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Topics - trphotograpy

I am looking to downgrade my 5d mkii magic lantern version so I can get the bulb ramping feature  back, I find it alot easier than ETTR.

can anyone tell me the version is was prior to being replaced?

thanks in advance
Tragic Lantern / Canon 6d bulb ramping, Auto ETTR
February 02, 2014, 07:10:28 PM
I have magic lantern running on both my 5d mkii and my 6D
has bulb ramping now been removed from magic lantern full stop? I notice its on my 5d mkii old firmware but not my 6d.
if I update my 5dmkii will it be removed? its probably the feature I use the most and was totally bummed out it was not on the 6d.

I have tried to use AutoETTR on the 6d to try and have got the same results 2 nights in a row of it failing to do much changing of any settings, I am close to giving up.
its shooting again now (day to night) and from looking at the pictures, its not going well again. the iso for one does not change

I have read that peoples posts about bulb ramping on there 6d, if there a previous build with it in I can download?
it is super easy to use on the 5dmkii