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Topics - calypsob

Feature Requests / Sequenced Intervalometer
July 20, 2018, 08:38:38 AM
It would be great to be able to run a sequenced intervalometer in ml, for ex
10x 60s, 10x 120s, 10x 10s exposures completely automated. This would have alot of practical applications in landscape or architectural photography, especially for photographers wanting to median combine exposures as a smart object and then combine the masters into an hdr composite. Personally I would use this feature for astrophotography. At times the stars must be blown to get good background signal, i end up having to shoot extra exposures to fix highlights and medium length exposures to improve snr lost to dark current in the long exposures.
Feature Requests / [ALREADY DONE] Read Noise E-
September 27, 2017, 05:50:58 PM
 I would like to figure out if magic lantern can give me an evaluation of noise in my images.  Particularly with astrophotography, if I can figure out the Read e- noise value in an individual image, I can make a rough estimate of how many subs I will need to shoot for integration and also how long of an exposure I need to take in order to swamp the read noise.  This of course would need to be a reading from the raw file and not the jpeg preview and it would need to give a value listed in the R,G,B channels independently.  Cutting out the need for a computer for this process would be huge.
General Help Q&A / New raw mode
December 31, 2016, 05:03:04 AM
So can the new 14bit dcraw mode be used on all canons or just the 5d series? Ive see. Several articles with conflicting explanations now. Id love to tet this on my 60d, 600d, 550d. From what I read it specifically sounds like it was only implemented on 5d3
General Help Q&A / are my intervalometer settings wrong?
November 07, 2016, 11:20:36 PM
Using my 550d with ML I am shooting timelapse for astrophotography, lets say 300s images "5 minute".  When I get home I always have data which is 1 second short, some are 299s and the rest are 300s.  Does anyone know why this happens?  It messes me up because I need to later add dark frames and end up having to take 299s and 300s subs.   
Feature Requests / USB output commands
September 24, 2016, 11:23:35 PM
Can magic lantern allow for usb output commands?  I know a few people that could assist me with the coding end but I want to check if its possible first.  I want to send dithering commands to an equatorial mount between exposures, this would be a benefit for dslr astrophotography.  It would only benefit a niche audience so probably nightly build material. 

Below is a link to the lacerta mgen autoguider.  It is a camera with an interface which communicates with the guide camera and sends commands to the dslr, intervalometer commands.  It also sends st4 commands to the equatorial mount which allow it to dither, move several pixels in each direction between exposures.  This allows you to calibrate out noise between exposures when doing a median stack in post processing.
I want to avoid using a lacerta mgen, or a laptop to dither, I dont want a guide camera at all because my eq mount does not need autoguiding in its current configuration, I just want my dlsr, lens and the ability to dither during an intervalometer run.

here is an adapter which converts usb to st4

If I could tell magic lantern to send out dither commands, then all I would need is a usb cable.  some mounts use usb instead of an st4 port so either way the stock canon usb cable works.  CAn we send these simple st4 commands?  This would be huge  for astrophotography.  I did not go into detail on this process because I dont want to spend to much time explaining if ML cannot send usb commands.  Anyone with some experience please let me know and I will start contacting some coders.  Thank you

Ive been messing with the ml intravalometr and cannot use lenr, long exposure noise reduction without messing up every other frame. Is there a possible fix for this?
General Help Q&A / Lenr during intravalometer operation
October 12, 2015, 02:33:31 AM
What happens every if I use long exposure noise reduction while using the intervalometer in magic lantern? I dont want to throw off the sequence or mess up the camera if i can avoid it. Thanks.
Share Your Photos / Outer Space with the help of ML
November 14, 2013, 08:16:09 AM
I primarily use ML in the field to find stars in live view through a telescope while using a narrowband filter, narrow band filters cut out a TON of light so without exposure gain for live view it would be nearly impossible for me to find and locate stars.  Another feature I use alot is the intravalometer for capturing meteors during meteor showers.  Oh and you cannot live without the Dark Red overlay setting, saves your night vision!  ML rules out under the dark skies.  Some of these shots are through my telescope with the T2i and others are static on a regular tripod with both T2i and T3i, T2i is full spectrum.

veil 3 by LMNO Sunset Deluxe, on Flickr

this one is not complete, I still need to add alot of frames to reduce the noise

Untitled by LMNO Sunset Deluxe, on Flickr


Gemenid Meteor Shower December 2012 by LMNO Sunset Deluxe, on Flickr

fullspectrum milky way by LMNO Sunset Deluxe, on Flickr 
Feature Requests / af motor control and focus peak
November 14, 2013, 07:52:24 AM
AF microadjustment
Not possible to control AF outside LiveView.
I was kind of confused by this and I hope I am not asking a question that overlaps this statement.

I am not sure if anyone on here has ever tried out backyard eos before but it is kind of like eos utility only revamped for astrophotography with canon dslr's.  It has a really awesome frame and focus mode which uses a graph with a value beneath it that gets closer to one as the image becomes sharper, also the graph shows the picture of a giant peek which gets sharper as the image does.  In addition to this back yard eos allows control of the AF motor similar to how Eos utility works, there are 3 speeds, full, medium, and low.  Instead of auto focusing the image the arrows are pushed and the AF motor inside of an AF lens responds to the speed control commands.  This would be very useful for DSLR users who use an Astrotrac, polarie, or skytracker for focusing out in remote locations where a laptop is not convenient to bring along. The main purpose of this would be to assist with star focusing, it would not work with a wide lens as well as it would a telephoto.  Also one last idea which I believe to be far fetched but what the hell might as well ask, has anyone ever investigated dark frame removal from the noisy live  view screen generated during lowlight or high iso conditions?  I can do it on my computer with PHD and an orion star shoot CCD camera by covering the camera, allowing it to take 10 dark exposures, and uncovering.  The software subtracts the darkframes and the signal to noise ratio increases dramatically and the stars are much more clear, the black background is much more clear due to the removal of noise in the image.  Like I said its out there but if the camera can do it that would be great for everyone.

While I am thinking about it, another good use for full control of the af motor in a variable speed selection would be while using a teleconverter on a telephoto.  This usually prevents autofocus from working because the light is so low, however manual control of the autofocus would allow the user to decide when the image was in focus via live view to take a picture.  Left and Right arrows to control in-out focus and map Up Down to adjust between 3 speeds.
Feature Requests / Ghost images
July 08, 2013, 07:15:18 PM
I learned how to manually create a gigapixel image the other day without a fancy gigapan machine. You need a panhead with alt and az labled and you must carefully zigzag rows with a telephoto lens and the pan head. I have messed around with the ghost image setting in ml and it i was wondering how many ghosts a camera like a 600d could display at once? It would be nice to fill the lower portion of the screen to keep track of row and column progress. What would really be nice would be a way to calculate sensor size, focal ratio, and card space and use this data to mark a starting and ending point XY axis to work on a gigapixel image.  Here is a link to the page that brought about my curiosity 
Feature Requests / [DONE] 550d cmos temp
June 21, 2013, 11:07:22 PM
Any way we could have the option to switch cmos temperature display from Celsius to Fahrenheit on the 550d?  Would help me out alot and I know alot of others too, I have to record temperatures for dark frame data each night so I can register it appropriately when stacking light frames. Also since Im asking question, is it possible to dim the green illuminated lights inside of the viewfinder? thanks
Hey I was wondering if a menu that allowed maybe 6 custom white balance settings would be probable?  I have one camera, a t2i, which is modified for infrared and I have to change the white balance on it alot and it stinks having 1 white balance, on top of that you cannot name the type of white balance so if you go out the next day it's a little bit of guess work to get started.  I use custom white balance on my T3i alot as well, especially if I am doing long exposures or macro photography.  Just thought I would put that out there.  Does anyone else have a use for multiple custom white balance settings?
I have been messing with a program called registax which takes video files and stacks them to create a high resolution image.  Today I thought to myself what if I try magic lanterns HDR video to enhance the amount of data available to adjust in the final image?  Unfortunately I went outside and it was cloudy so I will have to wait another night.  I was wondering if anyone could think of any other creative ways that magic lantern could help benefit this process?
I skimmed the manual for a bit and saw no way to directly adjust color by frequency.  I produce music alot and use whats called an 8 band paragraphic EQ.  It allows you to cut or boost audio frequencies by adjusting the band over whatever frequency you want and then you can apply a curve.  I am wondering if it would be possible to do this for exposures in canon cameras that work with magic lantern.  In astrophotography it is difficult to properly expose H-Alpha regions because canons have a filter that rolls off this frequency over the sensor.  It is still there but very subtle.  It would be great to have the ability to use an eq which could boost and cut colors by frequency, I suppose technically colored light is refered to as nanometers.  Is it possible to have this function as some sort of picture style or something in a 600d? Picture style would be set to monochrome and then it would be great to be able to shoot your own RGB channels separately by filtering out custom channels and then stacking them together in post processing. thanks guys
I had an old zoom H2 field recorder crap out on me so I am looking to updating my recording capabilities for video on my 600d.  I want to use the tascam im2  on my iphone and monitor direct from the iphone into the 600d mic input.  Has anyone tried this to see if it would work?  Sure would make things easy in terms of carrying around gear.  Also what is the audio bit depth when recording with the 600d is it 16bit or 24? thanks.
General Help Q&A / Lantern vs driftwood GH2 hack
September 21, 2012, 07:29:04 AM
I have been watching alot of these videos that cover the panasonic gh2 driftwood hacks.   What is so special about this little 4/3 in comparison to the canon DSLR's?  It would seem like at least one of the higher end canon's would bve able to pull the insanely high bit rates of the GH2.  Please fill me in on the details if you are up to date on this information.
Feature Requests / [WONTFIX] Range finder
July 17, 2012, 12:25:08 AM
In my macro photography work I use a reversed 28mm lens which gives me a razor thin DOF and it can be rather dizzying to use the viewfinder sometimes so I was wondering if a script for a range finder could somehow be implemented so that I could track how close I am to the focal point while in live view mode.  Alternatively I suppose that a range finder script could be useful for other applications as well.
User Introduction / Hello from the southeastern USA
July 08, 2012, 04:25:57 AM
Hello all I have been using magic lantern for about a year now on my 600D and I love it.  Aside from photography I do lots of audio production in Ableton live and I use a program called Max for Live which hacks ableton much like magic lantern does for canon firmware.   In fact I think this is originally why I got so excited about hearing about magic lantern.  Its free its intuitive and its brilliant.  I have a very casual learning experience with programming max for live patches, I have taken a visual basic class, and I have a degree in drafting with autocad.  With that said in the future I think I would be interested in learning a bit about the development and testing of magiclantern firmware and I would like to thank those who have taken time out of their lives to create this fantastic product for the world of canon users.
Feature Requests / [DONE] creative filters
July 08, 2012, 04:17:01 AM
The canon creative filters in models such as the 600d are cool but they are so simple I usually don't bother with them.  It would really be cool if magic lantern could somehow incorporate new filters that could be used in live view and film mode or if it could just give users more tweakability over the existing creative filters.  The toy filter is kind of like instagram, but its not as capable as instagram, however I have a feeling that it could be with some tweaks.  Also the toy filter is said to miniaturize things, it has never really worked for me but it would be great if it worked better and if you could use it in film mode!  I have no idea if any of this is possible but it could be alot of fun to have more in camera effect power that saved time in post processing.  Another idea I had was to incorporate color filters, alot of them at that, like the 85b warming filter for warming up images with flash, an opacity function with color filters would be great.  Im not sure if all of this would work but I would happily store some extra effects on my card if it gave me the capabilities to do some serious image tweaking that I didn't have to mess with later in photoshop.  And of course in the ideal setting these tweaked images would be saved as a copy of the original just like the main cannon function allows.  Once again, I have no idea if this is possible but thanks for listening!