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Messages - vitafab

Hi there,
I'm on 5D MARK III 1.2.3
I've test the 40 fps both on slower CF and SD card but I still got drop frames on H264 . Considerably less then when I'm using a 1000x cf card but still there. Instead on MLV Raw i get 3-4 sec on on Lexar 32GB 1000X and 2-3 sec on Komputerbay 128GB 1000x with a lot of artefacts.
Alex do you have 100% drop free clips when using a slow sd?
Share Your Videos / 5dmarkiii ML Miniatures Spot
March 12, 2013, 02:13:34 PM
Hi check my latest spot. ( - Contest Alitalia)
Shot with Canon 5D mark III with ML alpha 3 , and MX2 Controller.

Vimeo HD link:

Making of:

Hi guys,
i'm currently shooting a movie with the mark iii and a d800.
ML is helping me so much as usual, but one thing that i don't like about the mark iii compare to the d800 is the fact that when you plug an HDMI monitor the picture goes away on the LCD so i need two monitor with a splitter to give the feed to the director. The d800 doesn't have this issue.
Is because of the clean HDMI? there is any chance to have it working in the next 2 weeks?
Thanks again for the amazing work you're guys are doing.
Hi guys,
there any chance to have the hdmi and lcd working at the same time?
Hi guys,
I've test alpha 1 all day long during a wedding reportage and i had no problem with it at all.
It's great to have stuff back as i was used to. I didn't miss much the autoboot since most of the time i left the camera in photo mode with the autopower off. I've update the firmware with no problem except once when battery level was under 17% .
In very low light situation i've use 12800 iso with hard edge focus peacking and it does the job better then the other methods.
Thanks again alex
I'll keep donating
Ok got it working, I'm running on a single SD and everytime that i switch off the camera i have to load back the firmware again.
Is it the same with the two cards method?
Ok got it working, I'm running on a single SD and everytime that i switch off the camera i have to load back the firmware again.
Is it the same with the two cards method?
I guess you'll test same timelapse  ;)
I really miss the intervallometer on the mark iii, hope to get it soon..

Cheers and thanks for everything
Hi a1ex
i'm going to try it now and test it tomorrow on a wedding.
Is it possible to run ML on a sd and still capture video in that card?
Archived porting threads / Re: Canon 5D Mark III
September 11, 2012, 02:14:12 PM
Hi guys,
i've tried my 5d mark iii and i'm very impressed. Of course i'm missing the onscreen info and focus picking a lot but i'm loving the silent control for shutter iso and audio, so i can't wait to see the interaction between ML features and Canons.
When do you think it will be ready for few test?

Archived porting threads / Re: Canon 5D Mark III
September 06, 2012, 11:33:45 AM
Hi guys
My 5d mark iii came yesterday, tomorrow i'll give it the first test shooting a wedding reportage... I really miss all the ML features..
I can't wait to see the first beta vers for this port.
I am up for testing too!!
Great Job, a1ex!
Archived porting threads / Re: Canon 5D Mark III
August 04, 2012, 01:32:06 PM
Hi guys
is there a specific link for 5d mark iii donation?

I'm willing to donate more euros for that  ;)

thanks a lot  :D
Ciao dalla Sicilia
Share Your Videos / MY ML SHOWREEL (
August 02, 2012, 08:45:26 PM
I would like to thanks ML developers for the great work so far. It's amazing how the gave us the opportunity to turn a 550D into a great peace of camera for professional works.
I've used heavily many function in the last year and a half in my daily work in Videoclips, Documentary, Commercial and Wedding Reportage.
During reportage works focus picking, audio levels, histogram, HDR and FSP functions are vital for me and i hope to have ML available soon on my 5d mark iii that i just got, i'll donate more on that for sure.

Here is something that i've done so far using ML and Canon 550D

Italian's Kangaroos (Documetary Trailer)

Elettro Poppe (Videoclip)

Wedding in Panarea (Wedding Reportage)

Alfa Romeo Mito (Backstage)

Luce (Commercial)