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Messages - gulnaz

how would i know my canon 70D is old ? my serial number is 154056007708
You are right ISO ability in any other mode. Not only this all my raw videos have so much of noise and grains and i could not find any proper solution for that.

Also when i shoot at 1536x968 at 2.50:1 aspect ration and convert raw file using raw2dng the outcome is mostly footages are pink and cut half. When i export raw or ML file directly into premiere it is better than dng result but lots of noise.

I have tried all ways and i guess at this point maybe i have to wait for the stable release for 70D.
I have some problem with magic lantern. I have found that I do not see bitrate (CRB) values in movie section. maybe im missing something.

Also, I shoot in both raw and ML raw format but somehow when I change ISO values nothing happen. to brighten the screen / shot I have to increase EV value but ISO doen't seems to work in my 70D.

Lastely, shooting in RAW/ML format I always have lots of grain and noise in my footage.

please help
I installed magic lantern in my 70D serial number 154045007708. the problem is when ever i go into magic lantern setting page after around 5-8 sec it pulls me out of magic lantern setting page back to camera default page.

also in one of the installation videos referred : at time code 0:35 of the video it shows autoexe.bin (file size = 406912) and ML70D111.FIR (filesize 235676) where as the downloaded version file size is 448KB and 29KB respectively.

Is there any file that is not mentioned or is it suppose to be that much of size ?