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Messages - sombree

Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon EOS R / RP
December 29, 2020, 03:36:35 PM
I meant that same mechanical sound is hearable when shooting with normal shutter even in other modes than bulb.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon EOS R / RP
December 29, 2020, 09:52:12 AM
Same mechanical movement is hearable when shooting in M (or any other) mode, yet only in bulb camera errors out :)
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon EOS R / RP
December 28, 2020, 10:11:54 PM
Quote from: coon on December 28, 2020, 06:56:59 PM
Nice finding! It seems we have a first feature for RP :). Usually silent shutter is only possible in SCN mode or when performing a focus bracketing shoot but not in any other modes.
When do you get ERR70 in bulb? Directly after shutter press or when it tries to close the shutter?

Directly after shutter button press although it seems that camera starts taking picture - I can hear lens iris moving and card LED lights up (but no image saved on the card).
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon EOS R / RP
December 27, 2020, 07:32:03 PM
This Canon Basic script enables silent shutter on RP:
private sub Initialize()
end sub

Works in M, Av, Tv and P both in single and continuous modes. Works fine with interval timer. Fails with ERR70 in bulb.
a1ex, is this correct way to load additional binary blob? For example, I want to load "0xFF011868 -> 0x4000     size 0x15F14    at 0xFE0A00DA":
Have you tried adding it to ML_SRC_EXTRA_OBJS in platform/200D.101/Makefile.platform.default? I mean something like this:

        log-d678.o \
        function_overrides.o \

Or you can try adding vram.o to ML_SRC_REBOOT_OBJ in src/Makefile.src:

ML_SRC_REBOOT_OBJ = reboot.o \
disp_direct.o font_direct.o vram.o \
strlen.o strcmp.o gcc-libgcc.a \
cache.o \
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
March 26, 2019, 06:25:23 PM
Yes, it works :)
With default "Hello, World!" text position:

Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 10, 2019, 09:00:56 PM
Proof of concept using code from font_direct.c and disp_direct.c:
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 09, 2019, 12:29:47 PM
C0000000/20000000 with CONFIG_MARK_UNUSED_MEMORY_AT_STARTUP in PLAY mode with overlay - log
0x80000000/0x80000000|0xC700 with CONFIG_MARK_UNUSED_MEMORY_AT_STARTUP in PLAY mode with overlay - log

MEM(0xD2030100) = 2;  /* unsure; 2 or 6 */
MEM(0xD2030104) = 0x20077; /* meaning: we are going to change the bitmap buffer address */
MEM(0xD2030108) =  0x00019018 + offset++; /* address of new bitmap buffer, e.g. "0x00019018 + offset++", or 0x300000, or 0x280000, or 0x2AB000, or something allocated dynamically etc */

gives this when shutter is halfpressed - link to short slow motion clip


        uint32_t * vram1 = (uint32_t *) 0x1901800;
        uint32_t * vram2 = (uint32_t *) 0x1785B00;
        for (int i = 0; i < 540; i++)
            vram1[i + i * 960/2] = 0x46ff465e;
            vram2[i + i * 960/2] = 0x6d216d4b;

gives this - link to the image
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 07, 2019, 09:49:43 PM
Hm, with current tree there is no log when CONFIG_MARK_UNUSED_MEMORY_AT_STARTUP is defined. I double checked with fresh, clean tree.
C0000000/20000000 without CONFIG_MARK_UNUSED_MEMORY_AT_STARTUP defined - log.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 07, 2019, 07:59:05 PM
I have tried logging 0xD2030108 like this:
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 15, "MEM(0xD2030108) =");
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 15, MEM(0xD2030108));
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 15, "MEM(0xD2030108) = %d", MEM(0xD2030108));

but I'm not sure if that worked.

0xC8200008 was logged with this:
static void C8200008_log(int times, int delay)
    for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
        DryosDebugMsg(0, 15, "MEM(0xC8200008) %d / %d = %d", i, times, MEM(0xC8200008));

C8200008_log(100, 20);
I think it worked - you can see C8200008 values in log.

Also I was able to make a full ROM/RAM dump (camera on -> PLAY mode with valid image -> menu) - log.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 06, 2019, 12:04:14 AM
It works too :D
With 0x1234 LiveView (both in photo and video mode) screen flashes green with shutter pressed halfway. After that main screen's background changes from black to last LV frame when shutter is pressed halfway. Also LED blinks as it's supposed to :)
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 05, 2019, 10:12:27 PM
It works :D
from 0xBFE00000, size 0x200000: regular and with exercising
from 0xC0000000, size 0x20000000: regular and with exercising
Btw. camera boots autoexec.bin a little faster than before.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 04, 2019, 05:34:17 PM
0xBFF00000, size 0x100000 - log
Fun fact - with this base and size camera doesn't lock up (i.e. I can take a photo) but main screen doesn't work at all. It's just completely black. Secondary screen still works.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 03, 2019, 01:41:15 PM
After builiding with -O2 (instead of default -Os) I was able to get some partial logs:
from 0xBFE00000, size 0x200000 - log
from 0xA0000000, size 0x40000000 - camera locks up with Err60, no log is saved.

I checked from 0xA0000000, size 0xFFFFFFF - camera doesn't lock up and MMIO log is empty (unused range?).
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 03, 2019, 11:28:18 AM
Few times it didn't work in regular (photo) LiveView - on-screen image was garbled and there was no log. Right now I've tried again and no problem at all, both in photo and video LV (log).
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 02, 2019, 09:58:41 PM
from 0xBFE00000, size 0x200000  - camera locks up with Err70, no log is saved. Edit: sometimes camera locks up with Err70 but led still blinks as it's supposed to.
from 0xEE000000, size 0x1000000 - MMIO log looks empty - log.
from 0xA0000000, size 0x40000000 - camera locks up without any error, no log is saved.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
February 02, 2019, 09:53:50 AM
It worked out of box :D
mmio log without lens
mmio log with lens attached
another one - with a little exercise - took a photo, fiddled with a touchscreen, changed iso etc.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
January 31, 2019, 10:25:25 PM
Yep, no crash, just a little longer camera start up :)
As for CONFIG_80D - you're right, it's defined by the Makefile.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
January 31, 2019, 09:46:29 PM
Log made on latest (a706877) commit: log and log2. I've stressed camera a little bit - start to M mode, fiddle a bit with touchscreen, switch to LV and back, switch to movie mode -> record few secs -> back to photo mode, switch to play mode etc.
Btw. I had to define CONFIG_80D in log-d6.h - it's used in log-d6.c but it's not defined anywhere :)
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
June 03, 2018, 11:42:32 AM
1 - without DBGDSCR
2 - with DBGDSCR
In all cases I removed disable_caches_region1_ram_d6() from reboot.c to speed up dumping process.

3 - with latest changeset (237777f)
4 - with latest changeset and caches disabled
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
June 03, 2018, 10:36:02 AM
I guess timer has 32 bits - it wrapped shortly after 71 minutes - log. Buffer size was set to 320K, init delay to 4380000 (73 minutes).
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
June 02, 2018, 09:40:00 PM
Sure - link.
1 - no lens,
2 - with lens,
both with 0xD400000C.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
June 02, 2018, 09:27:07 PM
Sorry, I forgot to mention - thats because I've changed init delay to 1.5 seconds.
1 - 0xD400000C and 5 sec delay
2 - 0xC0242014 and 5 sec delay
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
June 02, 2018, 08:57:10 PM
1 - 0xD400000C and %08X>
2 - 0xC0242014 and %08X>
Does it mean that old timer register work?

Edit: Link updated (now from latest changeset).