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Messages - dirtcastle

This whole fringing/aberration problem has been a huge obstacle for me.

Thank you for making this information available! I haven't tried this out yet, but I will be back to share my results.
Quote from: fatpig on July 07, 2013, 05:05:03 PM
@dirtcastle: i hope you get it working, also maybe test on another machine.

I got it working on a different machine! (and using BATCHelor no less. :-) Now I should be able to debug the CineForm Studio installation on my primary computer. Many thanks.

UPDATE: Doh. I spoke to soon. I was able to generate an avi file, but it will only play in Windows Media Player. Every other app returns an error when I try to play or import the file.
Thank you for helping! I'm guessing it is a CineForm Studio installation issue. I followed Dave's instructions here But it looks like some files are missing from the CineForm Studio installation.

I put in a support request and posted a message on I'm excited to get this working! The speed of my current workflow is prohibitive. Using CineForm for previews and proxies should make a big difference.
The problem appears to be specific to RAW2GPCF.exe. Even when I run RAW2GPCF.exe directly from the command line, I get the same result: It generates an avi file (of the correct size and duration) that won't play. Just a blank screen.

Any suggestions on how I might debug RAW2GPCF.exe?

I currently have the Cineform Studio free version installed. Do I need the premium version?
Quote from: AnotherDave on July 06, 2013, 05:04:46 AM
You can scrub through a .RAW file in Premiere with Ginger...  play"back" isn't really too easy, but you can see that it is there.

I'm starting to wonder "When does it makes sense to use Ginger HDR?" Correct me if I'm wrong... but it's not a substitute for proxies, and if you want to use ACR or Resolve, you still need to convert to CDNG or ProRes.

To be fair, I really like Ginger HDRs flat look (and it's elimination of CA). But I still need to convert it to ProRes before I can work with it, and so I'm not sure it will survive in my workflow.
Quote from: amsh89es335 on June 10, 2013, 07:40:06 AM
worked fine few times then I just keep getting an error. "Line 2215" Error: Subscript used with non-Array variable.

I am also getting the same error as "amsh89es335".

Error: Subscript used with non-Array variable.

I deleted and regenerated the config file. It still doesn't work. I'm running Windows 8 in Parallels on a Mac, but I'll assume that shouldn't be a problem.
Great app!

But I'm having a problem getting Cineform to work. I am able to generate an .avi file, but it won't play in anything.  :(  I've tried playing the file in Premiere, Cineform Studio, and every player I've got. But no dice.

Any thoughts?

UPDATE: I am also unable to get Cineform conversion working in RAWanizer. I will investigate and report back.
Quote from: fatpig on July 05, 2013, 03:59:53 PM
check out cineform 422 conversion. it is as fast as you can read your card.
You get a cineform avi- that is very flat.
I implemented batch conversion in my BATCHelor.

I use it all the time for on-set preview and also for dailies.

I am able to generate an .avi file, but it won't play in anything.  :(  I've tried playing it in Premiere, Cineform Studio, and every player I've got. But no dice.

Any thoughts?

UPDATE: I am also unable to get Cineform avi conversion working in RAWanizer. I will investigate and report back.
Quote from: mageye on July 05, 2013, 12:49:09 AM
Ginger HDR allows you to directly edit the *.RAW files in After Effects.

On my Macbook Pro i7, Ginger HDR playback is very slow. Is it possible to get real-time playback with a more powerful machine?

My current workflow bottleneck is right at the very beginning: converting and previewing RAW files. It is hard to know if I got the shot I needed and it takes quite a bit of time to convert RAW footage to proxies with my current workflow, which uses RAWanizer.

Can people suggest some hardware and/or software changes I can make to improve the speed with which I can preview footage?

I have a Macbook Pro i7 and I'm running OSX and Windows 8 (via Parallels).

Thank you!
Is it possible to use Lightroom instead of ACR, but still maintain a non-destructive flow?
Quote from: noisyboy on June 01, 2013, 05:47:00 PM
Inside of After Effects you can then double click the project browser and browse to the folder that contains the dng sequence that relates to that particular clip. Select the first dng file, check the "raw sequence" checkbox a the bottom and import the sequence.
Great workflow!

I'm having trouble importing the dng files into After Effects. When I attempt to import the dng sequence into After Effects, I get the following:

After Effects error: file '0000000.dng' cannot be imported — This A@@@ file is damaged or unsupported.

I don't see a "raw sequence" checkbox option anywhere in the import file window. The closest I see is "Camera Raw" in the file types dropdown.

UPDATE: I figured it out. I fiddled with the import settings.
1. Enable: "All Files" (don't use this pulldown to select "Camera Raw")
2. Format: "Camera RAW"
3. Check "Camera RAW Sequence"
4. Import
Quote from: CaptainHook on June 23, 2013, 12:03:44 PM
Resolves RAW convertor doesn't seem to do anything to fix chromatic aberration or any other common RAW 'issues' that ACR etc fix.
The same problem shows up with BMCC Raw files and you have to remove the CA yourself in Resolve.

I'm completely clueless about how to remove CA in Resolve. Any suggestions?
Quote from: tin2tin on June 23, 2013, 07:30:22 AM
There is no merge of spanned files yet.

Could you post menu: view > log?
Here's a link to the log file.

I can run it again and generate another log file, if that's helpful.
Thanks for helping me out!

I am able to convert other types of media (e.g., .wmv)

I downloaded the latest version of EFC from to make sure it's current.

But I get the same result with RAW files: no thumbnail/details when I drag it, it asks me where to send the output; and then it does dng/tiff conversion. At the end of the conversion process it asks me for a frame rate, and gives me an "unable to import" error for one tiff (see below).

On a side note, I'm wondering if this last error could be one of those "000" bugs (where deleting the "000" item and having "001" be the first in the sequence fixes the problem).

Thanks again. :-)

I was able to solve the "media locations" error by right-clicking the application icon and selecting "Run as administrator".

But still no luck with the conversion.
Great tool!

That said, I'm a little confused by the settings. I want ProRes 4444. But when I select the "LW PRO ProRes 444 HQ - proxy" in the pulldown menu, I get dngs and tiffs.

What am I doing wrong? I'm not seeing the thumbnails in the Eyeframe window either.

I get an "Unable to import" error. Do I need to run the converter from within Lightworks? I have tried it standalone and while Ligthworks was running. Neither works.

I've gone through the intro video, but following those steps still yields the same result (dngs and tiffs, with an error, and no Prores).

Also, when I start up Lightworks, I get a "There are no media locations available for this project space. You will be unable to record or import any media". But when I go to the Manage Media Locations controls, the "Add Location" is grayed-out.

Any ideas?
I was able to use the following workflow and avoid the aberration/fringing.

1. Import into Premiere using Ginger HDR plugin.
2. Export ProRes 4444 .mov file.
3. Import into Davinci Resolve

I'm seeing a lot more detail and dynamic range. It's definitely noisier, and the noise is colorful. But overall I think I can work with this until I find a reliable Cinema DNG workflow.

Big improvement, right?
Unfortunately, when I convert images in RAWMagic and bring them into Resolve, I get blue-green abberations/fringing (see example).

Some have speculated that this problem is inherent to the RAW files, and is being automatically corrected by the ACR/LR import process. Whereas Resolve shows the image as it actually is, unadulterated.

Assuming Cinema DNG is too "raw" to bring directly into Resolve, I'm looking for a ProRes workaround.

Quote from: MortenSJ on June 20, 2013, 03:27:07 AM
I use RAWMagic and I can easily edit my DNG files in Resolve. Works great and very fast.
Thank you! I was having trouble importing Cinema DNGs from RAWMagic into Resolve. But I reinstalled/upgraded Resolve and now it works.  :)
I was having problems getting Davinci Resolve to play nice with RAWMagic dngs. So I uninstalled Davinci Resolve and then updated to the latest version. And now it works! :-)

Currently, what is the best way to import into Resolve?

I am running both OSX and Windows (via Parallels).

Thus far, the best results I can get are using the Prores 422 HQ generated by raw2dng.

Prores 422 is definitely usable (in fact, it's a big improvement over the original H.264). But it would be great to get Cinema DNG or Prores 4444.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

P.S.: I also want to thank everyone for all the hard work and being helpful to noobs like me.
Quote from: MortenSJ on June 19, 2013, 05:06:23 AM
Thanks for you help. I got Davinci Resolve Lite to work on my Macbook Pro, so i think i will stick to that and Premiere. It seems like a very easy workflow importing and exporting XML.

Glad you were able to get Resolve to work.

I'm also using Resolve with Premiere (on an MBP w/ Parallels). But I've been having trouble converting RAW files to a format that will work with Resolve.

UPDATE: I was able to get Prores 422 files (from raw2dng) into Resolve. But it would be great to get Prores 4444 or Cinema DNG. I haven'te been able to pull off CDNGs or 4444s with RAWmagic, RAWanizer, or Eyeframe. But at least I've got 422s now. :-)
If you are sticking with the Adobe Creative Suite, your choices would seem to be the following.

1. Speedgrade
2. Grading in After Effects
3. Grading in Premiere
4. Plugins (e.g., Magic Bullet Looks)