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I have got the strange result processing Dual-ISO RAW with cr2hdr: shadows in the DNG contains zebras looks like remains of recovery ISO lines from the original RAW.
Please take a look this two RAW(s): 1, 2.
The first one shows this effect in the shadow on top, but the second has no zebras in the same place.
What is it? How to fix it?

BTW, an old 16-bit cr2hdr provides no zebras.
I has confused with the following changeset:
$ hg log -v -r 3225af1b94b5
changeset:   9368:3225af1b94b5
branch:      unified
user:        a1ex <[email protected]>
date:        Fri Jan 17 14:01:30 2014 +0000
files:       src/shoot.c
minor fix for bulb bracketing at short exposure times

$ hg diff -r 466490e467b9 -r 3225af1b94b5 src/shoot.c
diff -r 466490e467b9 -r 3225af1b94b5 src/shoot.c
--- a/src/shoot.c       Fri Jan 17 15:32:04 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/shoot.c       Fri Jan 17 14:01:30 2014 +0000
@@ -5055,7 +5055,7 @@

         // then choose the best option (bulb for long exposures, regular for sh
-        if (msc >= 20000)
+        if (msc >= 20000 || is_bulb_mode())

The current code looks like:
        // then choose the best option (bulb for long exposures, regular for short exposures)
        if (msc >= 20000 || is_bulb_mode())
            #if defined(CONFIG_5D2) || defined(CONFIG_50D)
            if (get_expsim() == 2) { set_expsim(1); msleep(300); } // can't set shutter slower than 1/30 in movie mode
            ans = MIN(ans, hdr_set_rawshutter(rc));

So, when the exposure bracketing sequence starts from regular shutter speed and some shoots in this sequence requires the exposure time longer than 20 s. (true for the "0 - + -- ++" or "0 + ++" sequence types), the bulb shutter speed will be available. But when the sequence starts from bulb shutter speed (exposure time is bulb and bulb timer is on), pictures may be taken only by bulb exposure time and never by regular. As a result, bulb and regular exposure times can't be used together for the "0 - --" sequence type in the same sequence. It's strange.

Which issue this patch fixes?
Just IMHO, " || is_bulb_mode()" is needlessly here.