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Messages - plocploc

I didn't know about firmware... Can't find that for my card reader...
Thank you.
I'm afraid there's no driver for that reader...
I'll try an other one...
that's a little boring...
No, I couldn't copy the firmwarre.
I changed it with Eos Utility...
I already have a 7D
I've downgraded the firmware to 2.0.3
But I can't copy ML files into my CF Card... Error -36... I've tried many ways (dot_clean etc...) but still doesn't work
So I'm stuck...
Thanks for helping
General Help Q&A / I can't install ML on my CF card
June 12, 2014, 08:36:47 PM
Hello everybody

I have a 7D and I wanted to try the nightly built.

So I've downgraded my firmware to 2.0.3 (by the way,is it safe ?)

But when I put a CF (Sandisk Extreme) in my card reader I can't copy the ML files... Error -36 is always mentionned and the process is interrupted !

What shall I do ? Does anyone got a solution ? Any help would be very nice. Thanks
Thanks Walter

I'll downgrade the firmware... as soon as I fix the error36
It's a common one, sure of that, but the usual solution (terminal > "dot_clean ") is not working
Still searching

I'm new here but hope this is the good place to ask.

I wanted to try ML with my 7D so I've dowloaded the lastest version of the nightybuild. But I can't copy the ML files into my CF card. Each time i'm trying to do this, it's a crash : "The Finder can't complete the operation because some data can't be read or written.(Error code -36)"

I'm quite sure to follow the installation guide

The firmware of my 7D is 2,0,5 (and not 2,0,3)... does that matter ?

Thanks for your help