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Topics - Se7eN

Feature Requests / [DONE] Optional Image Encryption
January 13, 2014, 09:25:15 PM
So while I am fairly new to magic lantern (registered to post this but have been using ML for well over a year) i did take the time to search to see if anyone had suggested something similar before (turns out they had:

now all that being said, it seemed to me that it got somewhat brief and negative responses. i find that to be slightly disappointing as there is a large user base here who would benefit from having some method to put at least the most basic of encryption on their photos.

I guess I'll give some background on why I find this to be so important. I live in Washington, USA, a place that lies under the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' jurisdiction, a recent ruling  in Cotterman v. United States ( says that unless I am suspected of a crime in which access to the device in question would furnish proof of said crime (read: reasonable suspicion) that the authorities have no right to either 1) compel me to decrypt the device 2) forcefully decrypt said device.  not everyone has these protections, but as of today (January 13th 2014) the Supreme Court of the United States has denied their Petition for Certiorari, meaning this case will never be heard by that court, cementing this into legal precedent. that being said as someone who regularly takes his camera places that are off limits, to photograph things that would later be incriminating, the ability to encrypt my photos would be extremely useful to my continued freedom.

I currently use ML on a 600D and love it, I'd just also like to have the option to encrypt my photos, perhaps using a unique password selected via the front scroll wheel or via the back arrow keys (although the first method would ensure compatibility across all camera's)

let me know what you think or if my limited coding abilities, use of Google, or generally snarky attitude could possibly be of any help.
