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Messages - ferrocium

So... after reading more threads on this forum and discovering how the ML community works I realize just how noob my request was to show me how to install silent full-res raw for my 60D camera.  I see that there are many noobs on here with many requests.  Forgive me, I won't be offended if nobody shows me how to implement this.

But if someone is willing to show me how and where to get the compiled file working on my camera I would do my best to provide useful feedback to help the progress of this awesome module.  I'm in the process of reading the "Want to help with the latest development but don't know how to compile?" thread.  There should be a thread titled "How to provide useful testing feedback to developers", but I couldn't find anything like that.

+1 Vote from me for getting silent/full-res/raw save working well enough to place into nightly builds ASAP.  It would be the best thing that has happened to timelapse junkies since the intervalometer!
Yeah, I have the external battery grip, but when I'm miles out on a backpacking trip shoot it is easy to run out of battery and be out of luck.  Also don't want to carry too much weight.
Thank you for your helpful reply.  So it looks like the ML install procedure has changed in the last few months from what it used to be.  Watching a few months old tutorial on youtube it looks like not too long ago the ML website had a "stable release" that had support for all the cameras to download first, and then you would have to replace files with nightly builds to get the nightlies to work properly no matter what camera you were using.
Now, you choose what camera you have from the downloads tab and follow the instructions for your specific camera.  As you state, some cameras can direclty download the ML / nightlies while some others look like they still require a "stable release" ML version first.  I see that on the 550D, and 600D pages, they instruct that you must install the stable release first, as you mentioned.

Let me know if I got this right.
Thanks again.
Thank you for your quick reply.  To clarify, I am wondering if the camera can take a large enough picture in raw using silent mode to make a 4k timelapse video (3840 x 2160 pixels).  It looks like, judging from the max video resolutions chart link you gave, that regular silent mode is not enough and I would need to somehow get full-res silent mode to work on my camera to get shots large enough for 4k TL video.  From the info you gave it also looks like full-res silent mode opens up longer exposure times too  :)

I mainly work with night sky and landscape timelapse.  Over time I take a lot of photos and would like to extend the life of my shutter / mirror mechanism.  Also, I don't want the camera working to convert raw to DNG because it puts further drain on the battery.  I need to squeeze out all the battery time I can get for timelapse especially if I have to use live mode for the shots.
That being said, it looks like the full-res / save in raw mod would be perfect for what I need.  I just need to figure out how to get it on my camera card.

For night time timelapses using AETTR the shutter speed would never get faster than 1/10" so ETTR should work for the night shots right?  I'm wanting to transition from day (sundown time) to night stars.
So forgive me for being a noob, but I have some noob questions that need to be clarified for me and other noobs apparently. :-[  After reading through this thread about nightly builds I am confused as to the proper installation proceedure for ML. 
The moderators on this thread have said several times that the proper installation proceedure is to install a "stable release" first, but there is no "stable release" to install first before installing nightly builds that I can find anywhere on ML.
On the ML website after clicking on the downloads tab the only option to click on is "browse nightly builds" then, it asks you to pick the correct camera, after that the only option is to install the latest nightly build (currently:

I installed ML(nightly builds) this way on my 60D card about a month ago and have had no problems. 

So my question is:  Since this seems to be the only option, is this now the proper proceedure for installing ML on our Canon cameras now?  Am I missing something?  Is it no longer necessary to install a "stable release" first to avoid stability issues?

Any help from moderators would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance and I apologize if this has been covered already, I just don't want to brick my camera because of my own ignorance.  You are all doing a wonderful job!
So I'm totally new to this forum and pretty new to ML.  I just want to say to all the ML developers...YOU GUYS ROCK... ML makes the Canon cameras soooo much better.  I've been using it on my 60D for over a month now and I'm loving all the features (I can basically trash my plug-in intervalometer beast :).
As I said, I'm a total noob to this forum so I don't know how to find info very well on here yet, or how to put new build modules onto my card.
I'm a timelapse junkie but I don't want to wear my camera out and this silent shooting thing in full res raw looks like the perfect solution. 
I see that you guys have it working for the 60D, but at the beginning of this post is says that this module will not work with the regular nightly build install. And then I saw some technical talk about having to "change the whole branch file".
Are you guys able to help a programming-ignorant dummy out and give me a step by step how-to guide so I can get silent shooting to work and save files as raw (CR2 im guessing) on my camera.
Also, I tried shooting in silent mode and it's saving pictures as DNG, but when I open the DNG file in PS Elements 10 all I see is a black image with red letters on top that says the file name (ex. 001.dng).
Just a few more quick questions:
What size raw file can it capture in silent mode? Largest?
Whats the longest exposure time in silent mode?
Will silent raw capture work with bracketing and ettr?

Can it damage the camera to have the mirro/shutter open for that long? Bad to point it at bright light?

I apologize if all of this is redundant for what may have already been covered somewhere.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you all in advance.

Edit: I fixed the black image issue in PS Elements for DNG but I'm still very interested in getting the pictures to save in full res / raw format in silent mode.