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Messages - RWBrooks

Hello everyone,
Here's a short film I put together for a local dive shop. Everything but the aerials was shot using the 5D3 and ML combo.


Thanks Simonwb.
After shooting Raw for a while I don't want to go back to anything less.

Hi, this is a recent compilation of clips from the 5D3/ML combo.
Filmed in Palau using the 16-35 and 100mm lenses.


Richard Brooks

Media Producer-Palau
Duplicate Questions / Re: 2-3k footage without crop
October 05, 2014, 10:29:16 AM
That's a real shame, surely the path to UHD frame sizes can be activated so the original focal length of the lens is maintained? It's great for telephoto applications but for wide angle no use....
This would be the icing on the already very nice cake of ML

Duplicate Questions / 2-3k footage without crop
September 30, 2014, 05:02:15 AM
Hi, I'm searching for an answer but can't find it: I want to film 2k footage on my 5D3 but without the camera zooming in. Is there any way to get this without changing the effective focal length of the lens? 2.4k footage using a wide lens and still getting a wide image?

Share Your Videos / Underwater 5D3
September 17, 2014, 03:33:44 PM
Hi here's a teaser clip from a new film I'm working on using the 5D3 and ML.

Is fragmenting the card an issue? Does it slow things down? I have problems writing to a 1066x 128GB Lexar sometimes. I have to take a burst of photos or work my way up to 1920x1080 footage with smaller resolutions before the card starts writing at 90MB/s...Is that linked?
Thanks Alex I'll give it a go.
Hi, I came across the rack focus part of the menu and have been trying to get it to work for me with very limited success. Sometimes the camera will do what I want, i.e pull focus fro start point to end point but not always....but above all I am unable to get the camera to record anything whilst it's doing that.
What am I missing?
Please help as this is a really nice feature and I'd love to be able to incorporate it into my films.

Thank you!
Firstly thank you so much for this incredible gift that is opening up an already great camera. I really am impressed!
I use Manual White Balance a lot when shooting and need to be able to adjust it as quickly as possible. I have found the route that gives a fairly fast adjustment here:
Set WB to Manual using WB button on camera
With the camera in Liveview access ML menu Expo/White Balance/press Q/Auto adjust Kelvin and G/M.
Is there any way to shorten this so that a single button push will fast track through this process?

Many thanks
