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Topics - c2s07

Feature Requests / Auto contrast adjustment for H.264
February 01, 2019, 06:39:40 PM
Here is what I would like to be able to do in ML.

I tend to record videos with minimal contrast in picture style, HTP enabled, and enhancing contrast by stretching levels in post-processing* on the compressed data. But as the compressed data is only 8 bits in bit depth, I've been wondering if it would be possible to do this in-camera, just after picture style is applied. If I recall correctly, the bit depth is still 10 bits / channel at this point. I have some programming experience, but my educated guess would be that this sort of thing is undoable in ML even if I had all the programming experience in the world?

I know we can write LUA scripts, but my understanding is that the scripts can only operate the camera when it is in an 'idle' state, by which I mean that the camera is not currently exposing a still frame, or recording a video clip.

Otherwise, if possible within reason, I'd be interested in looking into this...

* (Avisynth scripting)

I did a search on this, but it seems this specific case isn't discussed yet.

I've just tried silent pictures for the first time, hoping to replace FPS override for timelapses. With the latter, I've been able to use the LV power save options, but with silent pictures + intervalometer, the power saving doesn't seem to work. I've tried both "Standby" and "While recording" in its options, but the display wakes up every time the camera captures an image (yes, these are not movies). With less than 5 seconds between an image, the display is on about half of the time or so. By the way, do you think it becomes harmful for the screen over time, if the display toggles on and off this way, for extended periods of time?

I also tried disabling image review in Canon menus, but as expected, it didn't affect this in any way.

If the LV power save function cannot be active for 100% of the time (like with FPS override), fortunately I can get closer to it by minimizing the screen brightness... and perhaps by disabling the global draw as well.

Anything I've missed perhaps?

First of all, this thread is not about shooting RAW video (so any thoughts related to RAW video shooting may not apply).

When you use negative values for ML digital ISO, the clipped highlights of course get clamped more as you lower the value. I understand that it's how it works, as ML digital ISO doesn't make truly lower analog ISOs, no problem with that.

However, this reduces the effectiviness of the zebras overlay. If you're using 100%/255 for the overexposure limit (for maximum precision), zebras won't display after the effect of negative ML digital ISO is applied. That's because the clipped highlights are now clamped, and since no pixel will ever be able to reach 100% brightness, zebras will not trigger.

I can always lower the zebras overexposure threshold in relation with negative ML ISO; doing this won't make the zebras 100% accurate, but at least you can see them again.

Is there anything else that can be done, or perhaps looked forward to in the future versions?

While recording a video with "HDR video" enabled, the LV display alternates between the low and high ISO exposures, for about 3 seconds each. I was wondering if this an intentional choice by the devs and possibly customizable, or simply an unavoidable behaviour.

As an example, if you're trying to expose to the right in a scene where the lighting often changes significantly (or perhaps your subject moved between the camera and the sun just when the high ISO display kicked in), you might not want to wait for the three seconds it takes until the lower ISO is displayed again. For cases like these, blocking the high ISO display entirely (while recording) would be useful.

How long would it take for a complete beginner to learn modules writing, and what programs would I need? I'm a bit curious about this as I like customizing things, and since my preferences sometimes differ from those of others, custom modules for personal use might be the way to go for me. If it takes at least months to learn this, then it's probably not worth the time for me, as the changes I've been thinking of are relatively simple.

I can give you a few examples, and if things like these cannot even be achieved with modules (or scripts), let me know.

1) I'd like to try to re-assign some of the camera buttons to toggle ML features. For example, the top LCD panel light button (or some other button) could quickly toggle the "LV DIGIC peaking / Edge image" effect instead. Can something like this be achieved with modules?

2) Suppose I wanted to customize the arrow/set shortcut pairs to my preferences. For example, the horizontal arrows would control the basic color temperature (K) value, and the vertical arrows would control the green/magenta shift. And while at it, perhaps the SET-button could toggle the "LV crazy colors / extreme chroma" effect. Can something like this be achieved with modules?
General Help Q&A / Extreme chroma with picture style?
November 28, 2013, 05:50:30 PM

I like using Magic Lantern's "extreme chroma" effect for perfecting the white balance. While waiting for a stable version for 6D, I thought I would try creating a similar effect via a custom picture style:

- Landscape style as base
- Maxed global saturation (+4)
- Maxed individual color saturations in picture style editor (2nd tab, R/Y/G/C/B/M)

It's ok, but not quite there yet. I wonder if that is all I can do with the original software?

I also have related feature requests for 6D ML, might as well mention them here.

1) There are several buttons on 6D which are unused in movie mode. If/when possible to assign custom shortcuts, it would be convenient to have the extreme chroma effect toggleable/holdable from a custom button.

2) I wasn't surprised at all to find out that it's not possible to adjust white balance while recording. Perhaps the multi-controller could be utilised here. It's already controlling the white rectangle position, but with an extra button press, a white balance adjustment mode could be toggled:
2a) left/right = Kelvin value
2b) up/down = green/magenta shift
2c) optional: when active, automatically toggle extreme chroma effect as well (replaces feature request #1)

Thanks for reading, and for any thoughts. :)
General Chat / DSLRs with video noise reduction?
January 08, 2013, 07:35:11 PM
Just curious about how it is these days. The 500D I bought in 2009 was the first Canon DSLR to shoot video clips. Understandably, it doesn't feature real-time, in-camera video noise reduction.

But now that time has passed and processing power increased, has this become possible with more recent models? If I've understood correctly, 5DMk 3 can do this on videos in real-time, and C300 as well, I assume.

What about the latest xxDs and xxxDs?
I'm not sure whether anyone has asked this before, but I couldn't find a similar topic by searching. Neither in the "don't ask" list.

The following is for cameras which allow auto exposure in movie mode, such as 500D.

What are the chances for an enhanced movie auto exposure, where the user can set priorities for ISO, Av and/or Tv? The camera would still try to obey the exposure compensation setting (-2EV ... 0 ... +2EV).

- the user wants +1 EV with minimum ISO (100) and f/8 -> the camera adjusts Tv accordingly
- the user wants +1 EV with 1/60 shutter and f/8 -> the camera adjusts ISO accordingly
- the user wants +1 EV with max 200 ISO and (fixed) f/4 -> the camera adjusts ISO and Tv accordingly

The priorities (Av/Tv/ISO) could be set as minimum, maximum or fixed values. Not all three priorities have to be set or configured; the user could enable only ISO priority (and set its range), and let the camera worry about Av and Tv based on the exposure compensation setting, of course risking that the camera chooses 'wrong' values for these two. As mentioned earlier, the exposure compensation setting would still be more important, so the camera would ignore any custom priorities that restrict it from reaching the desired exposure.

I'm aware that there are already two tricks that already partially accomplish this: FPS override for Tv, and partially unscrewing a lens while holding DoF button for Av. Obviously both have their own limitations, aren't as convenient to use, and cannot help with setting a fixed ISO value.


The answer is probably: "not a chance"... :)