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Topics - jas.brooks

Hey all,

Here's a short montage that I cut from B-roll shot during a week's trip to Bangladesh in Sept. 2013. It was my first outing with ML raw, and I was seriously impressed. Have used it many times since. Lens info on the Vimeo description.

Post workflow developed the .raw files into DNG sequences, then treated/developed using Lightroom shot-by-shot (not using any of the tone-range sliders), exported to .jpg sequences, then used Quicktime to flatten into .mov files before transcoding into ProRes 422 for editing in Premiere. Long workflow, but worth it I think.

Let me know what you think!


This was shot in 1920x1080 raw using ML nightly build from late Feb, on a total budget of £500, over five total days in three weeks, and was the most fun (and I think most creatively successful) music video I've ever worked on.

Check it out and please do let me know what you think!



(Obviously watch in 1080)

Hi Guys,

I noticed something when using ML on a shoot yesterday. I was using this build: "v2.3.NEXT.2014Jan16.5D3113", with these modules running "autoexpo", "ettr", "file_man", "pic_view", "raw_rec" - although I was NOT recording in raw.

EDIT ---- I was using a Zacuto EVF over HDMI when I made this discovery. I don't have my camera right now so am not able to verify if the same behaviour is exhibited using the built-in LCD display. ----- EDIT

I noticed that when you access the ML menu whilst the cam is rolling in LV (such that it is displays as a semi-transparent grey overlay), and then switch the menu back off, the display overlays at the top and bottom of the screen (audio levels, space remaining, shutter, aperture etc...), are no longer displayed on a black BG, but on the same "semi-transparent grey" as the menu which was just displayed. This only lasted until I next pressed 'Q' to adjust audio levels, which then caused it to revert back to normal flat black.

I suppose that technically this could be called a 'bug', but for me it was great to be able to see BOTH the overlayed information of the GUI, AND the exact top and bottom edges of the frame. This effect was in fact increased by also being able to see a small section of the 'out of frame' image top and bottom. This additional effect (common in many higher-end video cameras) seems to be created by the camera showing the whole sensor data, and not just the 16:9 that is being recorded.

SO (at long last), my feature request would be to implement a menu 'toggle' to switch this 'semi transparent overlay' mode ON/OFF. I think it would be preferred by almost all ML shooters once they've tried it!

If anyone thinks they can take this on, but needs more information about the precise config that created this effect in the first place, then please do let me know.



P.S. I do hope that I'm not stupid and have simply missed this option in the menus. I have spent a long time searching and testing to see if it already exists... :-)

Dear all,

I've recently started using a Zacuto EVF with my 5Dmk3. It's a great little display in many ways, but unfortunately doesn't have any headphone out port. This means that when I'm shooting with the EVF attached, the camera sends the audio to the monitor and switches off the internal 5D headphone socket. Because I can't plug into the EVF, I can't monitor at all. This is obviously restricting in a rather annoying way!

I was hoping that it might be possible (and perhaps not even too complex!) to implement a manually switchable audio setting menu option. I can imagine something like an - "Audio Output Override: Auto/Internal/HDMI" setting, that would allow the user to choose how they want to monitor their audio.

Please do let me know if anyone could use any help testing this (or indeed anything else for the 5Dmk3).

With many thanks,

jason brooks