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Topics - Franzkekko

Hi all! I have a 550d camera and I was wondering if it's possible as in other camera to have the possibility of saving my raw with a small jpeg version of the shot. In my camera I can set raw+jpeg buy it's a full resolution 18mpx image. I need them in low res for fast previewing on PC without processing.
May be that possible in future? Should be useful for time lapse footage? :-)
Thanks in advance ;-)

I'm often using my little 18-55mm as a reverse lens to freeze wonderful macro photos. I was taking a mite eating a spider and i was in live view; i swear i could see it breathing, because it's back was inflating and deflating. I turned the selector to Video Mode and the camera returned me an error "no lenses found" (or similar, i'm italian so the message was in my language).
I really desired to shoot some seconds of the scene, will be possible in future?  :) should be great!
Share Your Photos / Audio Remote Shoot - Ball Bouncing
October 14, 2012, 12:04:31 PM

IMG_8709 di franzkekko, su Flickr

I took this snap with my Canon 550D and ML :) i set a low value for Audio remote shot and threw a ball near the camera in a pre-focused area; the sound made the camera shot and capture it's bouncing :)
I used a Yongnuo 560ii flash set to strobo flash. SO, the result is a single perfect photo with the same ball freezed several times.

Bye  ;)