!!


Looking into this with my programmer over here. Hopfully we have an updated fixed version of the script beginning of next week!
Hm .. could this be the CC2014 release they were rolling out? Haven´t used mine since I updated, I´ll test it later today to see if it still works on my CC 2014 version.
@pobox: You are right, of course a sound system etc. can have a delay. That´s why you have to measure this on the timeline - clap a slate and compare visual and audio track, that´s it. I compared several builds for 1.1.3, not tested the new firmware update and its builds yet. If you are using this feature you can quickly clap a slate or something similar and figure out the offset for your camera and your build, takes five minutes. And AVID-timecode-whatever-approach definitely works as well, but the oldschool-way I used can be done with any editing software that shows a waveform and a video image together.

With ML installed shooting raw your image quality will be definitely higher than any other DSLR - because they are internally heavily compressing the footage to achieve the low datarates.

But if you´re shooting documentaries you´ll probably NOT want to shoot raw - it is quite an undertaking when shooting narrative work, but for a doc, where you collect footage rather than precisely capture it, or for an interview .. it´s absolulte overkill and you´ll have to invest five times the money of your camera for storage. So for you purporses don´t even consider shooting raw. ML is nice, though, but it does not really improve image quality much when not shooting raw.

I don´t know about the D5200 precisely, but some of the Nikons had clean HDMI out with a nice downsampled 1080p image, this will be better for you then. My advice if you don´t have lenses yet for interviews, nature, landscapes, docs: Panasonic GH4.