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Messages - xenocide38

Raw Video / Re: 60D RAW video - it's working !!!
June 14, 2013, 01:35:46 AM
Highly detailed textures and patterns test:

Raw Video / Re: 60D RAW video - it's working !!!
June 09, 2013, 12:56:54 AM
Quote from: Jack on June 09, 2013, 12:06:48 AM
To solve the 'script dir missing' problem I put the scripts folder in the ML folder, I feel I did something wrong because when I imported the dng sequence into AE, I saw increased latitude in the highlights but the shadows I couldn't do anything with or it came out noisy (edit: This wasn't to do with shadow clipping, they were very slightly underexposed and any slight recovery would bring up terrible noise), will try again by installing the NB. To install do I simply replace the autoexec, add modules and scripts into the ML folder and choose the regular install new firmware option?

Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the consensus online is to slightly overexpose your image so you don't have to lift your blacks in post. I know exactly what you're talking about. Typically for raw photos I'd get an ideal exposure, lift my blacks and lower my highlights in post but the 60D raw footage works better by shooting a little overexposed (ETTR-expose to the right). There is definitely the ability to recover highlights but lifting shadows in the raw 60D footage is very dangerous, tons of noise.
Raw Video / Re: 60D RAW video - it's working !!!
June 07, 2013, 03:35:08 AM
Quote from: Burni_ on June 07, 2013, 01:37:37 AM

My rules when it comes to shooting with the RAW module:
1) 45 mbps or above for the SD card.
2) ONLY 1280x720 works properly when it comes to magenta frames, skipping and proper raw2dng extraction.
3) Global draw - OFF. Otherwise 2 out of 10 shots will have magenta frames.
4) After shooting a sequence and seeing the buffer emptying - I LEAVE the camera to take at least 6-10 secs "rest" till I start the next shot. I noticed that relying only on those stars that show the buffer capacity is not a good deal. If I shoot a sequence and then start the next one EXACTLY after I see those stars disappearing - I'm getting either magentas or lower frame count (for example 310 or even 305).

And not a rule, but more of a warning to those that are not used to work with so much crop:
5) I would really need a feature that takes the whole image and resizes it to 1280x720 like the normal movie mode is doing. It is a huge pain that I can't use RAW to take an awesome 17mm wide shot of that deserted beach near my city. I hope it is possible and that it won't take too much time or/and effort for the ML guys to figure it out. It will be SUPER beneficial!!!

Great advice, thanks!

When you say ONLY 1280x720, do you mean selecting 1280x720p as a crop in the Magic Lantern raw settings menu, or do you mean putting the camera into 1280x720p mode in the Canon menu and shooting raw 1280x720p that way?
Raw Video / Re: 60D RAW video - it's working !!!
June 06, 2013, 07:40:29 PM
Thanks for reiterating turning Global Draw OFF. I had seen that one other place and tried it and sure enough, it seems to limit the pink corrupt magenta frames. Not sure if it's a 100% fix but it's definitely better than what I was getting with Global Draw ON.
Raw Video / Re: 60D RAW video - it's working !!!
June 05, 2013, 11:29:18 PM
Anyone know what's causing the pink/corrupted digital garbage?