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Messages - bombobrudi

Yes, I am using the Beta-2b with fresh formatted card. No problems for me.
hey ho :)
thanks for all your advices... I've reset my cam, did not work, reset cn functions, did not work.
Formatted card, nothing.
Then, after trying out every single option, after enabling red eye reduction it worked again! oO
I could disable it again and it still works for me... Maybe it's just by accident, but it works!!! :))))

Thanks for all your help.
Thanks all for your feedback.
Global Draw is enabled. After 50 info button rotations still no overlay :(

The funny thing is, that now also other (older) ML version don't give me any overlay.
I can open up the ML settings screen but in live view I always ONLY have the canon default overlays :(((
I can cycle the normal canon overlays.

Possible that I bricked the cam in any way?
I will do another test later.

edit: also disabled global draw, saved it and restarted cam, enabled it again and restart. also not working.
Can I supply any log file or something like this?
also not working... I had several problems with the normal overlay coming up here and there in front of ML overlay... very annoying. But now not even a ML overlay anymore.
Hmmm, just went back to ML Beta-1 and it works perfectly. And now back again to Beta-2 no Overlay.
I know the Info cycle. But it is not there  :-[ :-[
Did clean setup.
The ML config screen works via Trash Icon Key works fine, but not the ML live view overlay. I always get the default live view overlay.

See here:

Any idea?
Just downloaded Beta-2, make fresh install. All went well, but there is NO ML overlay anymore, no zebras, no focus peaking, NOTHING ;(
What should I do?