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Messages - grusochsten

I'm having some difficulties with HDMI monitor to a Samsung Galaxy A52s phone on the latest build. I'm using a cheap capture card from Amazon.

HD 1080p: Completely black
HD 1080p 30fps: Fully functional*
2.5K centered: Fully functional*
2.5K 1:1: Fully functional*
3K 1:1: Fully functional*
4K: Fully functional*
5K anamorphic: Completely black
5K anamorphic: Completely black
2.8K 1:1: Fully functional*
2.5k centered frtp: Image goes either white/pink or freezes
2.5k centered frtp hdmi: Image goes either white/pink or freezes
2k 1:1: Fully functional*
5k Anamorphic frtp: Image goes either white/pink or freezes

* Framing does not work.

The only way I get any use out of a monitor with the far from optimal gear I'm using now is 2k 1:1. Could it be the capture card or is it perhaps my camera acting up?