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Messages - dromar

Shoot Preparation / Re: EOS 50d H264 frame rates!
November 12, 2018, 08:18:21 PM

registered just to post how I worked around this if some other person in the future is struggling with this. This is Mac/Linux only and very ugly.

Guide to batch conversion for 50D files with wrong fps
1. Download and install ffmpeg and mp4box
2. Open a terminal and change into the directory with the .MOV-files.
3. Paste the whole command below and run it. New .mp4-files will be created with the correct fps.

for file in *.MOV; do ffmpeg -i "$file" -codec copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb "${file%.*}.h264"; done && for file in *.h264; do mp4box -add  "$file":fps=25 -new "${file%.*}_25fps.mp4"; rm "$file"; done

I take no responsibility and you probably want to try it out on some non critical copies first. Also I cant take any fame for the unpacking with ffmpeg and repacking with the mp4box command, as I got them from some other forum long ago, all I did was make them work for batches.