Quote from: bouncyball on May 05, 2017, 09:49:03 AM
Use 'dokanctl.exe' to unmount the drive correctly: dokanctl.exe /u Z (or whatever drive you use)
Here it's location (x64 ver) and usage:Code Select
C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.0.0>dokanctl.exe
Driver path: 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\dokan1.sys'
dokanctl /u MountPoint (/f)
dokanctl /m
dokanctl /i [d||n]
dokanctl /r [d||n]
dokanctl /v
/u M : Unmount M: drive
/u C:\mount\dokan : Unmount mount point C:\mount\dokan
/u 1 : Unmount mount point 1
/u M /f : Force unmount M: drive
/i d : Install driver
/i n : Install network provider
/r d : Remove driver
/r n : Remove network provider
/d [0-9] : Enable Kernel Debug output
/v : Print Dokan version
Let me guess - you used auto or aperture/shutter priority exposure mode.
Thank you for the instruction on unmounting the drive. I did not use any auto exposure mode, it was manual at f4, iso 200 1/60th but I believe I was on auto WB.