Hi man,
While some people still believe Magic Lantern and RAW recording on Canon DSLR cameras is hacky, unproven, and unusable in any type of "production" fashion, I'm here to show you how they aren't. You just need to know what to expect and be slightly prepared.
Here are a few things you can expect when shooting Magic Lantern RAW:
1. You will need a massive amount of hard drive storage on set. Each hour will eat up around ~350-400GBs, depending on the exact resolution & if the sound is recorded. Make sure you have a few HDDs.
2. You should have a DIT on set who does nothing but offload cards and check the MLV files, if the production has the budget or you can wrangle someone to handle this very important task.
3. Each card will only hold between 11-22 min of footage, so you will be switching cards quite a bit. Think of it like you are shooting film, and you have to plan more carefully. It may be a limitation and CAN kill time, but not if you plan around it. Bring a least 3 1066x (or faster) CF cards and\or have an organized and efficient cycle of downloading the CF cards to avoid too much downtime. *Some people swear by 1000x, some by 1066x. Depends on the brand of CF card apparently.
4. While the camera could have the occasional "crash", no need to panic, as cycling the camera on\off or pulling the battery will almost always fix it. Some models (5D Mark II, III) are far more stable than others (7D). This article is written from the perspective of working with the least stable model, and I've had only a few issues.
source from:http://www.cineticstudios.com/blog/2014/08/the-easy-way-to-use-magic-lantern-raw-straight-to-prores.html
good luck
Removed the second link //Audionut
While some people still believe Magic Lantern and RAW recording on Canon DSLR cameras is hacky, unproven, and unusable in any type of "production" fashion, I'm here to show you how they aren't. You just need to know what to expect and be slightly prepared.
Here are a few things you can expect when shooting Magic Lantern RAW:
1. You will need a massive amount of hard drive storage on set. Each hour will eat up around ~350-400GBs, depending on the exact resolution & if the sound is recorded. Make sure you have a few HDDs.
2. You should have a DIT on set who does nothing but offload cards and check the MLV files, if the production has the budget or you can wrangle someone to handle this very important task.
3. Each card will only hold between 11-22 min of footage, so you will be switching cards quite a bit. Think of it like you are shooting film, and you have to plan more carefully. It may be a limitation and CAN kill time, but not if you plan around it. Bring a least 3 1066x (or faster) CF cards and\or have an organized and efficient cycle of downloading the CF cards to avoid too much downtime. *Some people swear by 1000x, some by 1066x. Depends on the brand of CF card apparently.
4. While the camera could have the occasional "crash", no need to panic, as cycling the camera on\off or pulling the battery will almost always fix it. Some models (5D Mark II, III) are far more stable than others (7D). This article is written from the perspective of working with the least stable model, and I've had only a few issues.
source from:http://www.cineticstudios.com/blog/2014/08/the-easy-way-to-use-magic-lantern-raw-straight-to-prores.html
good luck
Removed the second link //Audionut