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General Help Q&A / Audio / 600D question
October 28, 2013, 11:39:31 PM
Are the standard audio functions in the nightlies working ok?  Or does this just affect the .wav recording.

General Help Q&A / Dual ISO workflow / 600D
September 16, 2013, 02:30:56 PM
Can someone give me a brief overview of the dual ISO workflow for video on the 600D.  I've read the entire thread on Dual ISO, and have the cr2dng.exe, but need some more specifics on enabling and settings in camera.

I've enabled the dual ISO module, but not sure exactly where to go from there.

thanks guys!

General Help Q&A / David Kong on ML
September 13, 2013, 03:16:44 PM
Whats your view on upsampling the h.264 from the camera with a intermediate codec like gopro's cineform, prior to editing?

Been reading tons of articles both for and against using an intermediate codec to bring 4.2.0 footage into a 4.2.2 or 4.4.4 color space for better post processing results.

Any proven workflows?  Your tests?
Raw Video / Raw/600D/ML Nightly - no pink frames
September 05, 2013, 04:35:37 AM
Played around with ML Raw using v2.3.NEXT.2013Sep04.600D102 Nightly with some encouraging results and no magenta frames.

Global Draw On
Everything else off.

Canon Resolution: 1024 @ 24fps
ML Resolution: tested 1280 - 1152 & 960
SD Card: SanDisk Ultra 30 Mbps - 16gig (slowest card I have but produced the best results- go figure)

Results: (Resolution & Record times) 1280= 3 seconds  / 1152= 5 seconds / 960= continuous
Video frame size is 1920 x 1080 for comparison.  Clips are native.

Share Your Videos / 600D Raw
September 03, 2013, 01:03:46 AM
Couldn't go fishing due to rain, so I played around with raw on the 600d.

General Help Q&A / Next stable 2.4 -dev's release
August 23, 2013, 11:27:26 PM
I know there are quite a few users using the nightlies successfully, just wondering how close the dev's think we are to a feature freeze and releasing the next beta / stable.
Tragic Lantern / Best settings for raw / 600D - TL2.0
August 20, 2013, 01:01:23 AM
Just wondering what settings everyone is using with TL2.0

I'm currently testing the SixThirty build with the following settings and getting decent results.

GD on
Histogram on / everything else off
Canon 1920 X 1080 @ 24fps
Img quality- Canon default - Largefine (haven't needed Sraw)
ISO 1250
FPS 24

Frames recorded:
Resolution 960 = continuous
Resolution 1024 = 500 frames before stopping.

Zero pink frames at these settings using a 45Mb Sandisk card.

General Help Q&A / Q-Scale / bitrate question
July 19, 2013, 06:40:18 PM
Can someone give a detailed explanation of Q-scale numbers as far as quality is concerned.  And how bitrate & gop plays into the picture.

Also how Canon defaults deal with both.

Can't seem to find a decent explanation here or on google.

General Help Q&A / Magenta lines in 3X mode
July 08, 2013, 03:54:52 AM

Filmed a short video on a local beach today and used the 3X zoom function on several shots.  Normal day of filming, no issues using the latest nightly build ... until I got home to edit the footage.

Downloaded all the footage from the camera and proceeded to log the footage.  Mostly uneventful until I noticed that on all the shots that were zoomed in 3X, I had a magenta bar across the bottom of the monitor.  Approximately 2 mm thick and the full width of the video right at the bottom.

So I grabbed the camera and filmed several more short clips trying to duplicate the problem, and sure enough, all zoomed in footage displayed a magenta colored bar across the bottom.

I figured it must be a bad setting or glitch, so I started turning off features one by one and testing the footage.  No help, still had the magenta bar.  I even used a card without ML and used the zoom function from the canon menu.  Same problem.

Grabbed my second 600D and tried it ... same problem.

Then my kid ask why I was using Windows media player for .MOV files ..... guess what, they all play perfectly fine using QT or VLC. 

I was so close to posting screen shots on the forum for the devs to look into this ...... moral of the story ..... Try everything else before blaming ML.
Share Your Videos / 600D Raw test - slow card
June 23, 2013, 03:11:23 AM
Well even with a slow card (SanDisk 30mb) I was able to get some pretty decent raw footage.  Scaled to 1280X720.  No color correction or grading.

Just noticed something strange that I've never seen before.  Using 2.3 stable when I hit the trash can button to access the ML menus, I noticed a quick screen flash.  It was too fast to determine what it was, so I recorded it and did a freeze frame.  It breifly displays the picture style settings screen.

I cleared all settings from the canon menus, and removed the user def picture styles.  Same issue.  Then completely removed ML, formatted the card and re-installed, same thing only with the default canon picture style flash.  See video below.

General Development / all_features.h question
May 27, 2013, 11:34:15 PM
How much stuff can I comment out in all_features.h, without running into problems.

What I'm trying to accomplish is a totally stripped down version with only audio, exposure and movie features.

General Development / Linux & compiling code
May 06, 2013, 05:45:06 PM
I've been trying to compile on a windows system for 3 or 4 days now and just can't seem to get the settings right.  I'm pretty sure its a path thing, but I've tried every conceivable combination and just can't get it to work.

Just wondering if I partition the drive and install a Linux OS if I'd have better luck.

General Chat / Who's running nightly's?
April 24, 2013, 05:07:10 PM
Just wondering how many of you are running the nightly's and what your thoughts are.

I'm currently running April 20 build, and love it!  No problems on the video side.  Currently don't do much still photography, but the intervalometer looks interesting and I can't wait to try it out.
General Development / Nightly stability
April 20, 2013, 01:26:31 AM
Can anyone give me any insight on the stability with the 600d.
General Help Q&A / 2.3 updates
April 19, 2013, 03:31:50 PM
Has the 2.3 version had any updates since its release or is the download available today the same as the download available in Nov. 2012?  Just curious.

Other than the nightly's.
General Help Q&A / Easy Menu in 2.3
April 19, 2013, 02:47:48 AM
What happened to the "Easy Menu" option in 2.3.
I was very skeptical at first about ML and must have searched a million pages and youtube videos about ML and being safe.  Hell, even the developers say that it is "not safe" in the FAQ's.  So I can understand peoples reluctance when it comes to installing ML on their new camera.

I was really nervous the first time I hit the firmware button to install ML, so nervous that I actually called Canon's Service Center first to see if I'd void my warranty.

Anyway, its been installed for a couple weeks now and I've put ML though its paces. I wanted to know how far I could push it and still recover from a "bricked" camera.  I did everything the developers say not to do in the "best practices" page.  Including taking out the card before waiting (T3i) the recommended 5 seconds, running the battery dead while recording, formatting the card outside the camera, and even changing some settings in the menu I wasn't sure about.

In every case, just removing the battery for a few minutes and rebooting the camera brought ML back to working condition.

The only time I had any issues was when I formatted the card outside the camera, the camera would not turn on.  So I removed the battery, copied new ML files to the card, and rebooted. Everything worked fine.

I would have to say that ML is safe, especially if you follow all recommended practices.  So if your a bit nervous about trying ML for the first time, read the manual and install page thoroughly, then go for it ... you won't look back.

And if your wondering, Canon's service people said that ML will not void the warranty (unless they could prove ML broke the camera).
General Help Q&A / Format card practices
April 04, 2013, 02:47:02 AM
Should the extra files that ML creates such as the movie LOG files be deleted from the card regularly if they are not needed to keep the "copied and replaced" files to a minimum when formatting.

And what would be the best way to do this?  In camera format and remove ML, then reinstall ML?
General Help Q&A / Recommended color code settings
April 02, 2013, 01:44:09 AM
I know I must be overlooking something, but none of the recommended settings "color coding" is showing up in live view.  Is there a setting to turn this feature on?
General Help Q&A / What happens if battery dies
March 30, 2013, 02:43:53 PM
Just curious, what happens if the battery should die while recording when in ML.  Will the camera boot normally once the dead battery is replaced with a charged one?
General Help Q&A / Canon's view on ML
March 29, 2013, 03:48:34 PM
I talked with Darrin, a Canon service tech at the Canon Service Center at 12022 Canon Blvd, Newport News, VA 23602
(866) 510-1335 about their views on Magic Lantern and warranty service.

He said that Canon is familiar with ML and that it WOULD NOT void the canon warranty.

He also said that he "has never heard of any incidents nor had any service work where ML was the cause of damage to a camera".

With that being said, he also covered his own a$$ by stating that "if they could prove any damage was the direct result of ML, the customer would be responsible for the cost of repairs".

Canons own websites states that you are to remove the battery and memory card before sending them in for service.
General Help Q&A / New cards
March 19, 2013, 04:53:20 PM
This is probably a stupid question, but here goes ... I have ML installed on one card and the T3i (works perfect), what happens if I put a new unformatted card in the camera and reboot.  Will it start normally allowing me to format the card?

General Help Q&A / 600d hot battery
February 17, 2013, 04:18:02 PM
Yesterday I installed ML 2.3 for the first time on a new 600d.  Install went normal and all functions worked as expected. Although, when I removed the battery (Canon) to recharge, I noticed it was very warm to the touch.  At first I though I played around with the camera too long examining all the functions of ML, but (after the battery was recharged) I went back in for approximately 15 minutes to set up the functions of ML that I would use most often and noticed that when I pulled the battery again it was hot or at least very warm.

The only functions I had turned on were: magic zoom, exposure override, and manual mode on everything else.

I was concerned so I ran a few test, recharging the battery between test.

First, I rebooted and bypassed ML and used the Canon firmware. I used the Canon zoom function several times to achieve focus, then bounced around in the menu settings like I did when booted into ML.  After 15 minutes I removed the battery and noticed it was not near as warm as the previous session.

Second test, This time I booted into ML and turned everything off other than Global draw and played with the menus.  After 15 minutes, I checked the battery and it was about the same as the first test.

Third test, booted into ML again and turned on the magic zoom and exposure override.  Keeping the magic zoom window open for the entire 15 minute test, and playing within the menus as I did in test 1 and 2.  I removed the battery, and sure enough it was very warm, almost hot. Much warmer than the previous two test.

Now I did not do any test to determine the amount of draw on the battery other than the charge times which were about equal in all three test.

Has anyone else had these issues?  I'm sure magic zoom can't draw that much juice that it would cause the battery to heat up.  Just concerned and I don't want to fry my new camera.