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Messages - eien

Of course yes :)
For the moment you can just choose orientation in Display>Advanced Settings>Orientation.
Now we just need the possibility to select the number of photos taken :)
It's work! Thank you so much. After resetting all is ok. It's weird because I try to find what parameter broke ML and I put all my all parameters and it's still work. So now I know that after installing a reset is needed. Thank again
I try with Iceman just for test. Nothing too.
70D111A. I'm in M mode. When I enabled it a green dot show up after press the trigger to go into Liveview and nothing. Firmware version 1.1.1 (for 70D's canon firmware)
Yes and it didn't work on both mode.
19th Jan.: Alpha1
Intervalometer, Trap Focus, Motion Detect should work now. Rebased on fullres-silent-pics branch (see source)

I try to find where users use it but I'm not sure it's on this forum. My bad sorry.

But normally into Alpha1 it should work. Anyone try it? Otherwise I apologize to be inconvenient.
It's seems that some users are able to use motion detection only on exposure mode
French :
Dans la partie "Ne fonctionne pas" on ne parle que du problème d'overlay qui disparaît. Néanmoins dans la partie "Ce qui fonctionne" il y a marqué que la détection de mouvement devrait marcher. Certaines personnes ont l'air de dire que cela fonctionne pour eux.

English :
On the "non working" part you talk about the overlay problem of ML who disappears. But in the "working part" you talk about that motion detection should work. For certain users it appears that it could work
I don't understand. Some people said that s ok
So need trap focus to work?
Hi guys.

I install the latest version of ML and the motion detection doesn't work. When I enabled it my camera start Liveview but there is no red square on the screen.

Any idea about this issue?