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Messages - AndreRodrigues

Quick question:

Should I change my bitrate settings on 70D? The gain is good enought? I use this card:

How much I can go up on 70D? Someone has experience in this?

I was thinking in use CBR just a little higher, like 1.3 or 1.5... Gonna have problems?

Raw Video / Re: Premiere and .RAW from 70D
September 11, 2016, 12:51:21 AM
Ok, found all the workflow. Sorry for the questions... Can delete the topic.
Raw Video / Re: Premiere and .RAW from 70D
September 11, 2016, 12:35:35 AM
Think this is what I`m looking for right? But I work on mac, so what program I can use instead this raw2dng for windows?
Shoot Preparation / Re: Best preset for film look
September 11, 2016, 12:30:16 AM
Just to say, I know is a old topic but maybe can be helpful

The EOS HD launch the C-Log Picture Profile for all canon`s and it is AMAZING.

I don`t use any other PP anymore. Just this one and it`s perfect. And works very good on Low Lights :D
Raw Video / Premiere and .RAW from 70D
September 11, 2016, 12:17:47 AM
So I recorded some shots on my 70D in RAW. But I can`t import the .raw files on premiere. Probably I need some codec or something like that right? What is the correct workflow?
Quote from: OlRivrRat on May 16, 2016, 05:38:38 PM

   1 of the Wizards here will hopefully answer Your question as to if it could ever be doable in M'L'. But in the meantime ~

You can make Limited Alterations to any of the Canon Supplied Pic'Styles Presets in the Canon Menu but you can't Rename them

so you need to Keep Notes or have a Good Memory.

                                 ORR ~ DeanB

Thx man :D I was wondering if I can load more than 3 PP's to the camera :D

Quote from: dmilligan on May 16, 2016, 05:55:21 PM
Believe it or not, the search works pretty well:

Sorry man! You're right, I should used the search. I always complain about people which don't do that, and I did the same now. Sorry.

And thx, that answer my question. Thx a lot.
Anyone can help me with my question? I posted it on the wrong place?
Hi guys!

Anyone knows if there's a way through the ML or maybe another way to put more than 3 user pictures styles on 70D? Perhaps replacing one of the default profiles? Or another solution? Or I only can have 3 user PP's?

Thx a lot!
I like it too... But I saw some comparisons and I think I'll still using my Technocolor CineStyle and ad the Marvel's and the VisionTech. With these u can cover almost any situation.
Guys first of all, thx for the answers. I totally understand the difference between raw and h264... I totally understand there's no magic. I work with this for a long time.

I just want to know the differences between these profiles.

I like CineStyle, I prefer use it and than color grading than use just a default profile or some flat profile configured on the camera. But this is just my opinion.

I really just want to know from people which like use profiles like these, if there's a too big difference between them... Or if I should keep using CineStyle.
Shoot Preparation / Best preset for film look
May 14, 2016, 12:47:01 AM
I work with an Canon 70D and CineStyle...

Now I was looking on the internet and "discover" this other presets like Cineplus, VisionColor and MarevelFilms...

Saw in some old topic here something about these presets and I have two questions:

1 - CineStyle or some other one? Should I buy one of these? They are really better to work?

2 - How they do this presets? There's a Canon software to work on it? If yes, what is the soft? I saw there's something like that and there's some third party soft's too and it's on ly legal sell presets made in the third party soft right?

Tnx for all responses!
Thx for the tip :D
This is my first video with my new camera. I work with video edition for 18 years, but I just started camera now. My first full video is this one and I was without magic lantern. This weekend probably I'll record a new one, now with the ML. So I'll let this one here and we can compare with the next one :D

Peejay, u need put the settings of the camera for audio manual. Probably yours is set to automatic :D

Guys, one question:

I'm using the focus peak with 1% and the zebras at 99%. What u guys normally use?
Guys, tnx for all the tips! It's working and it's AMAZING!

I loved the RGB/W histogram, and zebras and focus peak?! WOW! AMAZING!

Congratz for this incredible job! Waiting for more updates!

Tnx a lot!
Ok, I already installed it. Perfect.

Now another question:

It's not possible work with two cards? Even copying the content of one card to another one, just the first one boot ML menu. So, U can't change cards?
Hehehe so I think its a risk, but not too much :D

I worked with phones for long time, unblocking, jailbreaking and etc... So, I'll try it :D

Tnx for the answer dude!
Guys, quick question:

I want use ML just for the Zebras, focus and RGB waveforms, nothing more.

I'll no use for RAW or nothing like that...

Using like that, what are the risks? Can I really brick the camera or is safe?

Sorry for if this looks like a dumb question.
